Closed Maybe I Spend Too Much Time Here

Fraser Fergusson

quidditch obsessed; dejected
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2046 (14)
Fraser spent a lot of time on the pitch. He was trying to be the best, even when he wasn't actually on a team. He just liked flying, he liked being able to spend in the air, practising and doing what he liked. It was just better than being on the ground on being in classes or doing countless other lame things. He was on the pitch that day, getting himself ready to practice, eager to make sure he was feeling positive about the upcoming try-out. There were a couple of other people on the pitch, seemingly either like him, getting ready to fly or just finishing. He had tried to come earlier in the day but had failed to do so. He spotted someone who looked vaguely familiar, like he wasn't sure where he knew her from, and tilted his head a little while looking at her as he attempted to try to place her. But nothing in his brain crept forward.
Audrey supposed she had no choice but to fly around. Without her dad correcting her posture constantly, or yelling that she was messing around too much, or hitting training bludgers in her direction, maybe she could even enjoy it. She could freely do loops, or muck around trying to score goals, or anything she wanted, really. Sure, maybe deep, deep down, Audrey could understand why her dad was like that. He'd had a decent career as a player and saw it as his duty to try and make her be the same. But already she knew she wasn't a mini version of her dad, and it wasn't as though they were a grand legacy of players. Not like some others, she thought, raising an eyebrow at the boy looking at her. She rolled her broom around, hanging upside down in the air (not very far off the ground, admittedly, tilting her head to look back at him. "I take requests, but it'll cost ya." She gave a wicked grin, rolling back upright and folding her arms. "You' of the Fergussons, right?" She was sure she'd seen him before, and that sounded about accurate.
Fraser hadn't realised how much he was staring at the girl, tying to place her until she actually flew up to him. he blushed a little but did nod. "Yeah, Fraser!" he introduced with a wide grin, surprised that she knew him, or at least the family name. "Sorry for staring, I feel like I've seen you before," he said. "Are you involved in quidditch, outside of school?" he asked tilting his head a little. It had to be quidditch because there was nothing else that Fraser was very familiar with. Quidditch was the be all and end all of his interests currently, before and during school.
"Oh, I'm used to people staring at me," Audrey drawled with a flip of her hair, as though she was a mini celebrity. Definitely not the case, but she could have fun with the idea of it. She imagined celebrities didn't have scraped knees and slightly lopsided grins but that was besides the point. "Audrey. Beauchamp." She rolled her eyes. "Probably seen me when my parents have been trying to be big and important. Even though they stopped playing like ten years ago." She tended to be terrible at promoting her family but she figured it didn't matter anyway. "But I did play juniors?"
Fraser didn't think he'd ever be able to get used to people staring at him, nor did he think he should make a habit of staring at people. Though she was taking this pretty well considering. He nodded as she introduced herself and the name itself was pretty familiar and he then remembered her - though it helped that she then explained how he knew of her. "Oh, that makes sense, that'll be how I knew you," he said. "My dad still plays, as does my uncle," he said, to indicate that he was in those circles. "welcome to Hogwarts! Are you hoping to make the team?" he didn't know what house she was in, but didn't imagine it matter.
Quietly, Audrey didn't want to give her parents the satisfaction of being recognized, though she supposed they'd build their brand on milking their minor fame for all it was worth. The story of how they had gotten together had been built up so much, well beyond what it even originally was. It wasn't as though they were here to preen over it but as someone who was soon to be a teenager, Audrey's mission in life was to annoy her parents. "Aw, thank you! You're, what, second, third year?" she asked, admittedly a little curious. "I..." she started, giving a slight head tilt as she thought about it. "Maybe? Not sure what the Ravenclaw team's like." She'd seen at the trophy room that the trophies seemed to be constantly between Slytherin and Hufflepuff of late. She did want to play, but that was another area where her parents would probably gloat over it if she did. "You're on a team, I'm guessing?"
"Second year," he replied with a smile, before nodding. He thought the ravenclaw team was good and had to imagine it was okay to get on if you were a decent enough player. "I don't know anyone on the team, but they're pretty good," he said. Always keen to talk positively about a team. he shook his head with a little sadness. "The gryffindor team is very competitive, and there just haven't been the available slots yet," he said, knowing it was excuses, no matter how valid they were. He wanted so badly though, to be on the team, on any team. He just wanted to play.
Audrey was a little surprised, she thought that the name would pretty much guarantee him a spot. Maybe he just wasn't that good. And he was only a second year, so maybe there were just lots of good players in the higher years. She didn't really know enough to say. She simply shrugged. "I guess they put people keen on sport in Gryffindor, but I guess the really competitive ones end up in Slytherin." That's what she'd gathered, anyway. Maybe the Ravenclaws were more strategic. "They'll put you on eventually, I'm sure. Could always trip one of the other players in the hallway, give them a season ending injury?" she offered, somewhat sweetly despite the darker suggestion.
Fraser gave a little nod. The gryffindors he found were competitive too, just perhaps a different type of competitive. He didn't just gave a little shrug. "Gryffindors want glory," he knew this from what he'd learned about the houses and what they meant. "Oh no, I wouldn't do that," he said, his tone slightly offended by even the suggestion that he would harm another player. "I'll wait my turn and just keep practicing,"
"Suit yourself," Audrey said, with a shrug as though she hadn't just advocated for Fraser to injure his competition to get his way into the Quidditch team. It wouldn't have made a difference, they would've just healed up any broken bones quickly with magic, but it was more a testament to speaking far too frankly. "You'll get there eventually. It's what you're meant to do, right?" Audrey knew if she did play she'd be stuck feeling like she was doing it because her parents did it and therefore she had to, but she did actually enjoy Quidditch. Would enjoy it even more without her dad's sideline coaching. "Unless you wanna do something totally different. Be a wizard chess grandmaster or something, I dunno."

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