Meeting my sister and her friend

Darren Keita Sato

OOC First Name
The young lad walk by him self with a chocolate frog on his hand. He then sat on the ground while opening the box, as soon as the box was opened the frog then ran away, he chased the frog and smashed it with his hand. All of his hand was covered by chocolate. Keita licked his hand and opened the bottle of water in his bag and poured the water to his hand. He wiped his wet hand to his clothes and put the bottle back in bag.
The lad then starts walking towards random direction see if there's somebody he could talk to. It'll be nice if he meet someone on his age and play together with them. But adults are also okay.
Keita then grabbed his toy compass and fake wand and start walking while making noise.
"dededededede" The boy said while walking.
He looks cute when he does that. Her sister always hug him whenever he does that. He's just adorable and nobody could resist that.
He then stop in front of a store looking at the stuff inside. And lean to the glass while looking towards the crowd with his small eyes wide open and a smile on his face.
Lyra walk there with a friend of hers searching for her brother. She then saw a little dwarf... I mean human being that was playing with his fake wand making wierd noises. He should be Kei kun nobody else would do that except him. She walk towards him and kneel down "Kei Kun" Lyra smile hugging her brother. "Meet my friend, Riley" She smiles at her brother who is growing to be a gentleman.
Riley was walking along with Lyra, looking for Lyra's brother.
Lyra stopped, and knelt down beside the cutest little boy Riley had ever seen. She squealed.
"Hi! I'm Riley! Awh, you are so cute! Look at you, with your wand!" Riley squealed again.
"I want to buy you a present. Honestly. I want a hug."
Riley looked at Lyra.
"Oh I'm sorry. I love cute things. I really do." Riley grinned.
"Not that he's a thing." She looked at him. "He's a cute little boy!!"
Keita get that a lot, many people squeal after seeing him playing like an idiot with his fake wand. He smiles looking at her sister's friend who seems to be taller. He gently took her her and kissed it like Lyra's ex-boyfriend used to do to her. "I'm Darren Keita Sato. You can call me Darren/ Keita/ whatever you please" He smile looking at Riley.
He look at her and starting to like her even more he then hugged her since she wanted a hug from him "I like you" He grinned with his with teeth wide open wanting to be carried. "You like my wand?" He started playing with it making wierd sounds. "I could give you one, I have 3 of these back in my house" The boy said innocently looking at Riley straight in the eyes
Darren Keita kissed her. She was overwhelmed with squeals. He hugged her, and she squeezed him back.
"I like you too!" Riley exclaimed. Riley watched Darren play with his wand. She grinned as he offered her a fake wand. "Oh yes please!" Riley widely smiled. Riley stared straight back in Darren's eyes. "Do you want to lead the way?" Riley questioned Darren, and looked at Lyra, making sure it's okay.
Without waiting Keita's sister, he grab Riley's hand and pull her to their house. He didn't really care what his sister would say. He believe that she wouldn't mind and would let her friends come over. After walking for 15 minutes, Keita whined. "Onee san!! Carry me" He walk towards his sister jumping in front of her. He never really like walking, he could see his sister rolled her eyes. Soon he was picked up by her and he was pleased that she would do that. He's not that heavy anyway. As they walk for several more minutes, a house appear in front of them. "Welcome" He smile as he jumped down opening the door.
Lyra rolled her eyes looking at her over acting baby brother. She nodded at Riley signing that it's alright to come to her house. Of course why not? Everyone's invited anytime she thought her self. Then after several minutes walking, typical Kei kun wanted to be carry. He's now a little heavier than he used to. Not long enough they've arrive in the house of the Sato. As Kei kun open the door, Lyra and Riley came in and she ran to the kitchen. "What would you like to drink?" Lyra shouted from the kitchen trying to find something warm. "Kei kun! Turn on the fireplace!" Lyra shouted at her brother.
Riley was amazed with the house. It was stunning. And she let Lyra know.
"Lyra, this house is just. . .wow! So amazing. I love it! It's so nice!" Riley said enthusiastically. She watched Darren run into the house, and followed Lyra in.
"Umm, water should suit me fine thanks!" Riley yelling back to Lyra. She stood there, rooted on the spot, staring around the house. Riley doesn't have a small house, but it is nothing compared to this house.
"Lyra I really love your house!" She shouted out to Lyra.
Lyra walk towards the kitchen grabbing a water on her hand. "Thanks" She shouted.
She then walk towards the living room handing Riley the water on her hand.
"So where do you live? Around here?" She asked smiling and then turned to her brother "Kei kun go get your fake wand and stop disturbing me" She pushed her brother so that her brother wont bother her.
"Hey you sure you don't want tea? Or coffee? Or anything warm? Just water?" She asked her.
"Actually, I don't live too far from here. It's about a twenty minute walk, I think." Riley stopped and thought for a moment.
"And now that you mention it. . .I would really love some tea." Riley grinned. "I love tea."
"Hey, where are your parents? What do they do? You mentioned that they work all the time. My dad's a healer. That's the whole reason we moved to New Zealand! Dad got a cool opportunity over here. How come you all moved here?" Riley paused, and looked around the house once again, wondering where her new, favourite little boy had gotten to.
Lyra then took the snack beside her as she opened it and offered it to Riley. "What kind of tea? English? Japanese? Or...?" There were too many kind of tea altho she prefer English tea. Lyra had never been a big fan of tea, she had loved juice tho.
"My parents? To be honest I don't know"
She giggle. "I don't really care about their career actually. I think they're teachers in a school" The question did open Lyra's eyes. She then began wondering what her parents were doing in New Zealand and what school did they teach.
"Kei kun! Hayaku, hayaku!" She shouted in Japanese which meant Hurry up.
Darren rushed to his room finding the fake wand. He had been struggling finding it since most were black but he had a pink one. He wanted to give her the pink wand but he couldn't remember where he put it. He duck into his toy box as he toss his toys everywhere around the room. It was a mess and he didn't like cleaning messes.

In a minute, onee san shouted telling him to hurry up. "Wait a minute!" He shouted from his room, then in a minute he could hear his sister shouted again. In the name of Merlin, does she not understand English? "Chotto matte kudasai!" He yelled from his room (it meant wait a minute by the way). A pink fake wand then appear on his hand. He went down rushing as he walk towards onee san's friend. "Here's for you" He handed it to her smiling.
"Definitely English tea please!" Riley grinned. Riley listened as Lyra said that she didn't really care about her parent's jobs, and was a little bit shocked by it, but she rolled it off.
The next moment, Darren appeared by Riley, holding a fake pink wand. Riley's smile grew. She laughed a little, and pulled Darren into a hug.
"Oh Darren, thank you so much!" Riley exclaimed. "I love it!" Riley started to twirl her new pink wand, then pointed it at Darren, in a duel stance.
"You, little sir, are going down."
Darren was quiet surprise as he look at Riley who was going to play with him, a smirk appear on his face as he began to point his fake wand at her. "Oh no my lady perhaps you are going down" Many people were amuse with Darren's language, he was raised to be a gentleman and that was why he could speak like adults. He had been influenced by his father and his father's friend. He pointed at Riley in circle. "Who do you think I am?" He look at her pretending to act like his father. "Brace your self" He smirk "Stupfey!!!" He shouted as he began to laugh. He had love pretending to duel against each other.
Riley laughed, and pretended to get hit by the spell. She fell to the ground.
"Oh no!" She cried, laughing. "You've hit me!"
Riley rolled up to standing position.
She narrowed her eyes at Darren. "Expelliarmus!" She half yelled, half laughed.
"Protego!" Darren shouted and pointed his fake wand to Riley. He jumped to the couch and he was unstable, he accidentally sat on his sister's head. "Sorry" He muttered as he jumped around the house. "Any last word, miss?" He pointed his fake wand at her "Incendio!" Darren had been reading about spells since he was little, so that was why he knew them very well. He then laugh uncomfortably as he look at her, he loved playing these kind of games. Too bad Lyra didn't like it that much.

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