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- OOC First Name
- Camilla!
Name: Markus Kaiser Schwarz. Known as 'Mark' to most - prefers the name Mark to Markus. Kaiser is the German word for a ruler or king, and Schwarz is German for black.
Birthdate: 1st of January, 1995
Age Now: 26.
Blood Status: Mixed. Both the Schwarz and De Backer families are predominately magical, but if one was to go back far enough, one would see that they are not pureblooded.
Hair: Dark brown - dyed black, long-ish, fairly messy and unkempt. Often accompanied by facial hair, usually a general unshaven look.
Eyes: Very dark blue.
History: Markus Kaiser Schwarz was born on New Year's Day, 1995, in Berlin, Germany. He was the first of three children to Franz and Claudia Schwarz, graduates of Durmstrang, and pacifists. One could not really blame them - they lived through the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War, it is understandable that they would want peace. However, both of them came from respectable wizarding families - Franz especially - and their views on magical equality were not appreciated by their families. Nor the fact that they intended to bring up their three children - Mark, Gretchen and Clara - to share their views. Hence the interjection of Mark's grandmother, who played a large part in his upbringing.
The first few years of Mark's life were simple and carefree, with his parents indulging him and his younger sisters. By no means were they strict parents. Nor did they seem to have the honour their parents had - Franz and Claudia were contemplating sending their children to Beauxbatons or Hogwarts, instead of Durmstrang, as they believed that they would have a happier education and become better people if they were educated at one of those institutions.
This, however, was not to be. Franz and Claudia died in a potions-brewing accident when Mark was about eight years old (Gretchen was five, Clara was one). Mark's grandmother, Ava, took over care of the three children, and while she was fairly indulgent of them (especially Mark and Clara), she was strict as well. It was through Ava that Mark learnt about the Dark Lord and all that he stood for. Whilst Ava was not a Death Eater, she had respect and a degree of support for them.
After he turned eleven, Mark was accepted in to Durmstrang. There was virtually no doubt he would attend there once Ava became his guardian. Unfortunately, Mark never quite fit in at Durmstrang. He was proud of his heritage, as Ava had taught him to be, however he was not pure blooded, and he was a little ashamed of this fact. He was a quiet, studious type, not really in to violence, and he had a great affinity with animals, his favourites being Thestrals (he could see them, given he had witnessed the death of both his parents). However, he hid a malicious side, only seen in Dark Arts class, where he maintained straight Os.
Gretchen joined him at Durmstrang when he was in his 4th year, and Clara when he was in his 7th. Gretchen had a worse time than he did, being the child to have inherited her parents inherant peacefulness - although she did make some friends, unlike Mark. Mark's only friends were animals and books. Clara was about as solitary as Mark, however, she was perhaps more aggressive. Somehow she earned the respect of her peers and Professors, because she became Head Girl.
On his last day at Durmstrang, Mark cracked. After being taunted for his affinity with animals over and over again, he cast the Cruciatus curse on a couple of his enemies, then erased their memories and ran. The release he felt with performing such a task was a wonderful feeling for him. Shortly after graduation, he found the Death Eaters, and joined. He wasn't pureblood, but they accepted him anyway, something for which he was most grateful. He finally felt he belonged.
The only person he told about the Death Eaters was Clara, who was apprehensive but respectful of his decision.
He soon found a job in the German Ministry of Magic, because of his expertise in magical creatures, he started work in the Magical Creatures Regulation Office. He enjoyed this work very much, as it gave him the opportunity to work with what he loved - magical creatures.
However, after a few years in that office, he began to feel as though his co-workers were on to his secret about the Death Eaters, paranoia and inadequacy getting the better of him. Worried, he applied for a transfer, and thus began his new life in New Zealand.
- Ava Schwarz (Engel), age 79, Mark's paternal grandmother and carer, and graduate of Durmstrang. After the death of Franz and Claudia, Mark, Gretchen and Clara were taken in to Ava's care. Ava still is discreetly supportive of the Death Eaters, and was the one who taught Mark to be proud of his heritage, but still humble - as neither the Schwarz or De Backer families are purebloods (despite the many generations of wizards in both families). She used to work in the German Ministry of Magic, however once she married, she chose to stay at home and look after her home and, eventually, children. She is a strict woman, yet somewhat indulgent to her grandchildren, and very caring and protective, although she preaches the merits of being emotionless and apathetic, merits that Mark has taken on.
- Berthold Schwarz, deceased, Mark's paternal grandfather, graduate of Durmstrang. Berthold worked for the Magical Law Enforcement department of the German Ministry of Magic, until he died of a heart attack in 1999. Like his wife, Berthold was a discreet supporter of the Death Eaters, however neither he nor Ava openly supported or joined them - they only sympathised with their goals.
- Franz Schwarz, deceased, Mark's father, graduate of Durmstrang. Franz, and his wife Claudia, were both pacifists, and not supporters of the Death Eaters. He was around for the end of the Cold War and the fall of communism and the Berlin Wall, which also added to his pacifist attitude. He married soon after graduating from Durmstrang, and Mark was born about a year after, something that neither his or Claudia's parents were particuarly proud of. He was a rather 'happy-go-lucky' person, and not the most careful of people, which led to his death by potion-brewing accident. Mark and Clara never had much respect for their father, particuarly after going in to the care of Ava.
- Claudia Schwarz (De Backer), deceased, Mark's mother, graduate of Durmstrang. Claudia was born to the De Backer family, a Belgian/German family similar to the Schwarz family, however with a little less of a magical background (only about 7 generations of wizards, as opposed to around 10). Both families approved of Claudia and Franz marrying, however neither approved of them marrying so young and having their first child so early. Claudia had a similar good nature to Franz, and the pair of them loved each other very much and were together all the time - hence passing away together in the same potions accident. Claudia was quite a good-looking woman, and Gretchen looks exactly like her, oddly enough. Neither Mark nor Clara ever really respected Claudia, but Gretchen admired her very much.
- Gretchen Lyngstrad (Schwarz), age 22, Mark's sister, graduate of Durmstrang. Gretchen is quite similar to her parents - peaceful, positive and upbeat. This made her time at Durmstrang a little difficult, but she managed to find some likeminded people, like Jonas Lyngstrad from Sweden, who she married a couple of years after graduating. Gretchen was the 'favourite' of Franz and Claudia, but Ava prefers Mark and Clara, who are both different from their sister and parents and more like the rest of their family. Gretchen is quite pretty, just like Claudia, and is currently pregnant with her first child. She does not know about Mark's involvement with the Death Eaters, and because Mark has never been particuarly close to her, most likely never will.
- Clara Schwarz, age 18, Mark's youngest sister, and 7th year Durmstrang (Head Girl). While Clara may not be as pretty as Gretchen, there is no doubt that she is at least twice as intelligent. Like Mark, Clara is supportive of the Death Eaters (although she has not joined and does not have the intention of doing so) and is a fairly reserved and cold person, although her intelligence has earned her loyalty and respect - thus earning her the position of Head Girl. Clara and Mark are extremely close, and when Mark joined the Death Eaters, Clara was the first and only person he told. Mark is quite protective over his youngest sister, as she is one of the very few people he really cares for, and he does not want her to come to any sort of harm.
Occupation: New Zealand Ministry of Magic, Magical Creatures Regulation Office. Until recently worked in the same office in the German Ministry of Magic - needed to change as some co-workers had suspicion of his Death Eater ties.
School Attended: Durmstrang.
Country Of Origin: Germany.
Current Residence: Auckland, New Zealand.
Birthdate: 1st of January, 1995
Age Now: 26.
Blood Status: Mixed. Both the Schwarz and De Backer families are predominately magical, but if one was to go back far enough, one would see that they are not pureblooded.
Hair: Dark brown - dyed black, long-ish, fairly messy and unkempt. Often accompanied by facial hair, usually a general unshaven look.
Eyes: Very dark blue.
History: Markus Kaiser Schwarz was born on New Year's Day, 1995, in Berlin, Germany. He was the first of three children to Franz and Claudia Schwarz, graduates of Durmstrang, and pacifists. One could not really blame them - they lived through the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War, it is understandable that they would want peace. However, both of them came from respectable wizarding families - Franz especially - and their views on magical equality were not appreciated by their families. Nor the fact that they intended to bring up their three children - Mark, Gretchen and Clara - to share their views. Hence the interjection of Mark's grandmother, who played a large part in his upbringing.
The first few years of Mark's life were simple and carefree, with his parents indulging him and his younger sisters. By no means were they strict parents. Nor did they seem to have the honour their parents had - Franz and Claudia were contemplating sending their children to Beauxbatons or Hogwarts, instead of Durmstrang, as they believed that they would have a happier education and become better people if they were educated at one of those institutions.
This, however, was not to be. Franz and Claudia died in a potions-brewing accident when Mark was about eight years old (Gretchen was five, Clara was one). Mark's grandmother, Ava, took over care of the three children, and while she was fairly indulgent of them (especially Mark and Clara), she was strict as well. It was through Ava that Mark learnt about the Dark Lord and all that he stood for. Whilst Ava was not a Death Eater, she had respect and a degree of support for them.
After he turned eleven, Mark was accepted in to Durmstrang. There was virtually no doubt he would attend there once Ava became his guardian. Unfortunately, Mark never quite fit in at Durmstrang. He was proud of his heritage, as Ava had taught him to be, however he was not pure blooded, and he was a little ashamed of this fact. He was a quiet, studious type, not really in to violence, and he had a great affinity with animals, his favourites being Thestrals (he could see them, given he had witnessed the death of both his parents). However, he hid a malicious side, only seen in Dark Arts class, where he maintained straight Os.
Gretchen joined him at Durmstrang when he was in his 4th year, and Clara when he was in his 7th. Gretchen had a worse time than he did, being the child to have inherited her parents inherant peacefulness - although she did make some friends, unlike Mark. Mark's only friends were animals and books. Clara was about as solitary as Mark, however, she was perhaps more aggressive. Somehow she earned the respect of her peers and Professors, because she became Head Girl.
On his last day at Durmstrang, Mark cracked. After being taunted for his affinity with animals over and over again, he cast the Cruciatus curse on a couple of his enemies, then erased their memories and ran. The release he felt with performing such a task was a wonderful feeling for him. Shortly after graduation, he found the Death Eaters, and joined. He wasn't pureblood, but they accepted him anyway, something for which he was most grateful. He finally felt he belonged.
The only person he told about the Death Eaters was Clara, who was apprehensive but respectful of his decision.
He soon found a job in the German Ministry of Magic, because of his expertise in magical creatures, he started work in the Magical Creatures Regulation Office. He enjoyed this work very much, as it gave him the opportunity to work with what he loved - magical creatures.
However, after a few years in that office, he began to feel as though his co-workers were on to his secret about the Death Eaters, paranoia and inadequacy getting the better of him. Worried, he applied for a transfer, and thus began his new life in New Zealand.
- Ava Schwarz (Engel), age 79, Mark's paternal grandmother and carer, and graduate of Durmstrang. After the death of Franz and Claudia, Mark, Gretchen and Clara were taken in to Ava's care. Ava still is discreetly supportive of the Death Eaters, and was the one who taught Mark to be proud of his heritage, but still humble - as neither the Schwarz or De Backer families are purebloods (despite the many generations of wizards in both families). She used to work in the German Ministry of Magic, however once she married, she chose to stay at home and look after her home and, eventually, children. She is a strict woman, yet somewhat indulgent to her grandchildren, and very caring and protective, although she preaches the merits of being emotionless and apathetic, merits that Mark has taken on.
- Berthold Schwarz, deceased, Mark's paternal grandfather, graduate of Durmstrang. Berthold worked for the Magical Law Enforcement department of the German Ministry of Magic, until he died of a heart attack in 1999. Like his wife, Berthold was a discreet supporter of the Death Eaters, however neither he nor Ava openly supported or joined them - they only sympathised with their goals.
- Franz Schwarz, deceased, Mark's father, graduate of Durmstrang. Franz, and his wife Claudia, were both pacifists, and not supporters of the Death Eaters. He was around for the end of the Cold War and the fall of communism and the Berlin Wall, which also added to his pacifist attitude. He married soon after graduating from Durmstrang, and Mark was born about a year after, something that neither his or Claudia's parents were particuarly proud of. He was a rather 'happy-go-lucky' person, and not the most careful of people, which led to his death by potion-brewing accident. Mark and Clara never had much respect for their father, particuarly after going in to the care of Ava.
- Claudia Schwarz (De Backer), deceased, Mark's mother, graduate of Durmstrang. Claudia was born to the De Backer family, a Belgian/German family similar to the Schwarz family, however with a little less of a magical background (only about 7 generations of wizards, as opposed to around 10). Both families approved of Claudia and Franz marrying, however neither approved of them marrying so young and having their first child so early. Claudia had a similar good nature to Franz, and the pair of them loved each other very much and were together all the time - hence passing away together in the same potions accident. Claudia was quite a good-looking woman, and Gretchen looks exactly like her, oddly enough. Neither Mark nor Clara ever really respected Claudia, but Gretchen admired her very much.
- Gretchen Lyngstrad (Schwarz), age 22, Mark's sister, graduate of Durmstrang. Gretchen is quite similar to her parents - peaceful, positive and upbeat. This made her time at Durmstrang a little difficult, but she managed to find some likeminded people, like Jonas Lyngstrad from Sweden, who she married a couple of years after graduating. Gretchen was the 'favourite' of Franz and Claudia, but Ava prefers Mark and Clara, who are both different from their sister and parents and more like the rest of their family. Gretchen is quite pretty, just like Claudia, and is currently pregnant with her first child. She does not know about Mark's involvement with the Death Eaters, and because Mark has never been particuarly close to her, most likely never will.
- Clara Schwarz, age 18, Mark's youngest sister, and 7th year Durmstrang (Head Girl). While Clara may not be as pretty as Gretchen, there is no doubt that she is at least twice as intelligent. Like Mark, Clara is supportive of the Death Eaters (although she has not joined and does not have the intention of doing so) and is a fairly reserved and cold person, although her intelligence has earned her loyalty and respect - thus earning her the position of Head Girl. Clara and Mark are extremely close, and when Mark joined the Death Eaters, Clara was the first and only person he told. Mark is quite protective over his youngest sister, as she is one of the very few people he really cares for, and he does not want her to come to any sort of harm.
Occupation: New Zealand Ministry of Magic, Magical Creatures Regulation Office. Until recently worked in the same office in the German Ministry of Magic - needed to change as some co-workers had suspicion of his Death Eater ties.
School Attended: Durmstrang.
Country Of Origin: Germany.
Current Residence: Auckland, New Zealand.