Meeting a familiar stranger

Jerrod Green

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
14.5" walnut with essence of vampire blood
Jerrod had been looking for his sister. Once again she had gone to Obsidian while he was still asleep. He couldn't understand why she liked going there so much. It was broing and horrible and there were too many people.
He sat down on a bench and decided to wait for her to turn up. He didn't know how long it would take but he really hoped no one tried to talk to him.
Sasha was out in town celebrating, her and Alice had won the competition and blown away the judges with their goodbye dance. She was listening to their victory song while bouncing down the street, three bags of clothes in each hand. She had convinced her daddy to lend her hish credit card for shopping purposes.
Sasha decided to take a break from walking arund and sit on a bench. She didn't look where she was sitting. The girl jumped up and dropped her bags when she accidently sat on a boy, she turned to apologise and her eyebrows hit the roof (not literally). This boy was cute. "Sorry for sitting on you, must say, you are comfy though." She picked up her bags and put them on the banch, next to where she sat. Not on the poor boy this time.
Jerrod had been looking down the street for Ang when he felt someone sit on him. He looked at the girl disgusted. She apologised and sat next to him.
"Great. Now I'm going to have to persuade my mum to use a majorly good cleaning spell to get the horrible germs off my clothes." Jerrod frowned wishing Angelica would hurry up and show herself
Sasha raised her eyebrows at the rudeness of the boy, he looked around her age, maybe a year younger. "Look mate, you don't wanna get on my bad side. It ain't pretty." She glared at him and stood up, towering over the boy as she was tall for her age. "You be nice or I'll make you."
Jerrod stood up. "I may be shorter than you, but don't underestimate me. I've grown up with seven older brothers. Just because I'm smaller, doesn't mean I'm not loads stronger." Jerrod was truly strong. He had lived with his brothers and cousins and always wrestled with them for fun.
Sasha laughed at his attempt to scare her with strength. "How about I put it this way. Who's going to take notice of a girl hitting a boy? It'll just look like playful fighting, but a boy beating up a girl? That's completely different story. That's bullying and I can make sure you get in trouble. So watch what you say." She smirked and crossed her arms, the boy was cute and feisty, if only he would be on her side maybe she would like him.
Angelica walked up the street with a bag in one hand. She saw her brother up ahead with a girl. When she got closer she recognised who the girl was. She ran over to the two of them. "Sasha! How are you I haven't seen you in ages." To Angelica an hour was a long time to not see someone. She saw the look on her brothers face. "What have you been doing this time. In fact, I don't think I want to know." She turned back to Sasha. "So now you've met my brother, Jerrod. As you can see, I am the more sociable of the two of us." She grinned then smirked at her JD.
Sasha left the mean posture behind when one of her latest friends ran up to her. "Angie! I'm alright, been shopping. Me and Alice won the competition." She grinned, slightly confused by the way she addressed this boy but understood when it was explained. "Oh, I see what you mean. He was threatening me with his strength." She laughed at the thought, and the look on his face.
"Damn right I was. When someone sits on you what do you expect??" Jerrod turned to his sister and hugged her. "What took you so long. I've been waiting for you for way too long." Jerrod had never been the most patient of people in the world. "Seeing as you're my sisters friend, I'll give you a second chance. Don't make me regret my decision."
Sasha laughed at his tone and speech. She just couldn't help it. "Normally I'd have a go at you for that but you're kinda cute so I'll leave it." She grinned widely and turned to Angelica. "Sorry if you take offense by that BTW." She laughed again. "What have you bought then?" She decided to completely ignore the boy, Jerrod, unless he spoke to her first.
Ang giggled. "I'm not taking any offense. I just don't see how you think he's cute." She stared at the frown on Jerrod's face. "I've got some new trousers. I've been saving up for these for so long. They are really nice." Ang pulled a pair of jeans out of the bag.
Sasha smiled widely at the topic of trousers, and even wider when they were shown. "O.M.G. Those are, like, so cute. Actually.." She thought for a second before opening one of her bags, the closest one to Jerrod, and pulled out a pair of similar, but larger, jeans. "I guess great minds think alike." She laughed.
Jerrod stared at both of the girls. "I will never understand how girls can talk so much about clothes. There's good clothes and bad clothes. What else is there to say??" JD had listened to lots of cnversations hat his sister had with one of his cousins and he never understood most of what they said.
Sasha turned to Jerrod, hand on hips, ready to explain. "There's more than just good and bad. There's cute, sexy, comfy, hot, normal. There's also, so bad it's good, slightly wrong, shameful catasrophic and just plain wrong. All clothes will fit into one of these, the talking is about what goes where. I can show you most of the good catagory in my six bags there now." She smirked, an amused one not an unkind one, and turned back to Angie. "When will boys learn hhuh?"
Sasha narrowed her eyes at him. she took a step forward. "You will pay for that." She waited for his reply before smirking and licking her thumb.
Sasha licked the other thimb to and stepped up close to him. They were close enough to feel each others breath. She took her left thumb and moved it from his forehead, along his nose, and down to his chin before taking the other one, also covered in her slobber, and moving it from one cheekbone to the other, across his nose. "You don't zone out when I speak to you, or I be forced to wake you up." She smirked and moved out of his personal space bubble.
Jerrod jumped back and rubbed his face really hard with jacket sleeves. "That is so grose." Jerrod carried on rubbing and stood next to his sister. "I actually feel like I'm about to puke."
Sasha laughed and took his seat, her legs hurt from the day shopping. "Well then, you won't be a good snogger will you." She spoke sarcastically and streched across the bench. "Angie, i don't think your brother likes my present."
Ang laughed at Sasha and sat next to her. "I don't think he ever has snogged anyone." Then she looked at the pale loo on her brothers face. He had always been good at faking illness so she no longer payed attention. "Believe me, that's nothing."
Sasha giggled at Angie before an idea struck her. "O.M.G. Let's go shopping, there were these really cute shoes I saw but I wasn't sure, now I'm definate. " She was planning on spending all of her dad's money, or, at least, make a dent in it.
"Merlin's beard, there's still shoes left to buy. I thought you'd already bought all the shops out in those six bags." Jerrod grinned. He thought his try at being kind was quite good.
Sasha snorted. "Hunny, these are just the clothes i bought from one shop." She smirked at him before laughing, it always amazed her how boys underestimatd shopping skills. "I haven't even hit the shoe shops yet."

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