Open Making Paper Roses

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Oswald Brambleheart

'Oz' | Sixth Year | 1/4 Goblin
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 16 Inch Unyielding Mahogany Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
16 (2 April 2047)
Oz would've happily avoided the Valentine's dance, and had certainly intended to, but his stomach's growls had convinced him to go along. After all, he knew there'd be a bunch of food there. He wasn't going to dance, though. He was easily the shortest in his year, which meant he was bound to be a terrible dance partner even if he did want to dance. And he didn't want to be partnered up with someone who only danced with him because they felt sorry for him because of his height. But seeing all the roses around had given him an idea, and he'd taken some coloured paper from the arts club with him under his robes (he hadn't bothered to dress up). Oz loaded up a plate with food, mostly sweets and snacks, and began folding roses out of paper, carefully trying to make them look at least somewhat like the flowers he'd seen a bunch of today.
Airen knew that the dress she was wearing, was made for the yule ball. But it was just so cute! She couldn't just wear it once. She walked down to the dance, humming softly. She spent a bit admiring the decorations before looking around to see if she could spot any of her friends. Luck seemed to be on her side as she spotted Oz sitting at a table. She smiled and hurried over. "Hey, Ozzy, whatcha doing?" She asked, putting her hands on the table and leaning a bit to peek at his work.
Oz tended to get fully absorbed in his work when he started, determined to make something he was happy with. He was struggling to get it exactly right - there were a couple that were a bit sad sitting next to him, but this one he'd made now seemed to be passable. He gave a small smile as he looked it over, then looked up and blinked a few times upon hearing Airen's voice, a little surprised by the nickname. Or further nickname, since Oz was already a nickname in a way. "...hi," he said, quietly. Though he supposed he ought to be more polite. "...y'look nice." He looked the flower over one more time, before thrusting it over to her. "Making roses. You can have it."
Airen smiled softly, giggling and sitting with him. She took the offered rose, cooing over it and turning it in her hands. "Oooh, this is so pretty, thank you!" She giggled, giving him a bright smile. "Did you grab any yummy snacks?" She asked, looking to his treats.
Oz wasn't really that impressed with the rose he'd made, it was only passable and he knew he could do better if he kept working on it, but Airen seemed to like it. He grunted in slightly embarrassed assent as he pulled the plate of food in front of him, letting her have a look. There were a few different types of cake and some fruits, mostly sweets. "'S embarrassin'." Probably wouldn't help him grow big and tall, not that anything ever would.
Airen blinked at his words, tilting her head slightly. "What is?" She asked. "Your rose is pretty and your snacks look yummy!" She offered easily, giving him a bright smile. "Lemme go get some too, I'll be right back," She countered, hurrying off to grab her own plate of snacks like his before rushing back, smiling as she took a seat again.
Oz was glad his hair covered his ears, as the pointed tips were probably reddening. He felt a bit silly, especially with the way Airen was talking to him. He was about to say something, but he couldn't get anything out before she'd gone to get food of her own. He chewed thoughtfully on a chocolate tart, and she was back almost as fast as she'd gone. He kicked his feet a little, looking her over and thinking for a moment. "...did'ja get roses?" he asked, thinking he should try and be polite.
Airen giggled and nodded. "I did, I got a few. Did you get any?" She asked, returning his question and munching on some of her snacks. She reached out, hesitating with her fingers brushing one of his papers. "May I?" She asked, wanting to help but not wanting to do anything without his permission.
Oz almost wanted to protest, but he didn't really see much point. It would probably just be needlessly mean to say no, and that's the type of thing Audrey would do, not him. "Got one," he admitted, which was more than he'd expected, or even sent. "Sure," he added, pushing the paper towards her. "From the arts club." It wasn't his paper, so he couldn't stop her from using it.
Airen giggled. "Well, I'll make you another one," She told him, taking the paper. She stared at it a moment before giving him a sheepish smile. "Will you show me how?" She asked, scooting a little bit closer. "Yours are really good,"
Oz ducked his head at the compliment, thinking she was laying it on a bit thick even though it felt nice to hear. "...'m still workin' it out," he admitted, a little sheepish. He laid out the paper before him, starting to make folds more slowly so she could follow along with what he was doing. He wasn't completely sure the best way to do it, but it was nice to go over it with someone else.
Airen giggled, thanking him again before settling in. She watched him closely, following him fold for fold. She giggled again when hers was done, holding it out to him. "Yay, I did it!" She cooed, incredibly pleased with herself. "Thanks, Ozzy!" She giggled.
Oz wondered if this was what having a sister was actually like, instead of Audrey's torment and prank pulling and teasing. Not that he was going to say that to Airen, since it would probably sound weird and he knew she had a twin in Gryffindor anyway. He gave her a slightly crooked smile and a short nod. "Good," he muttered, hoping to express his approval. He almost wondered if she would be bored sitting with him and not dancing, but he figured she could easily go do something else if she wanted and he wasn't stopping her. "You're good at art, 'n stuff." he eventually gave as an awkward compliment, wanting to at least try and be more friendly even if it didn't exactly come naturally through his guard.
Airen giggled again, stealing another piece of paper. "Thanks! You're really good too," She offered easily, giving him a warm smile. "I'm glad we're friends, we should do some more crafts together," She mused. "What else do you think we could do?" She asked, musing.
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