Meeting a friend

Sapphire Bookchild

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V.
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Sapphire was in Obsidian Harbor again this time with a more defended purpose. She had managed to convince her adoptive mother to let her come after a while though she didn’t really know why Dympna said yes. She couldn’t lie and say that she wanted to visit Jade again. Dympna would know that she was lying. The punishment for lying was worse than death. Sapphire shivered a bit even though it was summer here. She pulled on the sleeve of her dress and hoped that Oscar was here. He had been so nice to her that she couldn’t help but want to be around him.

Sapphire also hoped that he brought his bike. She knew that if Dympna caught her on such a muggle contraption that she would be having a talk with Phobos sometime soon after. Even though it scared her half to death Sapphire wanted to ride again. She wanted to know what it was like to fly without a broom. She wanted to know what it was like to fly with a broom too. Since Zeal would not be going to Hogwarts that same year she could practice flying at school without being afraid of being knocked out of the sky. She sat on a bench and looked around. She hoped that Oscare would be here.

Oscar had spent the day trailing after Lily, Carrying her bags and telling her she looked good in whatever she was trying on. It fustrated Oscar, all this stupid shopping. It was weighing down his bike, and he was growing bored. So when Lily had said that she wanted to go into a store herself, he had gladly handed over all the bags and ridden away before she could've changed her mind. Oscar had met a few people since the last time, he had been in the wizarding places. He had also managed to get a black eye. The reasons for this were twofold. 1, Lily had dragged him back to the dance school that morning so she could say hello to a few teachers, and even though the b!tch knew how much Oscar hated the place had sent him to the place where all the older boys practiced and 2, being an awful dancer, with a vacant stare, lead to violence in most cases. There was the throwing of meaningless words, and when Oscar had spoken back, a punch.

Oscar had been trying to stop this, talking back, but at times, words just slipped. Oscar rode hard around and around the streets of Obsidian. He wondered if he would see Sapphire again. She was an odd girl, that Oscar thought would be good to be friends with. It was easy with her. Just as he rode, he noticed her sitting there on a bench. Oscar braked suddenly almost sending himself over the handlebars of the bike. He pushed the small strands of his dark brown hair, which had fallen in front of his face, just before getting off the bike. Oscar waved to Sapphire. Before walking, while pushing the bike over to her. He wondered if she wanted to ride again, she had enjoyed it so much the last time. He looked at the bike, then Sapphire. Titling his head as if asking if she wanted to have a go.
Sapphire noticed someone coming on a bike and smiled. There where few around Wizarding placed that used bikes so to see someone ride she knew could only be one person. She got up walked over to Oscar with a big smile on her face. It was one of the few that she showed. She had a feeling that she would be smiling a lot more out side of the big house. She had head the news before. There would be more children coming into the big house. She felt sorry for them but she was about to get out, for a while at lease. Jade and Jasper had already escaped somewhat and where at thier rispective schools. Sapphire couldn't wait for Hogwarts. She nodded when he asked her if she wanted to ride.

Thank you Sapphire signed then waited. Would they be riding together or would she be riding on her own again with him holding on to the back? She tilted her head in questioning. It was nice that she didn't really need to speack around Oscare because since the last time it seemed like he knew what she was talking about even though she hadn't said a word. She wondered for a moment if he knew Occumancy but then shook the thought out of her head. One didn't learn that skill until one was older. She went over the spells that Dympna had tried to teach her. She wasn't as magicly powerful as Zeal was so she always failed. Sapphire hoped that she would get better when she went to Hogwars but for now she wanted to enjoy the day with a good friend.

Oscar wondered how Sapphire wanted to do this. Would she want him to hold on like last time. Or would she want to just get onto it. Oscar noticed her tilt her head, and he figured she had just asked him the same thing. While Oscar did find it easy to understand Sapphire, it was sometimes a little hard to really understand. He began to wonder if there would be a way for in the future for them to communicate without speaking properly. he thought about learning sign language, but he thought it may be a bit difficult for him to do so. Oscar, realised that he had been silent for a little while and it might seem like he didn't understand what Sapphire was saying, so while he also didn't want to talk, knew it would better if he did. It would get confusing for him.

"I'll hold on first, and this time, I'll let go. But, I'll be right beside you, if anything happens. You can trust me." Oscar said. Moving out the way of the bike to let Sapphire get on. He was glad to see his friend again.

[Sorry for lameness, brain, completely frazzled]
Sapphire nodded. She had trusted Oscar with her voice once, could she do it again? Maybe later on when they where in the presence of other people and she didn’t want to talk to them. Sapphire hopped on the bike more quickly than she had done before. Sapphire was a small girl but she was just the right height for the bike. She wondered if she really needed Oscar’s help all that badly or if she just wanted to attention. She didn’t get a lot of it at home except for Phobos whose attention she didn’t want.

Sapphire looked back at Oscar with the brightest smile on her face. There was so much she wanted to tell him about the big house where she grew up about her brothers and sisters but none of the words came except she maybe would sign that the house was getting new children but for now riding would be in order it was one thing that made her feel like maybe she did have control over herself.
Zeal was standing behind a big tree, he was watching his sister being happy and felt that she was not deserving of happiness. He could also see that she was about to let out a small laugh for the first time in a long time. He wanted her to cry like a weeping willow on a river bank or a girl being whipped by the willow. He called out to her " here kitty kitty, i know what games you are playing. no boy will ever want you." he could almost see her becoming unstable on the bike.

Oscar smiled at the girl too as she got upon the bike. He had to say that for someone who didn't speak around him she was pretty confident. Oscar didn't mind the no speaking part. It was good. He held the bike steady as she was on it. "Ready?" Oscar asked, before lightly pushing the bike forward. After a few moments he let go and let the girl ride alone. It made him smile, thinking that he was helping someone learn to ride a bike. Of course since it was Sapphire Oscar was jogging beside the bike, ready to grab it if either the bike of Sapphire began to fall.

"Well done Sapphire, you're doing fantastically. You're a natural." Encouraged Oscar.

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