Closed Marine life

Kade Borisyuk

tattoo artist ✝ uni student
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
15" Ebony with Graphorn Horn Core
June 13th, 2037
Kade Borisyuk just finished getting his shirt on and drying his clothes after successfully studying some of the marine life just off the harbor. The water was pretty salty, so it left him rather parched. Kade stopped inside of a small cafe and got a bottle of water, and started to drink it. Swimming and diving in the ocean was fine and all, but his bubble charm stopped right before he surfaced so he had a mouth full of salt water. It was not tasty at all. Maybe he should have gotten something else to go along with his water? Maybe. He was just a little indecisive. At least the Scitorari ring was not around his thick fingers either. He tilted the hat on his head forward a tad to shield his eyes from the sun. Since his eyes were on the light side, he was a bit more sensitive to the sun than the darker shades.

What was more embarrassing was that he was a pretty tall, largely built guy that while he took a drink of water, he accidentally bumped into someone, which forced some of the water from the bottle to come out and all over his shirt.
"Oh sh*t, I am sorry!" Kade apologized as he looked down at the woman that he bumped into. Despite his intimidating appearance, his tone of voice was actually soft and genuine since he took the blame for bumping right into someone.
It had been some while that Lauren was graduated from Hogwarts. After that a lot happend and still happend. She tried to forget the inside voice she thought her father would have on her, that she hadn't had an job yet or done anything usefull with her life. She had no clue of what her future would bring. Because she never thought she would have one for some while. Lauren mostly spend her days with therapy or helping out in the Carter's house. She now had Camille and Genesee and Tessaria as younger siblings around her and tried to enjoy their company. Lauren was very gratefull to Landon for adopting her and her younger sister. But she tried to not feel like an outsider in the house. Therapy was heavy since she had to experiance all again. But it would help her they said and Lauren wanted to enjoy her life again. But a part in that was also making some social contacts. Lauren hadn't spoken Aonghas in a while, but she had reached out to him to meet up sometime. He was her best friend, and once more to her. But he was married and that was not gonna happen. And Lauren didn't thought trusting someone would be easy for her. But she would try.

As she decided to make her way to Obsidian Harbour. She kind of hoped not to run into an familliar face. She had no clue if people knew about her dad being to Azkaban. Lost in her thoughts she didn't paid a lot of attention to the road in front of her. And than she suddenly someone bumped into her. And she startled heavy. It seemed like an tall person and sounded like an male. Lauren slowly looked up and noticed an man. He seemed like an person you didn't want to bump into. But he sounded friendly, so Lauren sighted out of relief. '' It's.. no problem. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. So I'm sorry.'' The blonde than responded and looked around. '' Do you want an new drink?'' The blonde than asked. Feeling responsible for the bottle being half empty.
Kade listened to her apology and shook his head. He was in the middle of taking a drink when they bumped! That meant that it was on him! At least, that was what he was thinking. He took out his wand and dried off his shirt. He put the bottle of water into his pants pocket and shoved his hands into his pockets. "No, it is all me. I shouldn't walk and drink at the same time. Kind of hard to see when your head it tilted back a little bit." Kade shrugged his shoulders since he was truly stuck in his own morals. Or perhaps him being as stubborn as his brothers. It just ran in the family. At the offer of a new drink, Kade held up his tattooed hands and shook his head.

"No, no, there is no reason for that! " Kade laughed softly, since it was a nice gesture, but it was not something that he needed. Kade tilted his hat back a little bit so that he could see a little more. "I was just swimming in the harbor so the water I had already helped against the saltiness. Got some good pictures for my assignment later." Kade had a good essay to work on later. But it was not due for another week.
Lauren felt like she was the one who did things wrong, since that was what was what she knew. She tried to love herself more but it was just difficult when you knew something your whole life, to change that. She was glad the person was not mad at her at first. And he excused himself so that was even nicer. Her father would never do that. But her new father would. Lauren smiled shy and nodded. '' Were you in a hurry?'' She than asked, before she knew it. That was something she never lost the curiousity and just say stuff before thinking. The water didn't seemed that important, since the man declined her offer. He told her he was swimming and Lauren didn't expected that in a way. It was kind of an good idea, to be in the water. Feel free. '' Sounds good. You might brought me on an idea.'' She than replied back. And couldn't help but be curious about what his assignment was. Figuring to make conversation since that was her goal. And this was even an male. '' What kind of assignment do you have? If you don't mind me asking?'' The blonde than asked him.
Kade shook his head when asked if he was in a hurry. Well, he was and wasn't. He was in a hurry to quench his thirst because he swallowed too much salt water, and needed it, but now he wasn't. His shop was closed for the day because of his university schedule, which he tailored to that until he would hire some artists to help run the small shop. "Not at all. I was just so thirsty because I swallowed a bit of salt water and well... After I got that issue done, I have nothing else to do today. My assignment isn't due immediately." Kade wanted to make sure that she knew that she was not in his way of anything. But now she had an idea? Was she thinking about doing a college paper or swimming? The latter made a lot more sense to him. He almost folded his arms across his chest as she spoke, but remembered that he would look more intimidating that way, so he put them behind his back to look less imposing. "Oh, it was about marine plants, how they are thriving here. I am studying to be a marine biologist. But that idea that you thought of, what was it?"
Lauren mostly tried to avoid especially males. Trouble with trusting them and it was not fair for them since one man had ruined it for them. But her therapy was making progress at least in letting go her thoughts and go more with the flow. It was good to meet people, and just make conversation. And that was what she did and she was glad she didn't even had to take the first step. Walking to someone was scary, you could never know what someone did or thought. But this was just an accident so more easy perhaps? Lauren nodded as he explained the water and all. She could understand, salt water wasn;t that tasty. She watched him as he stood there. She betrayed herself on the thought that she would never had spoken to him, if he hadn't bumped or she had bumped into him. He looked scary and big. But he wasn't scary at all so far. She hated thinking what her father would do if she only made one mistake, dropping something or bumping into him. But that was the past, now she had Landon and Georgina and they were kind to her. him explaining his assignment made her think of what that all was. Lauren was busy with herself and hadn't found yet what she liked to do. But it was good to hear what others did. Losing in her thoughts an bit she first didn't catched his question but than answered. '' Oh. Swimming I mean. I think I'd like to do that too.'' Lauren than said and smiled shy. But almost forgot and that was perhaps an positive thing that she had some marks on her body which she felt ashamed for. Most of them were gone, but the scars were ofcourse not only on her body but also in her mind and soul. '' But perhaps another time..'' She said quickly not feeling confident enough to swim. '' I also don't brought anything with me.'' Lauren added.​
Kade wondered if there was something wrong since she seemed to be on edge, or deep in thought. He thought about waving his hand in front of her eyes to see if she was still in there somewhere. Kade was not about to do that since that would be very rude. But she finally spoke about swimming. She would want to do that too. He wondered if she had a suit to swim in that would be appropriate since he could lead her to a good spot but if all she had was her birthday suit, that would be indecent exposure, not to mention illegal. It would make him laugh but that was about it. "Without the right stuff, you might be a beacon for the wrong type of attention, such as hit wizards to arrest you if you don't wear the proper stuff." Kade wanted to add, 'or nothing at all' but this was a stranger, not a friend. He was prepared for it, so he had everything, and his stuff would not exactly accommodate a woman, let alone someone that was smaller than him. "Transfiguration is a thing if you are confident, and there are stores. I know a good spot, but I'm not sure what else from there. But you seemed to be... I'm not sure. Troubled maybe?" Kade guessed as he quickly added, "Not that I am pressuring you to talk, just throwing it out there. I think you need something to relax."
As they spoke Lauren figured she didn't even knew his name yet or had introduced herself. But in a way Lauren was carefull with that. It was hard trusting people, and especially male figures. But this man seemed nice so far. He didn't got mad at her for being so clumsy. As he spoke of getting arrested the blonde frowned for an moment. '' Arrested? No that's not the plan. '' Lauren than said, before thinking about it. Swimming sounded nice though and as he suggested some stuff she figured why she didn't came to it. But she was rather swimming in a place where no one could see her. How much she wanted to feel free, sometimes the scars of what happend to her were deep in her confidence as well, which she missed. As she wanted to open her mouth she felt suprised by the argument that she seemed troubled. Was it really that clear? Lauren learned to be more open, but not to every stranger she runned into. '' Well thanks for the advice. What's your name? '' She just said with an neutral face. Nothing she ever did was good enough it seemed. Although he sure didn't ment it the wrong way, she didn't want people to tell her what to do. Her father had done that enough. '' I'm just having second thoughts about swimming. Perhaps another time. I came here to shop so should stick to my plan.'' The blonde added. She didn't even had an plan, but figured to do so now.​
Kade chuckled in his throat when she said that was not the plan. Who would plan for that? Kade gestured with his hand, as he often did when he talked, "I don’t think anyone would want to be arrested, unless they know someone in Azkaban. I wouldn’t know." Kade didn’t have friends that were into trouble, but that might have been because he was the bad influence friend. He couldn’t help the way he believed, which was why he joined the Scitorari to begin with. He thought that the woman was troubled, but it was none of his business. As long as she wasn’t in danger right this second. He could help if she was, but emotional stuff, that would be harder for him. "Kade. I’m Kade Borisyuk. I suppose since you asked me mine, what’s your name?" Kade didn’t mind talking to people even if he didn’t know their name, but that's besides the point. "Ah, okay. Take a camera if you can. I don’t want to hold you up from shopping if that’s what you were going to do before I interrupted you."

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