Many people many plots

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Praneil Patil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hey. I really need plots. it is my uni break and i had some plots going but they have stagnated. so i could do with some good plots for all of my charries.


Morgan Le fey
Shop keeper and owner of the inner eye, seer. I think she is 50 something. she is mother to Elvera Le fey and Eden and Lilith Koshiba. She often helps people who come into her shop. goving advise and readings over a cup of tea (or whatever you feel like drinking)
she needs friends, and other people.


Elvera Le Fey
Ravenclaw graduate. co-owner of the inner eye, also an approved seer (but still coming to terms with her gift). she is quite reserved but is friendly to people. she has a nack for getting people talking, and listening attentively, and finding how to solve problems (morgan is pretty good at that too, like mother like daughter)
she needs friends, and love interest


Praneil Patil
My newest account. a sixth year beauxbatton. he is nice, friendly, and always up for a laugh and joke. he can be a bit of a flirt at times, but, he could do with a sort of steady relationship, however he cant have anything to do with HNZ at all. he is engaged but it wont stop him, in fact no one knows. He needs friends and flings, and a relationship.


Briar Rowan
She is a fifth year Lion, and has recently become a prefect (I have no idea how). she is nice to those she likes, and sticks up for those who need it, she will fight back is you hurt her or her friends, or are seen doing she doesn't like. she is also a bit of a daredevil, she loves being outside and is a bit of a tomboy, she has been chaser in the quidditch team for the last two years and she hopes to be this year too.
i am looking for friends, enemies, some form of boyfriend (although she wont be the kind for a romantic relationship), she is happy for mentees, she already has a few, but the more the merrier.


Tara Sitara
This little third year puff is a dreamer and a naive soul. she loves drawing and painting. she was in a relationship until the summer and now she has just gotten back from a summer of hell. tormented by her boyfriends uncle on the first day. then she returned home to india distressed, and had to tell her family, and then she found out her family has been arranging her marriage since she was six, and she is now engages, however she isn't happy about it, and it a little down as much as tara can be (which isn't too much as she is naturally so happy go lucky)
what i need friends, as many friends as she can get preferably female, maybe some one to guide her through this, and if you want some mentees, but she may not be the best mentor for the time being
<_< bump :r :shifty:
I believe that Sapphire and Tara where meant to be friends at one point. She's a Hufflepuff and sweet as honey despite what happens to her at home. She's mute but I can see them being the kind of friends where all Sapphire has to do is give Tara a look and she knows what's going on even though Sapphire hasn't said anything.

For Praneil I can offer Judy Sherman. She's a Beaubaton and has grown out of her plasticness a little bit because she got tired of being something she isn't. She's a sixth year now and captain of on of the Beauxbaton's Quidditch teams (which I still have to set up). They can have something maybe but they can be friends too of that's all that it amounts to.
they both sound good. I can vaguely remember that we were going to have a sapphire tara thread, but i can't remember why it fell through. do you want to start a topic or do you want me to start one.
as for praneil and Judy. i reckon we should have a plot and see how they get on. just a little bit of warning though, i havent used praneil enough to get into his head yet, so he may start off a little inconsistent. and once again do you want to start or do you want me to?
maybe we should start one each to be fair.
I have posted a reply to the topic for Sapphire and Tara, and i will start the other one after tea
Hey Mia!

For Briar I have a friend for her through Elouise Possible, who is also a fifth year Gryffindor. She's a bit shy but once she gets talking its hard to stop her mouth from going. :)
that sounds cool, do you want to start a topic? anywhere would be great.
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