Meeting her step sister.

Sophia Bresilley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Zascha looked at her phone and read the text from Sophia. Shock horror that Zascha was being ordered round like a maid. She wished she could find her parents and get out of the pit which she was forced to call home. She didn't like the snobbyness of any of the Bresilley's just because they had more money than other people. It was like they were muggle versions of Slytherins. She shook her head and put her phone back in her pocket, completely ignoring the text. She then continued to walk along the path in Brightstone. She didn't know where she was going or why, she was just walking.
Caysi was reading the news paper at her house. She was so bored, she really needed a walk. Caysi put on her coat and apparated to Brightstone, it was a fresh, brisk day. Caysi made her way around until she saw a girl accidentally drop her phone, Caysi picked it up. " Excuse me, you lost your phone." She said, but the girl didn't look. Now the phone was ringing. Cr@p. Caysi ran towards the girl. " Excuse me, you.. dropped your phone." She said out of breath handing the phone over to the girl.
Zascha turned around when she heard someone. She hadn't noticed her phone fall out her pocket. "Thanks." She looked at the caller ID and groaned. In her french accent, she answered the phone. "Sophia, go away. I'm busy." And she hung up. She knew she was going to get punished by Pascal for what she had just done but she didn't care. She wanted to enjoy the Brightstone atmosphere. "Thanks, again." She smiled at the older girl stood in front of her.
Caysi smiled, until she heard the word Sophia. " No problem, umm, I know that this may seem odd but was that a girl by the name of Sophia Bresilley?" She asked this girl. Caysi hated Sophia with a passion, she tried to ruin everything with her and Jason.
"Yeah." Zascha didn't know how this girl knew Sophia. "She's my step sister-unfortunately." She shrugged and smiled again. "How do you know her?? I thought she usually stuck to the male species." Zascha had always considered boys to be of a different species as she didn't understand them.
Oh dear, was Caysi's first thought. " Well, she does stick to them actually." She sighed. " I don't know if you know about a Jason?" She asked her. " But that's my fiance and Sophia is literally obsessed with him, and honestly won't leave him alone." Caysi said. " She won't leave me alone either, sending me hate mail and what not, I feel sorry for you." Caysi said sighing.
"I tend to keep out of Sophia's love life. It's bad enough that I hear it from downstairs when she doesn't realise I'm in the house." She shook her head. "I've lost count of the amount of guys she's brought back. I'm surprised she's not been pregnant yet." Zascha laughed. She knew Sophia would hate that because it would ruin her figure and give her stretch marks. "I think she's a complete b!tch for trying to take your fiance away from you though. She has enough boys. It's not like one will make much of a difference."
Caysi nodded. " She's really young too, I don't see how she can just do these things." She sighed. " It's horrible to hear that." She shook her head. " I'm Caysi Finnigan, you might've hear her curse my name a few times." She laughed. " I honestly think that there's other fish in the sea and she needs to find a different one, because he's not a fish.. he's a shark when he's angry." She laughed.
"I think I have heard your name actually, strangely enough." Zascha laughed. "I'm Zascha Bresilley." She grinned. "She gets plenty of fish. She doesn't need sharks. Seriously, if she goes to their houses as much as they come to ours then she has to be going four or five times a week at least."
Caysi laughed. " I wouldn't put it past her, I'm sorry but I really don't like her." She shrugged. " One day, I think she's going to get pregnant.." She said shaking her head. " Do you know when this all started, with her doing all of this?" She asked Zascha.
"She's always been a flirt with the guys." Zascha shrugged. "The rest of it started about two years ago. It's never stopped since. She always gets her parents out the house so she can bring someone back and then she makes sure the bloke is out of the house before they get back. Problem is, if I tell Pascal or Jeanne-Claire, they'll just think I'm being jealous and force me to do more chores."
Caysi sighed. " She's going to get herself into big trouble one day." She said. " That's absoloutley awful, I'm really sorry that you have to go through that." She sighed. "I don't think that she gets the concept of a relationship." She shook her head.
"Don't be sorry. I don't really know any other way of living." Zascha shrugged they adopted me when I was three and it all started practically straight away. My step dad thinks I'm being jealous everytime I tell him any thing about Sophia's secret life."
Caysi nodded. " That's true, I can understand that." She sighed. " So it's just you and her sometimes? How is that?" She asked Zascha.

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