Maisie Rose Hampton

Maisie Hampton

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Elm Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
Maisie Rose Hampton​

<COLOR color="#FF99CC">T h e B a s i c s

Full Name: Maisie Rose Hampton
Maisie = Pearl, Shine, Divine, Shimmering, Light
Rose = Flower, Petal, Blossoming, Life, Eternity
Hampton = From, the village by the town

Age: 15
Condition: Werewolf
Blood Status: Pure blood
Birth Date: 17th September 2006
Hometown: Loch Carron, Western Scotland

Domineering;Maisie is very over powering and will do anything to get her way, she will try and dominate someone until they do something for her and she basically wants everyone to worship her.
Melodramatic;She always wants to make a drama out of things and sets the scene to make things seem worse then they actually are. If someone does something to her she will try and get the highest authority to do something to the insulter and exaggerate so it seems worse, then she will make out she is all innocent.
Arrogant;She is proud to be pure blood and hates any muggles, half breeds or muggle borns and often refers to them as 'mud bloods'. She thinks she is the most amazing person on the Earth and expects everything to be 'fabulous' for her, as she believes she is special. She doesn't care about the welfare of others and only about herself.
Vain;Of course being arrogant you would expect her to vein and self loving, which she of course is and she lives being so, she cares to much about her appearance and not what she is doing, she will often be found with a mirror looking dreamy like into her own eye's and muttering to herself how amazing she looks, she will also be very self conscious of her image and hair.
Spoilt;Because of her pure blood family, her parents just happened to be extremely rich, her father, before he died, was very very involved in the fashion industry and often would be able to get anything Maisie wanted, because of this she has adapted to getting what she wants, when she wants it hence her phase 'what Maisie wants, Maisie gets' and she has simply become used to it, and expects it all the time.
Evil;If you ever get on the wrong side of Maisie, people who already have will repeatedly tell you to regret it. She may not seem to have a problem with something, but inside theres a burning rage, and she will get you when your backs turned, she doesn't care if your hurt or not, she will do anything to get revenge. If you even challenge her against her argument she won't like you, so be warned.

T h e A p p e a r e n c e

Hair Colour: Dark Red
Hair Style: Wavy, hair reaches the chest
Eye Colour: Green
Height: 5'2
Distinguishing Features: Birthmark on right shoulder blade, tanned, but not seriously tanned.

The Family

Father's Name: Christopher Hampton (Deceased)
Information: Christopher was a very wealthy man and advanced in the magical fashion industry who also worked in the ministry of magic. He cared very much for his family and didn't know the secret of his wife's families past, full of dark magic and influences on it. He was sorted in Slytherin only because of his great ambitions, but he was generally smart, kind and caring and did what ever he could to help out somewhere. In his early childhood people began to believe that he was going to go far in dark magic, because of the mysteriousness that surrounded him, they were proved wrong and he stayed by good.

Mother's Name: Matilda Hampton (Deceased)
Information: Matilda is a practiser of dark magic and hates muggles and muggle borns, she believes that the pure blood race are superior to other races, Matilda somehow takes of her mother for that. She will not stand for injustice however and is a leading animal rights campaigner, she finds that people who do not know dark magic have 'not even lived' and also believes that dark arts should be a subject taught, which is why Matilda was advised to go to Durmstrang, but Matilda thought the conditions that they live in were terrible and decided that Hogwarts would be better, she had put a lot of pressure on Maisie for getting good grades.

Aunties Name: Jennifer Valentine (Deceased)
Information: Jennifer was a death eater, she had been trying to influence Maisie into joining the dark order when she is older, but Maisie had tried to fight it off, but did not succeed. Jennifer was accused of being a hag, because of her outstanding beauty and was often rumoured to turn into a horrible old woman at night, however this is impossible because hags are registered with the ministry of magic and are actually considered creatures, and unless Jennifer is a hypocrite, which is is most likely not, she hates half breeds like hags. She is pure blood, obviously, and extremely proud and holds dignity to her blood status, she never liked Christopher Hampton and even tried to poison him once, but was caught by Maisie who managed to stop her before she could do anything. You could truthfully say this woman was evil.

A t H o g w a r t s

Your best subject: Arithmancy, Potions, Astronomy, Divination, Care of Magical Creatures
Your worst subject: History of Magic, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms
Extracurricular activities: None yet
Favorite place at Hogwarts: Astronomy Tower, Dungeons
Least favorite place at Hogwarts: Lake, it's all muddy and disgusting
Do any of the staff members scare you?: Nope
Do any inspire you?: Professor Kalif Styx

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