Margot Castle

Margot Castle

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 15 Inch Unyielding Rosewood Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Margot Eleanora Castle

Name Meaning:</FONT>
[ul][li]Margot is a French baby name, it is a diminutive of Margaret with the meaning: pearl. It was given to her by her parents because she was born in June, the pearl being the birthstone. The name Margot also honours her maternal grandmother, Mary.
[li]Eleanora is a Spanish baby name with the meaning: light, bright one. She was given this middle name by her father because he loved the meaning of the name.</LI>
[li]Castle is a English surname originating in the middle ages. The last name Castle means: fortified building, and is frequently associated with the extravagant buildings. [/li][/ul]
Margot had been her father's favorite girl name since adulthood, he preferred the spelling Margo but, changed it because her mother thought it looked incomplete. Margot particularly likes the connection to her grandmother Mary, especially now since she passed. Margot quite likes her name, she is quite fond of the French sound and enjoys hearing other people call her. When she was younger she had issues with her name, mostly because of how her teachers would always pronounce the 't' at the end. As Margot grows older she has grown used to it and politely corrects people now.

With her middle name, Margot is a bit less enthusiastic. She finds the four syllables too much, and while the flow is nice and the meaning is positive, Margot thinks it too frilly, and princess-y for her personality. Margot tries to be kind to her parents about it because they love it, and frequently introduce her as: Margot Eleanora. Personally Margot would have chosen the shorter form of: Nora.

Margot has never really had any nicknames. Her name is short, two syllables and the most creative nickname she ever received was from her older brother who called her Go. When she was a baby, her parents called her Pumpkin but that faded when she was seven. Now, her most frequent nickname is M, pronounced like the letter: Em. It doesn't bother Margot because she really likes her full name anyways,

Birth date:
Margot was born on Monday, June 26, 2028, Margot was born in Harrogate, England, at :cry:49pm. She was born in local muggle hospital, it was a fairly smooth birth aside from being very long time wise. When Margot was born, her parents, and maternal grandparents were there. Shortly after, her aunt brought her older brother Henry to visit. Margot and her mother went home nine days after birth.

Margot is currently 11 years old. She doesn't really celebrate her birthday aside from having lovely family parties. She doesn't mind being eleven but can't wait to be older.

Margot was born in Harrogate, England. The town is located in North Yorkshire, and is describes as a "spa town" meaning, it is a very popular retreat place. The urban area of Harrogate has a population of 76,000 citizens. Margot loves Harrogate and has great Yorkshire pride.

Current Residence:
The Castle family still lives in Harrogate, England. Though, after her parent's divorce her mother and two younger brother moved away to Sussex, England. Margot, her father, and older brother live in their family home which Margot has lived in her whole life. It is a nice house, with two stories and a lovely front and back lawn.


Name: Theodore Ellis Castle
Age: 41 years old.
Bloodtype: Mixed Blood.
Profession: Muggle Author.


Name: Ramona Paulie Munrowe
Age: 36 years old.
Bloodtype: Unknown.
Professions: Shopkeeper.


Name: Henry Paul-Oliver Castle
Age: 13 years old.
Bloodtype: Mixed Blood.
Profession: HS, Ravenclaw.


Name: Ivan Theodore Castle
Age: 9 years old.
Bloodtype: Mixed Blood.
Profession: Student, Home-schooled.


Name: Victor Sean Castle
Age: 9 years old.
Bloodtype: Mixed Blood.
Profession: Student, Home-schooled.
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Margot is of mixed blood. Her father is of mixed blood as-well, while her mother's is unknown. MArgot and her three brothers are all categorized as mixed blood.

Margot doesn't have a strong feeling about bloodtype. She knows that purebloods are stereo-typically not fond of muggleborns, but she thinks there can't be a completely pure family. Funnily enough, Margot tends to gravitate towards people of magical decent though, she finds other witches and wizards easier to communicate with rather than students of muggle decent. From observing her older brother, she has learned tolerate everyone of any bloodtype because Henry says everybody deserves that respect.

Margot is 3/4 English, and 1/4 Canadian. Her father is pure English, but her mother is 1/2 English and 1/2 Canadian. Margot's maternal grandmother is Canadian. She considers herself English, and is very proud to be from England.

Margot Eleanora Castle was born on June 26th, 2028 to Theodore and Ramona Castle. After a 49 hour labor, Margot was born smoothly and without any complications. Shortly after birth, Henry Castle was brought to meet his younger sister. Margot and Ramona left the hospital nine days later, and drove back to the Castle's family home.

Margot was a pleasant baby, always very cheerful and obedient. She was a rather bright toddler with a lot of energy and things to do. Margot would frequently be let out to play in the yard with her brother and would toddle around chasing Henry. When Margot was 2 1/2, the twins were born. It was a rather complicated and the family was not allowed to meet the babies until they were two weeks old. Ivan and Victor were always very troublesome, even at a mere 6 months. Margot never really got on splendidly with the twins and their play would frequently end in multiple temper tantrums.

When Margot was 5 she went to her regular muggle kindergarten. She was in a class of 12 students and she was always a bit of trouble, rather a trouble in learning or playing. Half-way through the year her parents pulled her out because Margot didn't seem to be getting on well. Looking back, Margot does realize she was a rather problematic child to socialize with. After being pulled out from kindergarten, Margot grew an inseparable attachment to Henry and was always at his side.

When Margot was 9, Henry went off to Hogwarts Scotland. He was sorted into Ravenclaw, and their parents were extremely proud. Margot developed separation anxiety and would send letter twice a week, even though he rarely responded. During that winter Theodore and Ramona filed for divorce, Theodore won custody of Henry and Margot, while Ramona got Ivan and Victor. Margot has never really forgiven her mother and younger brothers for leaving and ruining her family. Margot still holds a rather large grudge to her mother which has formed into an angry envy towards complete families.

On Margot's 10th birthday, her father took her down to New Zealand to visit her grandmother. She lived in Auckland, and Margot really enjoyed her company. They stayed in New Zealand for three weeks before returning back to Harrogate. Margot will always have fond memories of New Zealand with her father and brother. On Margot's eleventh birthday she got her letter to Hogwarts New Zealand and she was thrilled, even though she knew it was coming. The next week, Theodore took Margot down to buy all her school supplies and they really connected over that day.

Margot is rather short for her age, standing at 4'7". She is rather unhappy with her height and wishes she were taller. Her mother, Ramona is a tall lady and during her teens Margot grow rather quickly. When she finishes growing she will be close to 5'8".

Body Type:
Margot has a rather small body type, she is quite petite and slim. As a toddler and child she had some baby chub, which she has lost over the years. Though, Margot is rather athletic due to her background in equestrian polo and running with her brother. She has a fairly average body build for an 11 year old girl, but is on the trim side.

Margot has very few birthmarks, besides the light sprinkle of freckles that appear on her face in the summer. Her only other birthmark would be the triangular shaped birthmark on the inside of her right hand ring finger, which she has had since birth. She has never been fond of her brithmark, but would never change it.

Face Shape:
Margot has a heart shaped face, which she shares with her aunt and maternal grandmother. She quite likes the shape of her face because it flatters her hair and it is more unusual that other face shapes.
[li]Eyes: Margot has rather large, protruding eyes. They are a warm honey in colour, with thick dark eyelashes and a nice round shape. Margot's eyes are her most favorite facial feature.
[li]Mouth: Margot's lips are rather even, top and bottom. They are a nice shape, though she thinks they are too long. She has always been told she has her mother's lips.
<LI>[li]Nose: Margot has never payed much attention to her nose, while others would say it is slim, with a slight upturn at the end. It flatters her face and Margot has no complaints towards her nose.
Margot's hair is of medium length, and is fairly straight. Her hair is a mousy brown shade, with darker brown undertones. Margot likes her hair because it is thick and has a nice texture, although she does dislike her hair when it is particularly frizzy.

Five Words:
Overemotional, unsure, loud, trusting, and witty.

Margot is an overemotional, melodramatic girl. Margot always has been and she often apologizes because she feels like she is being a pain. Although, that doesn't seem to dim the emotion. She can go from a happy-go-lucky, on top of the world, to destruction, and the world is ending... within minutes. With melodrama comes a lot of noise, Margot is a very loud person, if it be laughter or shrieking. Margot relies a lot on social interaction but, that doesn't always work out for her because she is prone to crying easily.

While being melodramatic, Margot is actually a very nervous person. She is always second guessing herself and is generally very worried about making social mistakes or being socially inappropriate. Margot is always re-evaluating her social decisions and has a tendency to be rather quiet and shy upon initially meeting someone new. But, once you get to know her, Margot is a very trusting creature. If you take the time to bond with her she will become very loyal, and will do anything you say without the bat of an eyelash.

[li] Reading. [/li][/ul] Margot was raised by an author, and her family always spent a good deal of time in their family library. Literature and muggle books is something that she misses the most.
[li] Equestrian polo. [/li][/ul] Margot's mother signed her up for horse-back riding lessons when she was seven. Margot quickly found a passion for the sport and has been deemed quite a gifted player.
[li] Being with friends. [/li][/ul] Margot enjoys just being with people she cares for. Margot doesn't feel a need to contribute to conversation or be the center of attention, she just wants to be there with people she knows enjoy her company.

[li]Bossy People. [/li][/ul] Margot is a fairly strong willed person, and doesn't appreciate when others are condescending or won't listen to her opinions. Her mother was a fairly bossy woman, and Margot always feels frustrated when others act like her mother, because it reminds Margot of her parents' divorce.
[li]Ketchup.[/li][/ul] Margot has never enjoyed eating ketchup with any sort of food. Be it chips, hotdogs, or really anything. The consistency and texture make her feel sick just looking at it.
School Life

Current School:
Hogwarts New Zealand. Margot has never gone to school before, her father has home-schooled her since kindergarten though, Margot did try briefly. Margot was very excited to go to school and she is very happy with the decision that her family made to send her there because, "it is better for her magical education" as her mother said.

Hogwarts House:
Margot was sorted into Gryffindor house. Margot is very proud to be in her house even though her brother and parents both belong to Ravenclaw, she feels that Gryffindor was the best fit for her.

Sorting Post:

Favorite Class(es):
[li] Potions. [/li][/ul] Margot loved potions this term and also loved the professor. She is very excited to go back next year.
[li] Defense Against the Dark Arts.[/li][/ul] While Professor Styx was intimidating, she found the homework very rewarding.

Wand Information:
Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.

Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.

Wood: A beautiful wandwood that tends to draw beautiful people to itself for best results.

Core: As a wand core, essence of belladonna is useful in Potions and Herbology work. The poisonous nature of this substance makes the wand more suspicious than most wands are of the wand caster. For this reason, wands with this core take a long time to bond with the wand caster.

Flexibility: Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression

First Year Marks
Course Final Grade
1st Year PotionsA
1st Year DADA A
1st Year CharmsA
1st Year FlyingP
House points earned during year: 77

"Major Roleplays:"
A Long Trek Up
Just A Little Frazzled

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