Massive Hyper sugar attack

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Lola Caracola

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Guess who? Ana!
[Lignum Vitae Wand 16 Essence of Dragons Whisker
Lola at home had not been allowed to go near a bowl of candy since the age four because of her tendency to go off the deep end when she had any. ADHD they called it and candy made it worse. It so happened that Halloween night means candy and lots of it and one Lola had not self control when it came to the sweet stuff. She had dived into the bowls, both hands deep and come out of her execution with a massive sugar high with just a few pieces in her mouth. The music started and Lola didn't care she had to get rid of some of this energy. She knocked over a few people with the sets of wings that where on her angel costume probably even more when she started to dance.

It was one of the industrial styles that she was into. She moved her whole body to the electronic rythem in her head rather than the actual music that was playing. Lola brought her hands high over her head then started to move as if some of her body where stiff but it still had a lot of flow to it. Her hands where moving rapidly to. Lola knew that there had to be a huge circle around her because people didn't want to get hit but she didn't mind much the sugar was doing a number on the already hyper active girl's body.

Star looked at herself in the mirror,she thought her costume was pretty good but she just hoped she didn't stick out much.Star wasn't the type of person that liked to be noticed,she liked to stick with the crowd.She was sure other people would be wearing more outrageous costumes then her,well at least she hoped they did because she would die of embarrassment if she was the only one dressed up like this.Star had never gone to the Halloween costume before,it had never been her sort of thing but this year she was determined to at least give it a try.She would probably go down there for a little while,lurk around the corners of the hall.Star was a great observer.

She made her way into the hall and couldn't help but feel slightly overwelmed.The place looked amazing and some of the costumes people were wearing were amazing also.Star felt more comfortable now that she knew people were wearing more outrageous looking costumes then here.She felt slightly less self-conscience.She walked around the halls,and watched people dancing.One girl in paticular caught her eye.She was dancing quite freely to the music and the big huge wings she had on were moving around wildly.She walked closer,trying to see who it was.Star knew most people in her year even though the majority of then probably didn't know her,she kept to herself.She was now at the edge of the circle closest to the girl dancing.Star recognized her as Lola Carcola.Star remembered her as being very hyper and seeing her dance confirmed her thoughts.Star was about to turn back to the hall,when some idiot pushed her forward and she went crashing into Lola.It took her a few minutes to regain her thoughts as she was tangled in a whole lot of wings.People were pointing and laughing and she felt her cheeks go hot. She stood up quickly and brushed herself down then she looked at Lola "I'm so sorry somebody pushed me"She said her cheeks in fire "Do you need a hand getting up?"She asked
Lola was hitting moves that should not have been attempted with wings like the stiff ones that she had on but Lola at this moment she was do far byond caring about right and wrong. She was so hyped up on sugar that she swore she could see her own movements as she ducked down while teisitng about. It was then that she felt someone get all knoted up in her wings. There where people laughing at her all Lola did was smile back at them.

"No worries I can fet up by myself." She said as she spang up like a jack in the box then smiled wide at the girl. "Your name is Star right I've seen you in class whenever I can stay seated long enough to listen this is why I like transfiguration and charms because you can do stuff and not just sit there and take notes but notes are important to right brcause they help you remember stuff right?..." The assult upon the ears did not stop there. Lola was happy to talk to someone and of course in the middle of one of her epic sugar highs. Her smile was wide and frienly though.
Warren couldn't help but laugh as he noticed Lola's dancing. He loved to just move in any crazy way like she did. Warren was busy nabbing as much candy as he could. He began to regret not wearing a costume with more pockets. However, as soon as he saw Lola dancing he knew it was time to hit the dance floor. He started to whirl about and preform similar static movements to Lola. It was all about just trying to move one part of his body at a time, in a sort of... rythmic fashion.

Of course, while Lola actually kinda looked like she knew what she was doing. Warren on the other hand, just looked ridiculous. He continued moving in the strange fashion as he approached Lola and Star. At one point when he finally got close enough he switched into doing the sprinkler... why was well beyond Warren's comprehension.

"Paying attention to music is soo... not where its at anymore eh?"
Lola stopped talking when a certain Hufflepuff came up to them dancing like he had no clue what he was doing. Lola laughed happily. "I have my own music in my head and it tells me dance as if I where in Germany." She said her smile wide and bright. "Thanks to you Mr. Puff and Stuff I can't look at the lake without gulping. Thanks for the story." She said but didn't go further into it. She looked at Star and flashed her another big grin to maybe ease some of the red off her face. Star seemed like she was very much concerned with how people looked at her while Lola could not give a flying albino ninja fig what anyone though of her. She was hyper and she knew she also knew that every time she looked in the mirror she saw one very good looking girl. It was rare for a girl to like the way she looked but she didn't mind that either.
Star looked at Lola in surprise,she didn't seem embarrassed at all.Star's cheeks were still rosy red but it wasn't that noticable behind all her make up.Her outfit had taken a long time to do.The amount of make up plastered on her face was almost like she had a second face made from plaster on.It made her wonder why some girls did this with foundation everyday.She watched as Lola bounced back up.She had to admit she envied her her ability not to be affected by the sniggering and occasional reconstruction of their clash.She wished she wouldn't blush so easily.Kate had the same problem though during the last few years,you would be lucky to see normal pale skin never mind red on her cheeks.It had been scary when Kate had been so skinny when she had only been nine.Then when she and Sara had drifted.The atmosphere in the house hadn't been nice and then Kate getting sick again.Then finally Micheal dying.Star hadn't showed anyone that she was grieving.She preferred to do it alone with out anyone watching her.Some might say she hadn't been affected at all but boy had she cried a lot.Sometimes at night when she would think of him her eye's would water but she had promised herself not to cry again but he wouldn't want her to be grieving.Star was brought back to earth when Lola began to speak.Star tried to say something but Lola kept talking,wow was she hyper.It looked fun though and Star wished she had enough guts to explore the out known. "Yeah I'm Star and you are Lola"She said an unsure smile on her face,she was ninety-nine but nine percent sure that it was Lola,but it didn't hurt to check.She looked over when she saw Warren dance over.She grinned at his dancing,he didn't look like he knew what he was doing and he looked kind of funny but in a nice way.Again Star envied his ability to do anything with out caring about what people thought of you.By now her face under the make up had resumed it's normal color.She felt a lot better now. Warren's outfit intrigued her.She had no idea what he was dressed as,it looked cool though "I like ye're costumes,what are you dressed as Warren?"She asked,she knew what Lola's was but Warren's was a mystery to her.
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