Maybe, Maybe Not

Anna Lasten

Well-Known Member
Anna jumped down the stairs from the tower, skipping more and more steps as she went down. In truth she didn't find it all that terrifying on paper, but when she was running down the stairs, she was absolutely terrified and happy. Anna liked to feel the adrenaline rush and as soon as she was down the stairs, she ran back up. Just as she reached the top of the stairs she slammed into someone. Well, at least I wasn't running down the stairs where we both would have fallen and broken our skulls, she thought. "I'm sorry," she said, "I'm Anna. Who are you?"
Ryuuji was in awe at his surroundings. Everything was just so magical for him, everywhere he would glance, he would find something that would catch his eyes. He can almost spend every moment that he was at the castle by just watching the paintings move, yet at the moment, right at this time, he was in a hurry. He had dropped his quill earlier because of his absentmindedness, being to eager to get to his class. looking at the ground to search for his quill, Ryuuji didn't notice that there was actually someone in front of him, not until that someone had slammed into his body. He was thrown a little backwards and had lost his balance because of the force. Yes, he was athletic, yet the sudden bumping was not really expected. Looking up from his sitting position as he rubbed his elbow, he saw a girl. how can a girl be this strong? he thought to himself, standing up and mustering a smile to his fair face. "Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm equally at fault too anyway.." He said to the girl, chuckling a little. "My name's Ryuuji" He then said, extending his had for a handshake.
Anna tilted her head in the way she usually did when she was studying someone. The boy wasn't muscular in anyway, but he had a fit look to him. He had black hair and fair skin and a kind face. She decided she liked the boy, but she liked almost everyone. "Nah. I should have known to slow down." She smiled back the the boy, learning his name was Ryuuji. She thought it a strange name, but didn't comment on it. She took his hand and shook it. "So what House are you in? And what are you doing up here? Not much but a few classrooms and Ravenclaw House."
"And I should have looked to where I'm heading..." Ryuuji replied, he was quick to admit when he's at fault, he deems it unnecessary to deny if one had committed a mistake. It's easier to be honest after all, to avoid any trouble. He then looked at the girl, he hadn't seen him yet, if he did, then he wouldn't have forgotten her silky blond hair and fair skin, he's not one to forget those that he had encountered after all. "Precisely, there's nothing much here but the Ravenclaw house... that being said, I guess you can figure out the house where I belong in already.." Ryuuji said to the girl, a sly smile appearing on his fair face. "And you? What house are you from?"
Anna's eyes grew wide and a huge smile crossed her face. "Your in Ravenclaw? That's so cool! I heard they are super smart." Anna respected Ravenclaw, because she knew she didn't have the quick wits or the intelligence they had. She wasn't dumb by any means, but she didn't exactly think everything through. Anna calmed herself a bit and replied modestly, "I'm in Gryffindor. None too special." Anna loved her house and was glad she was put there, but it was just the home of the brave. "Where are you from?" She said, tilting her head again.
Ryuuji laughed as he saw the girl's expression when she realized that he was indeed from Ravenclaw, he didn't really expected that reaction at all. "I'm not really that smart I think... and I'm not being modest for saying that alright?" He said with a gentle smile, shoving his hair off his face to look at the girl more clearly. "The sorting hat actually said that I fit to the other houses as well, so, I'm not really a pure ravenclaw.." He added, a sheepish smile appearin on his face.

"Gryffindor? That's great! brave and daring you guys are.." Ryuuji said enthusiastically, happy to meet a student from another house. He didn't really get the point of being sorted into houses and being divided, but nevertheless, he knows that there was a reason for that, he just needed to know what it is. "Where am I from? Originally I'm from Japan, thus with my name, how about you?" He inquired, sitting on the top step of the stairs, already forgetting that he was looking for his quill.
Anna laughed when Ryuuji said he wasn't being modest. She didn't believe he wasn't that smart, even after he said that the Sorting Hat told him he belonged in other houses too. "That just means you're well-rounded!" Said Anna with a cheerful smile. Anna gave him a look like Are you serious? when he said Gryffindor was brave and daring. "More like idiotic and slow." She said with a smirk. Anna was friendly, but she loved dishing out insults sometimes. Anna smiled when he said he was from Japan. "I'm from Canada. Thus, my name has no relation to my country." She said jokingly.
Ryuuji laughed as the girl complimented him more, he felt quite embarrassed yet grateful at the same time. "Well-rounded eh? Come'on Anna, I'm going to turn into a self-centered and egoistical person if you would keep on complimenting me.." He said with a teasing tone, fixing his already messy hair and shoving a part of it off his face. Why he had opted to have a fringe, he really had no idea.

He frowned a little when she said that Gryffindors are idiotic and slow. "Eh? You really think so? But you're a gryffindor aren't you? So, shouldn't you stop saying such thing? It would mean that you're slow too, and you don't really look like one" He said with a smirk equal to hers. "You're quite funny aren't you?" He continued on, patting her head as he did so. He didn't really know why he had this habit of patting someone in the head, he just felt like he should do it, they didn't get offended by him anyway, or more so, those that he had met before.
Anna smiled at his comment. "You could never be self-centered and egoistical! And compliments are good for the soul. I know that better than anyone!" She said cheerfully. Anna watched as he fixed his hair, and noticed he missed a spot. She took her finger and flicked a piece of hair back. "You need to cut your hair. You've fixed your hair several times since I ran into you!" She said with a laugh. Anna realized she had gone a little too far when Ryuuji frowned and commented about her statement. "No, well, not entirely. We are idiotic, and don't think everything through, but Gryffindor is filled with kind-hearted people. Of course there are always those people who should have been in Slytherin. I am a bit slow, I don't comprehend everything as fast as some people, like Ravenclaws, but I try." She said with a small smile. Anna smacked his hand away when he pat her head. She did it in a joking matter, hoping he wouldn't take it as she thought it was annoying. She put on a huge and totally fake smile and said, parodying his voice, "Why yes, yes I am. You are really quite modest aren't you?"
"You'll never know, I mean, I'm a bit too proud of things that I can really do well..." Ryuuji said, shrugging a little. Well, he really was too proud about being athletic and such, he's a bit of a know it all to, and he can be rather annoying at times because of that. "Yes it's a food for the soul, but too much of it can be a poison.." He added with a smile. He then squint a little as Anna flicked a piece of his hair back, only for it to fell and cover a part of his eyes once again. "I did? I didn't notice it..." He said, blowing his hair off. "I do consider having a hair cut, but well, I don't know, I'm kind of used to it now.." He added with a light laugh.

"Not all Ravenclaws are like that you know, I mean, all of us can be idiotic and slow at times, and besides, i think these houses don't really define us really well, we are still the ones who would identify what type of person we really are.." He said. He laughed as Anna smacked his hand away. Instead of being offended, he found it to be rather amusing. "No, no, I'm not modest, you're the first person to ever tell me that.." He said, smirking as he noticed her parodying his voice.
Anna grinned. "Eh, we all have our faults." She said with an evil grin. Anna knew that she could cheer up anyone and took pride in it, but she knew it wasn't her main problem. "Too much of anything can be a poison, like my singing! Of course, even a small does of my singing can kill off hundreds." She said with a laugh. Anna rolled her eyes when the hair that she had flicked back went right over his eye again. "Well pay more attention than silly! And if you honestly want to keep it that way, at least style it so it doesn't get in your face." She said playfully.

Anna listened as he talked about and realized that he was right. She blushed slightly when she realized she had stereotyped way too much. "Well, I just always assumed there was some great reason for splitting us, so I guess I assumed our houses sort of explained who we are." She said, trying to make up for her mistake. Anna smirked back at Ryuuji when he talked about no one telling him he was modest. "Well what a shock! There is always a first time for everything!" She said in a fake shocked voice.
"I would love to hear you sing to verify that.." Ryuuji said with an amused tone, he, himself, was actually good with singing, but he's not one to sing in front of anyone. "I'll try to do that then.. put a clip on it probably ?" He said, laughing as he imagined himself having a clip on his hair to keep his fringe from falling off, he would look so much like a girl then. "nah, forget that I had said that, I had promised not to look like a girl again ever since the event at our house wherein we were required to wear a girl's clothing.. it was real annoying.." He said, still laughing. Once, because of certain tradition, Ryuuji had to wear a kimono and dance Japanese dances, he couldn't refuse to it though, it was a family tradition after all, a weird one yes, but still a tradition.

Ryuuji nodded in agreement as Anna talked about how there was a reason for splitting all of them into four houses, he does get her point about it. "Well, there is probably, we just need to find out what it was..." He said, with a knowing tone. He then laughed as Anna said something in a shocked voice. "You look and sound funny Anna.." He said, trying to stop himself from laughing.
Anna laughed. "Fat chance." She said smiling. Truth was she probably would love to sing in front of everyone, but didn't want to embarrass herself. Anna laughed again when he said putting a clip in his hair. "You would look way too much like a girl." She said. She immediately regretted yet was glad for her words when he said he had to wear girl's clothing. A huge grin came across her face, and she said, "Ooooh, now you got to tell me everything about that day."

Anna thought about the school splitting them into houses. "It's probably just to maintain smaller classes." She said. She knew that wasn't entirely true, there was some missing piece, but it seemed like a good enough answer for a first year. When Ryuuji said his comment, she felt slightly offended. Anna knew he was just talking about her facial expressions, but she was sensitive about her looks. It was the one thing that stopped her from belting out sweet notes in front of the world. She hid it quickly though, saying in a light tone., "As do you, Ryuuji-kun."
"Eh? Really, now I really should avoid putting a clip on my hair.." Ryuuji said with a laugh. He would really hate to be mistaken as a girl, much less to look like one. It would be really annoying and embarrassing for his part. "I'd tell you about that, but in return, you should sing..." He said with a chuckle, the sadistic side of him appearing, he would't tell about that embarrassing day of his life if the girl would share hers.

Ryuuji nodded as Anna talked about what her idea was as to the reason why they were spit into houses, she does have a point though. "That's probably one... but I guess that's just a part of the bigger picture... there surely is bigger reason than that.." He said with a shrug, it really was bugging him, why they should be separated, at least sections would make sense, but houses? That's really intriguing on his part. When Ryuuji looked at Anna, he noticed the slight offended look that she had, an unobservant person would have missed it, but not him, Ryuuji is really observant, "Eto... Anna, I din't offend you, did I?"

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