Marley Robbins

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Marley Robbins

Active Member
OOC First Name
Marley 'Leyla, Robbins' Clarabella Fleur Robbins

<COLOR color="#9300C4">Friends

Best Friends Hot and Dangerous
Close Friends Rockin' this club
Partners in crime Sneak About The Crime Scene
Average Friends Hot then your cold
Student Friends Lemme carry your books
Distant Friends I won't stop!
Family Friends I know you, You know me
Protective Over Me Tell me if anyone hurts you
Protective Over You Oooh, Mi cas duo
Former Enemies Dont talk to me!


Mortal Enemies Yo B!tch
Hardcore Enemies Don't even look at me
Average Enemies OMG No!
Rivals Whip your @ss!
Mutual Dislike I don't like you!
One Sided Enemy Eugh.

Romantic Relationships

Final I will always love you
Current Oh baby, baby!
Puppy Love Woof Woof!
Flirts/Flings If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put u and i together
Past I'm waaaay over you
Like Family Hee Hee!
Mutual Crush Hee Hee, awkward
I have a Crush On You Ha Ha huh?
You Have a Crush On Me Aww!
I look Up To You Oooh! Aaaah!


Former Friends Do I know you?
Acquaintances I remember you!
Name Basis Hey you!
Met Once Oh yeah!
Annoyances Go. Away.
Professor Yes, Professor
Mentor Yes, Yes
Mentee Do this and that


Mother Momma
Father Dada
Sister Sissy
Brother Bro!
Cousin Cuz
Aunt Aunty
Uncle Uncle!
Grandparents Grandada! Grandmama!
God Parentz Ha Ha!

[quote=The Form][b][color=#000]Relationship Form[/b]:
[edit where appropriate for adult and student characters: ]

[img][/img] [100x100]

[b]Thoughts on Me:[/b]
[b]My thoughts on You:[/b]
[b]Our History:[/b]
[b]Link to relationship thread:[/b]
[b]enclose an image 100 x 100 (optional):[/b][/quote]

Please PM the finished form as it reduces clutter on relationship thread[/color]​
The Form said:
Relationship Form:

Name: Dustdan Robbins
House/Year: 3rd Year

Relationship: Brother Bro! Best Friends Hot and Dangerous Close Friends Rockin' this club Partners in crime Sneak About The Crime Scene Protective Over Me Tell me if anyone hurts you
Thoughts on Me: Marley is the best sister in the world. She's tough yet soft, dumb yet smart, good yet bad. I Love her with all my heart. I know it sound sissy coming from a boy...but I adore my sister, I'll kill anyone that hurts her.
My thoughts on You: Dustdan is awesome. Perfectos de brother. Although, something's clicked in him...likes hes going darker, badder, meaner.
Our History: we grew up together
Link to relationship thread: N/A

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