"You'll never know, I mean, I'm a bit too proud of things that I can really do well..." Ryuuji said, shrugging a little. Well, he really was too proud about being athletic and such, he's a bit of a know it all to, and he can be rather annoying at times because of that. "Yes it's a food for the soul, but too much of it can be a poison.." He added with a smile. He then squint a little as Anna flicked a piece of his hair back, only for it to fell and cover a part of his eyes once again. "I did? I didn't notice it..." He said, blowing his hair off. "I do consider having a hair cut, but well, I don't know, I'm kind of used to it now.." He added with a light laugh.
"Not all Ravenclaws are like that you know, I mean, all of us can be idiotic and slow at times, and besides, i think these houses don't really define us really well, we are still the ones who would identify what type of person we really are.." He said. He laughed as Anna smacked his hand away. Instead of being offended, he found it to be rather amusing. "No, no, I'm not modest, you're the first person to ever tell me that.." He said, smirking as he noticed her parodying his voice.