Marcellus Crispin Haynes

Marcel Haynes

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OOC First Name
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Curved 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Billywig Stinger Core


Name: Marcel Crispin Haynes
Name meaning:
[li]Marcel (Mar-cel) means "hammer, warring"</LI>
[li]Crispin (Krispin) means "curly-haired"
[li]Haynes (HHEY-NZ) means ''successful one''[/li][/ul]
Place of Birth: Marcel is born and raised in Greymouth, New Zealand
Current residence: He moved in with his father at his lakehouse in Greymouth
Nickname/Alias: ''Marcellus''
Age: Seventeen
Birthday: March 3rd, 2023

Nationality: New Zealander
Blood Status: The Haynes family has been a Half Blood family for 5 generations
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Marcel is currently not in a relationship
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Element: Water
Planet: Neptune

Education: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, New Zealand
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff House
Hogwarts Year: 7th Year
Hogwarts Titles: Prefect
Occupation: Student
Wand: Curved 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
[ul][li]Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special
[li]Style: Bending to its side, this wand is more difficult to aim than its straighter counterparts but provides character that some simply cannot pass by
[li]Wood: 'Chestnut Drones' says the old poem - but Chestnut most commonly takes on the attributes of the core that it holds within it - though it may have a unique attraction to those wizards and witches who excel in herbology, taming beasts, and flying
[li]Core: Billywig stingers make for temperate cores, but they are mildly useful when used to heal. Wands with this core tend to what they want to do, making them good for people who are flexible in nature.
[li]Flexibility: Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its weilder[/li][/ul]

Play By: Tyler Posey
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 64.4 kg
Body Type: Slim, muscular
Hair: Marcel has short, brown hair
Facial Hair: Stubbles
Complexion: White
Eyes: Dark brown
Special Features: Marcel has a few scars on his body, most of them happened while playing outside and falling over
Allergies: As far as he knows, Marcel isn't allergic to anything

Five words to discribe Marcel: Loyal, straightforward, well mannered, charming, and calm
Likes: Reading, basketball, Wizard's chess, dogs, magical creatures, staying up late,
Dislikes: Long walks, dentists, hot weather, Potions, smoking, arrogance
Secrets: Marcel wished he had joined the Hufflepuff Quidditch team
Goals: The only goal Marcel has is graduating Hogwarts
Fears: Outliving his father
Strengths: Hard worker, team work, loyal, eager to learn, flexible
Weaknesses: Procrastinator, leaves nothing undone, trusts easily, working under pressure

Erised: Marcel would see himself and his parents together
Boggart: Being alone
Patronus: A wolf
Animagus: -
Amortentia: The smell of coffee, freshly mowed grass, water, TBA

First kiss: Not happened yet
First crush: Also not happened yet.

Overal Personality: A quiet and curious boy, Marcel didn't stand out in the least. He was the boy who went with the flow, tagged along with the other kids and tried to earn their approval. Growing up surrounded by small things with the potential to do a lot, everything is worthy of attention to him, and he can always be found asking questions or poking around. Fond of going out and trying new things, his greatest joy is to explore some new place or try some new game. Persistent to a fault, he goes out of his way to do what he thinks are necessary to achieve his goals, which often backfires as he isn't quite sure yet how to meet them. His zest has a tendency to go overboard however, and he ends up stressing his self out over the most minor of details. His tendency to get into accidents combined with his love of touching things he shouldn't make him a frequent visitor to the nearest healer, and he has gone through several childish accidents by age eleven. He's not the brightest kid around, but that was mostly due to a lack of exposure to basic education than lack of curiosity. He always appreciated the beauty of things, and an innate sense of wonder ensured a few hundred questions popping into his head daily. A genuine love of learning has been a major part of his personality from very early on, though he could never get things to stick. He's just not very good at processing things immediately, and the great deal he knows tends to get all muddled up the moment any pressure to get something right is applied. Awkward, shy, and a touch arrogant, he isn't quite sure how to make friends even if he wants to. He's slightly afraid to betray his own ignorance in front of his peers, which is why he chooses carefully what he decides to ask, and tries to look in control of his life whether or not he is. During his teenhood, Marcel has changed quite a bit. These days the Hufflepuff prefect is very loyal and friendly, and likes to read books about magical creatures and tries to learn as much about it as possible. He's also wel mannered, kind and can be rather charming.

History: TBA

[li] I Guess This Is Hello with Alexa Rhowen
[li]Eager To Learn More with Professor Speed Stark
[li]Time Flies with Crystal Evans
[li]This time is different with Jane Anderson
[li]I Love Flowers with Avie Mitchell
[li]Looking For Something with Avie Mitchell
[li]What if? with Avie Mitchell
[li]Let's Find My Friend with Avie Mitchell
<LI>[li]<FONT font="Verdana">Geology with Avie Mitchell



<SIZE size="50">Name: Willem Benjamin Haynes
Relation: Father
Born: April 5th, 1994
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Half Blood
Marital Status: Divorced
Occupation: Owner of a comic book store
[th colspan="5"]The Haynes Family[/th] [td]
Name: Serena Haynes (Neé Nathaniel)
Relation: Mother
Born: August 31th, 1995
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Half Blood
Marital Status: Divorced
Occupation: Owner of a bakery [/td][td]

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