Making a new friend

"Sorry." Megan automaticly apologised. She was looking at her shoes again, feeling as nervous as when she first saw Andrew in the library.

"I just asked if Slytherins seemed mean because people think their mean so they are mean to the Slytherins and you're mean back." She didn't pause this time but she was speaking quite faster than she had in this conversation.

"The roar that we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear is not the ocean, but rather the sound of blood surging through the veins in the ear." She mumbled another fact as she got nervous again.
"Yes that's true to a certain extent" Andrew told Megan as he noticed she looked nervous once again. This was confrimed as his sharp ears heard the fact that she spoke. "I never knew that, like many others I thought we heard the ocean"he said laughing at himself.

Andrew's pocket watch made a weird jingling noise which told him that he had to go to his Potions lesson. "Megan, I have to rush to a class" he told her apologically. "It was nice meeting you, write to me whenever you want" he said as he gathered his books.

"Bye, have a nice day" he said as he dashed out of the library because he had to pick Caina from the common room and then go to the Potions.
Megan nodded as he said she was kind of true. She was about to ask for a full explanation when he told her he had to go to class. She nodded, forced a smile and watched as he raced off. Her first ever male friend. Megs stood there for a second, thinking how proud her mum would be. Eventually she sat where Andrew had sat previously and began to read her book again. Soon she was absorbed in the text, oblivious to anything around her.

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