Make-Up Section Y48 (Years 1-4)

Professor Edward Pirrip

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This thread is where you can post any lessons you have missed with Professor Edward Pirrip. Use the below code:

Lesson(s) Missed (please make clear which lesson number you are making up)


Thanks, Professor Edward Pirrip
Name: Addison Donnelly
House: Ravenclaw
Year: Third year
Lesson(s) 2, 3, 4, 5

Lesson 2
Addison was pretty sure that this lesson would involve sailing, so she went to class with some trepidation. She wasn't sure if everything would work out, but she had to push all her fears away. Before going to class, she checked to see if she had her wand. It was.

She entered the classroom, settled into one of the free seats, and waited for the lesson to begin. As soon as the lesson began, Addison listened carefully to what she would have to do in this lesson. She could tell for sure that this was going to be the most difficult lesson of all. She took a frog, then placed it on the table and pointed her wand at it. She had to concentrate. She said the words out loud, "Locust!" The first two times nothing happened. Addison lowered her head for a moment, concentrated, then decided to try a third time. At first, it seemed like nothing would work, but after a while the frog turned into a grasshopper. She was so happy that it worked. She tried again and again until the end of the lesson.

Lesson 3
Addison was quite sure that this lesson would involve sailing and therefore she went to class with some anxiety. She was not sure that everything would work out, but she had to drive away all her fears. Before going to class, she checked if she had taken her wand. It was yes.

She entered the classroom, settled in one of the free seats, then waited for the lesson to begin. As soon as the lesson began, Addison listened carefully to what she would have to do in this lesson. She could definitely tell that this was going to be the most difficult lesson of all. She took a frog, then placed it on the table and pointed her wand at it. She had to concentrate. She said the words out loud, “Cuniculus,” The first two times nothing happened. Addison lowered her head for a short moment, concentrated, then decided to try a third time. At first it seemed that nothing would work, and it didn't work either, then she tried for the fourth time and it worked - the rat turned into a rabbit. She was so happy that it worked. Until the end of the lesson she tried again and again.

Lesson 4
Addison was absolutely sure that she would have to sail in this lesson and therefore she went to class with some anxiety. She wasn't sure that everything would work out, but she had to drive all her fears away. Before going to class she checked if she had taken her wand. It was yes. She entered the classroom and took out her notes when she sat down. Waiting for the lesson to begin.

Soon it was. Addison was relieved that she wouldn't have to sail when the professor started talking about Clashing Magic and wrote it down in her notes, because it was important and would be on the exam. As soon as she could go, she left the classroom, but not before saying goodbye to the professor.

Lesson 5
Addison had been in two minds before the last lesson. However, when the lesson began, she was glad that she didn't have to sail, but to write again. She wrote down everything the professor said about animgus and everything that was written down. Until they could leave.
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Name: William Potter-Cade
House: Gryffindor
Year: Second
Lesson(s) Missed: 2,3,4,5

Lesson Two

The first year of Transfiguration lessons had been pretty boring, too many lectures and not enough practical spellcasting. William was hoping for something more interesting in his second year, he walked inside the classroom and settled into his seat and Professor Pirrip introduced them by asking who had remembered their wand, which was a good sign. They would be attempting to turn beetles into buttons, which sounded cool even if William didn’t love the idea of playing with beetles. After listening to Professor Pirrip the best way to go about performing the spell, William got a beetle from the jar and too it to his desk. He tried to imagine a black button, the same shade of his beetle and pointed his wand at the insect. “Praepilatus,” It took a couple of attempts but eventually a small black button sat on his desk where the beetle had previously been crawling around. William was pretty happy with his work, so he took his button to Professor Pirrip for grading and untransfiguration, he then left the classroom.

Lesson Three

William remembered learning about turning wizards into statues, the history of it being used as a punishment and the complicated moral dilemma that surrounded it. So he was quite surprised that they would be learning how to turn a chipmunk into a statue. So far the spells they had learned had been quite specific so he wasn’t sure if the same spell would turn something else into a statue, but it did seem awfully strange that they were learning to cast a variation of something they had learned about as a punishment the year before. William took the chipmunk that was handed to him by Professor Pirrip and set it on his desk, he took out his wand and pointed it at the small creature, “Statua,” To William’s surprise, the creature instantly turned to stone. He hadn’t expected to get it on his first attempt. William handed the statue to the professor so he could turn it back and made his way out of the classroom.

Lesson Four

William had been a little conflicted about turning a chipmunk into stone during the previous Transfiguration lesson but he took comfort knowing Professor Pirrip reversed it after their lesson. Following on from their previous lesson they would now be learning about Inanimate to Animate Transfiguration, which sounded even more complicated and ethically dubious. William took out a sheet of parchment and took notes as Professor Pirrip went through some of the details, as it seemed like a lesson they wouldn’t actually be practicing magic. It was intriguing to think that any personality displayed by inanimate objects would be given by the caster, William wondered how they would go about doing that. Once the lesson was over he packed away his notes and made his way out of the classroom.

Lesson Five

After an introduction to the concept in the previous lesson William was expecting to be given an opportunity to practice Inanimate to animate Transfiguration, as it turned out it would take the shape of turning a teapot into a turtle. After watching the demonstration by Professor Pirrip, William went up to his desk and grabbed a teapot to take back to his own so he could practice the spell. He took out his wand and pointed it down at the teapot, “Torte,” It took a couple of attempts before there was any movement on the teapot, but eventually he managed to turn it into a turtle, its shell matching the pattern of the original teapot. William was pretty happy with it, he took his turtle over to Professor Pirrip for him to check out his work and mark accordingly. Once the lesson was over he grabbed his things and made his way out of the classroom.
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