Mean and Sweet

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Sweet and Mean

Left: Arabella Branka
Age: 13 years old
House: Hufflepuff
Personality: Sweet, kind, smart, elegant
Medical condition: She has a condition that makes her more organized that people will start getting annoyed of it.
Needed: She will be needing lots of friends, a best friend, some enemies (maybe one or two only) and crushes (no love interest yet)

Right: Troian Branka
Age: 15 years old
School: Beauxbatons
Personality: Hot-headed, mean, smart, cunning, elegant
Medical condition: Asthma
Needed: lots of friends from beauxbatons or durmstrang, enemies from HNZ and crushes on beauxbatons.

I hope I clarified everything you all needed to know about the two. Please do reply here if I am online but PM me if I'm not.
So, I have a Beauxbatons Student, and an open topic in Beauxbatons if you'd like to join it! She's pretty smart, elegant, down to earth. She's not mean, but she's very kind, and is likely to bend to pressure. I'm open to anything.
That could work out, maybe Troian can ease the evil going through her. Lol. I'll post there tonight
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