Maybe it wouldn't be that bad?

Bob Masters

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curly 8 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Bob Masters found himself in the one place he never in a million years thought he would ever find himself: the forbidden forest! He had overheard some other students saying that it was supposed to be the scariest place in the whole entire school and that nobody was allowed there under any circumstances! He frowned a little bit, trying to remember why exactly he had wanted to come here.. he hadn't even entered the forest yet but he found himself standing at the entrance looking around wondering what was the worst that could happen? A lot, most likely, it is forbidden after all.. but maybe it wouldn't be as bad as he thought it would be? He sighed a little bit, he was intrigued but terribly scared all at the same time. He knew he would more then likely regret it if he went inside there, he might not even come back out!

He didn't know if he would be able to go through with it and stay here, he would probably just be better off turning and running the other way. Bob turned around, and began walking back up towards the castle. Maybe it would just be better off for me if I just turned around and didn't come back.. the place looks scary enough just standing outside of the forest let alone with me going inside.. Bob thought to himself, knowing that he would definitely be better off if he just left. But he stopped, and turned around; wondering if he should just suck it up and continue.
Desislav had spent the better part of an hour roaming through the Forbidden Forest. For all that the professors didn't want students inside, they sure didn't do a good job of keeping students out. The Gryffindor hadn't been very quiet during his wanderings, jumping over roots and even crawling through a fallen log. He was pretty filthy now, but mostly content with his trip. The Forbidden Forest was full of creepy crawlies and interesting looking plants. It sort of made him want to pay more attention in Herbology so he could figure out what he was looking at.

As he neared the forest's edge, Desislav wondered if he should continue to push his luck and remain in it. Eventually, he settled on remaining near the edge of the forest. He found a few footholds and managed to climb his way onto a tree, settling on a sturdy looking branch so that he could relax for a few. With his back to the tree's trunk, Desi looked over to the castle and watched a student move towards the forest. Desi perked up. Maybe he was someone Desi could play tag with or something. He continued to watch as the boy seemed to be at war with himself about whether or not to enter. You can do it, Desi thought to the boy.
Finn knew it was about time he explored the Forest again. He preferred calling it the 'Forest', feigning ignorance when hearing the word 'Forbidden'. Finn hadn't spent too much time in the Forest, but when he did, he absolutely loved it. He hadn't been brave enough to venture too far into the deep parts of the Forest, but each time, he vowed he would go further than he did before. Maybe this time he'd meet a centaur! Or a unicorn! That would be amazing.
As he made his way down, Finn noticed a boy around his age walking back from the forest. But, he had faltered and looked like he was deciding to go back in. Upon getting closer, Finn saw another boy sitting in a tree and thought it would be great fun if he jumped out of the tree and shouted "BOO!" to the other boy! Finn would laugh himself silly if he did that. He wondered if the first boy would be scared. Finn approached him with a big smile on his face, put his arm around his shoulder and started pulling him towards the Forest. "C'mon little man!" He said loudly and excitedly, even though they were generally around the same size. "You just gotta do it!" Finn exclaimed, closing the distance between them and the Forest.
Bob still stood a fair distance from the Forbidden Forest, surveying it and overthinking the decision he was making, and at a quick glance he noticed that he could see that there was also another boy at the entrance to the Forbidden Forest; he seemed to also be a little conflicted with whether or not be wanted to go inside and have a look around, the same conundrum that Bob himself was having as well. Before he could think much more of it, he was being dragged towards the Forbidden Forest by another boy who seemed to think that he 'just had to do it!'. He wasn't really sure how he felt about this so he blurted out; "Wwsyuasgajkshbtaittt!" but he was met with little success and didn't have to think much more about it before he found himself at the entrance to the forest and on his way further inside. He sighed a little bit as the boy finally let go and he was allowed free reign again. "Wha.. what did you do that for?!" He asked, a little taken back that he was forced into the forest when he already wasn't sure that he should have gone in there to begin with and was almost about to head back to the castle, but his brave feelings faded pretty quickly as he realised he was now inside a place that was forbidden for students to enter and he had no idea how to feel about that.
Desi continued to watch, leaning more and more forward as he strained to hear what the Gryffindor boy was saying to the other one. Desislav knew Finn. He was great fun when he wanted to be. It was a good thing that Finn had come along when he did because Desi had begun to lose confidence in the boy who clearly wasn't a Gryffindor. His exclamation was clear evidence of that. As Finn ushered him into the forest, Desi was sure that he'd been spotted. His Gryffindor classmate didn't betray him though, which led Desi to believe that he either hadn't seen him or he wanted him to do something. Desi was more than happy to oblige.

Wrapping his legs around the trunk of the tree, Desi dropped down. The world spun beneath him as his blonde hair stood straight up on end towards the ground. He waved his arms around wildly as he let out a loud exclamation of his own. "BOO!" A few birds flew out of some of the upper branches, clearly startled by his outburst. The boy stared into the faces of the two boys before him, a laugh crossing his lips as he watched their reactions.
Finn laughed when the boy let out a startled cry. In the short walk it had taken to the Forest, Finn had noticed the yellow colours on the boy's clothes. It didn't much surprise him that he was a Hufflepuff, though he wasn't going to hold it against him. He read about some sort of tournament that was once at a school like the New Zealand Hogwarts, where a Hufflepuff boy entered. He ended up dying which was pretty sad, but he had to be some sort of brave to enter a dying-worthy tournament.
The Gryffindor boy hardly had time to respond to why he did it, when the boy he noticed earlier dropped out of the tree shouting boo. Finn roared with laughter, watching the boy hanging upside down, recognizing him as Desislav. He approached him to high-five him with what was known as a 'bro-five' back in Australia. It was more of a clasp around the hand and a chest bump, but Desislav was upside down, so Finn didn't chest bump him. That would've just been awkward. He turned around to look back at the Hufflepuff. "Desi! This is my new friend! We're going to explore the Forest together. Erm - what was your name?" Finn asked, not remembering if they had already done introductions.

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