Open Make it memorable

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Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Closet gay
Open after @Amodeus Jones

Teddy had said he'd make sure Amodeus made it to the Valentine's dance, and he intended to keep his word. As they arrived at the Great Hall, decorated with hearts and roses, Teddy's heart sank at the music. Slow music was not his thing, he turned to Amodeus, "I hope they change the music." He said, "Or maybe we can help out and change it ourselves." He added mischievously although he had no idea how to change the music that the headmaster had set.
Amodeus didn't usually dress up- or even really think to, but he was suggestible very easily swayed by his best friend so he'd thrown on a suit he didn't even know his mother had packed, skipping along after Teddy and humming happily. He nodded as Teddy talked about changing music. "Sure! What would we put on?" He asked, spotting the snacks and pointing to them with a bit of a pout, reaching out to try and tug on Teddy's sleeve gently.
Following his advice, Amodeus looked smart for the dance, and Teddy was having a great time hanging out. "Heavy metal," he replied without missing a beat and grinning. "Hopefully turn the dancefloor into a mosh pit!" When Amodeus pointed toward the snack table, Teddy's eyes lit up. "Great idea," he said, leading the way. They headed over to grab some snacks.
Amodeus lit up and hurried after Teddy, humming happily. "That would be fun!" He agreed, grabbing a plate and piling it dangerously high with snacks. He looked around and spotted an empty table, pointing to it. "What about there?"
Teddy also piled his own plate although not quite as high, and followed Amodeus over to the table. What were dances for if not stuffing your face full of food. "You gonna eat all of that?" He asked, interested to see if he could do it.
Amodeus smiled, falling into his seat. "Of course!" He agreed easily. "I can eat all of this and more!" He boasted, taking a big bite of one of his snacks. "I bet I can eat more than you." He teased with a playful wink.
Teddy eyed Amodeus with a hint of suspicion but mostly amusement. "Let's make this interesting, I bet one whole galleon that you're wrong, Jones." He said, using Amodeus' last name to show that he means business.
Amodeus gasped dramatically. "You're on!" He agreed, before pausing. "What are we doing?"
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