Meet the Sister

Anastasia Katsaros

don't touch me or he'll kill you
Relationship Status
Poplar/Cryprus wand 13 1/2" essence of Boomslang Venom
Arriving at a club, which was closed except for pure-bloods only, Anastasia Katsaros heard wind that someone she was looking for would be found here. While she wasn't exactly looking for her baby brother, she did, on the other hand, wanted to meet with the wife. From what she was told, she was a Zhefarovich. That alone spoke of what family Drakon managed to weasle into. Smart, considering that meant she could not finish the job that she set out to do years ago. She only meant to leave two of her siblings alive, not multiple. However, Drakon managed to get into a family that would kill her if he was killed by her. Anastasia had to give him credit for suriviving her pursuit after all this time, even though she did not even try after Hades left her for a second time. Anastasia was still bitter about that, but she had her four children, and looked after them from afar. It made her proud that they proved to be just as lethal as the parents combined. Not much could be said about the other ones that Hades had. She had not met them but heard some things by her youngest, Legion.

Anastasia approached the bar, and asked in a quiet, hushed tone, while slipping a few galleons across the counter. "Has someone checked by here, with the surname Zhefarovich?" The bartender pointed her to a female that was sitting alone. Anastasia did not thank him, but turned and headed in that direction. Anastasia found one. The features should have been a dead ringer. Gorgeous, proud, all of that just screamed Zhefarovich. Anastasia approached the young woman, before she stated in a cool tone, "I was wondering if you knew someone who would know of a boy married into the family. Drakon Katsaros was his birthname." If she could find her brother, she could find the one he married and see why anyone would want that brat.
Every now and then Athena needed a night on the town. It wasn't that she didn't love her husband or son. She did. Very much so. It was just that she needed space, time to be in her own head, even though it wasn't always the safest of destinations. Athena had always been more quiet, more pensive, more sensitive even than her siblings, and that hadn't changed. She knew it never would. It was a part of her that her family accepted, and she was happy that Drakon seemed to as well. At least she hoped he did. She'd been at the bar for nearly an hour, her second drink halfway done in front of her as she passed the time watching others who came to the bar and those who moved around her. She recognized a few, but no one well enough that they'd come up to her to converse. At least not until she had noticed the bartender point in her direction and a woman make her way over.

Athena pretended that she hadn't noticed any of it, crossing one leg over the other and then looking up as the woman spoke. The first thing she noted was that she was tall. Athena knew this woman would have a few inches on her if she stood up, and that hardly ever happened. The second thing she noticed was that the woman had several years on her as well. It was curious that the woman was asking about her husband. Athena didn't like that. Not at all. She wasn't too worried that she was about to hear about an affair. Athena was certain her husband was happy with her, satisfied in all aspects of their life. She wondered if it had to do with the darker aspects of their life, the Scitorari. Athena hoped not because this woman already had his name. It wouldn't take her long to track him to their door. Athena knew it was risky of them, but dammit she thought Drakon had at least been safe. Trying to to keep her face neutral, not wanting to give anything away, Athena played with the water droplets on the side of her glass. "No" she replied, the briefest of words. She followed it up with another, "Why?"
Anastasia certainly did not like it when she was told no, but something about that was suspicious. If she were a descendant of the Zhefarovich family, then certainly, they would know each member of the family. At least by name. However, the woman said no. Anastasia frowned, and her face hardened. She had hoped to at least get to know someone that would know where her brother was. After all, he did escape the night she dismembered her family. Most of them deserved it for being traitors to the cause. Though, it was also on the command of her dear love at the time. That had long since faded, however. Anastasia let out a sigh, before placing her hand on her hips. She cooed, "No reason." The greek woman sat down next to the woman, before gesturing someone to bring her some wine. As soon as she received it, she sipped it, keeping her eye on the woman. "I don't want to dismiss your family, because I've had my fair share of one. However, I thought that you all were so tight, you'd know each family member by name." Anastasia figured that one way or another, she would dig and get the answers she deserved.

She tipped the glass back, and drained the rest of the wine. She was definitely not an alcoholic, but she coudl put wine away like it was water. Her fingers traced the edges of the glass, and figured that she might as well introduce herself. Not only was she the mother of four Styx children coming from Hades himself, but she was also the one that Drakon was scared of the most. And for a good reason. "You see, I'm his older sister, Anastasia. I simply underestimated the little brat. He found a hole to weasle in where I cannot touch him." It was too smart. Then again, to hide from her that night, his skills had to be put to good use. How was he utilizing his time? Was he a Dark wizard? Did he take pleasure in murder like she had, years ago? Would he kill for the one he loves?

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