Makenna Morgan

Makenna Morgan

Well-Known Member


"Through the wind and the rain she stands hard as a stone
In a world that she can't rise above"​

"Nobody knows what she's holding back"
The Basics

Name: Makenna May Morgan

Nick Names: Kenna, Mac, May, M
*Side Note* Makenna's father calls her Mac from time to time. For this reason, Makenna hates the the nickname of Mac and even sometimes cringes to hear herself be called that by anyone other than her father. Kenna by far is her favorite nickname. There is no certain reason to this favoritism other than the fact that Makenna believes out of all the names she has been called, other than her real name, this name seems to fit the most*

Date Of Birth: September 10
*Side Note* After the age of five Makenna has never celebrated a birthday. Instead she likes to be perfer that the day be considered any other day. Really deep down she just likes the fact that she is growing older and closer to being able to leave her father's custody for good*

Age: 11 years old

Blood Status:Muggle Born

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight
*Side Note* As of now Makenna does not care for realationships at all. Though as the years progress she may open up more to the fact that she does indeed want someone to be close enough to her in that matter.*

"It's hard to see the pain behind the mask"
Appearance And Style

Height: Four Foot Eight Inches Give or Take a Centimeter or Two

Weight 65 Pounds

Bulid Small Build though rather normal if not tall for her age.
-Note: The measurements I actually based off my twelve year old cousin so they are not just unattainable measurements that I made up-

Skin Colour: Really pale due to the little trips she takes outside. Almost at times Makenna looks sickly pale.

Eye Colour: Makenna has brown eyes that have the smallest tint of green in them. At times her eyes will look rather green if the lightening is right but for the most part they are their normal and more dominant colour of a simple light brown.

Hair Colour: Dark brown hair with natural light brown highlights streaming through it.

Hair Style: Makenna's hair is about mid way down her back when down completely. At times when she is most comfortable she may put her hair up into a pony tail or even on very rare occasions a bun. Rarely does this occur though so her hair is usually just straight down.

Piercings: Ears are pierced once in both ears. This was done when Makenna was still a baby though to this day she does not wear or even have any earrings to make sure those holes are put to use.

Fashion Sense: Black is usually the colour that fits Makenna. Never leaving the house without her oversized black combat books. Most of her clothes are oversized for the simple reasons that one nothing really fits her and two she likes to wear baggy clothes in hopes that it will hide more, contain more secrets that she is holding deep within. The usual outfit for this young girl is a baggy sweatshirt, pair of jeans, combat boots, and a necklace that was her mother's. The necklace is in the shape of a dragonfly with a single stone midway through the dragonfly's tail which is an opal.

Tell Me More: Makenna's face holds years past her young age. Her dark brown eyes rarely sparkle and her thin lips rarely form into a smile. Overall she has a very serious outlook and appearance.

"Bearing the burden of a secret storm"

What Others See: Quiet, Shy, Maybe even at times uncaring and concerned. Can be considered odd and anti social.

What Is On The Inside: Curious, Scared, Shy, Unknowing

Overall: Due to her past, Makenna keeps to herself a lot. This young girl doesn't like the contact of others and tends to shy away from anyone that gets too close. She is afraid of the male gender in general and really doesn't know how to react to either gender well. For this reason, she is taken as quiet and shy. All she has to go by as in social interaction is the short five years of her life in which her mother was around meaning that she was around other children, and the movies and books that she uses as her escape. Fearful is another good word to describe Makenna for she is not sure of her environment and has been so long taught to fear just about everything. Even in the mist of fear, this young girl has a curiousity that she tried to surpress but for the most part fails in that aspect.

Can't Live Without: Her books and movies, Combat Books, Baggy Sweatshirts

Can't Stand: Physical Contact, The confusion of interacting with others, Laughter at her expense, Not understanding the meaning of something

Strengths: Overall Makenna is a strong girl mentally not physically. She has withstand the years of abuse and still stands on her own at the person she is. Probably her biggest strength is the curiousity that keeps her going even if she is told constantly that it is her biggest fault

Weaknesses: Her fear probably keeps her back for the most part. Her fear for disobeying her father to a certain extent, of breaking the rules and of getting to close to anyone. Though her trust issues also seem to be a weakness that she is yet to understand.

Habits: She always crosses her arms over her chest or stomach area as if to protect herself. Never does she wear any clothing that shows too much unwanted skin even short sleeves are out of the question.

Fears: Her Father, Her Grandfather, Her secrets being let out, Not being able to Stay in School, Having to live with her father forever, Never being able to see her mother again, Never being free

Hopes For: Freedom and Understanding

"Sometimes she wishes she was never born"

Father's Name: Shane Morgan

Father's Description: Shane is a complete drunk. He spends his days at work and right after work he heads off to 'hang with the guys' In other words straight to the bar. Drinking is an everyday thing in which he returns home only to take out just about everything on his daughter Makenna.

Mother's Name: Braelyn Morgan (At The Moment Braelyn Foxen)

Mother's Description: Makenna remembers her mother as a caring and wonderful person. Though really Braelyn is nothing of the sort. Leaving Makenna right after she turned five, Braelyn moved on with her realationship life getting married twice since the leave. Braelyn is the type that thinks the grass is always greener on the other side and doesn't ever believe that she is happy enough where she is.

Grandfather's Name: Richard

Grandfather's Description: Richard is about sixty seven years old and is not the nicest guy in the bunch. He spends most of his days sleeping and when he is not sleeping or in his room watching the television he is making shots at Makenna verbally abusing the young girl. Yet Richard never hit Makenna, his words are most of the reason why she has such a lack of self confidence.

Brother's Name: Sterling Staton

Brother's Description: Sterling is Makenna's twin though Makenna does not know this. Braelyn did not want twins at the time of birth so right away she gave up Sterling for adoption without even bringing him home from the hospital. Shane has never told Makenna about her brother and doesn't plan to do so ever. Little did Makenna know, as the story pans out, Sterling will end up at the same school.

Other Important People: None At The Moment

Short Family History: When Makenna was born both her parents were in the picture. Her mother gave birth to her at an early age of 17. At the time of Makenna's birth, her father was at an age of 20 years old. Makenna's mother, Braelyn, stayed in muggle high school even after the birth. While Makenna's father, Shane, was a full time collge student. While both her parents were at school, Makenna was left in the care of her grandfather, Richard. Now ten years later, Makenna is living with her father, now 30 years old. Braelyn left the family and moved away without a notice. Neither Makenna or Shane know where Braelyn went and they both pretend not to care

"A broken heart that the world forgot"
The Magical Part

House: Slytherin

Why This House: Makenna was actually surprised at this decision. Though she didn’t know anything about the houses until she walked into the Great hall and that sorting hat sang it’s song. Really Makenna feels that she is in Slytherin because she feels like she has to watch out for herself over everyone else. Almost meaning that she believes her well being is more important than everyone elses.

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