Mai Mizushima

Mai Mizushima

Full Name: Mai Mizushima
In Japanese, Mai means 'dance'. Ironically, Mai hates dancing.

Date of Birth: April 8th

Current Age: 11

Basic Appearance:

Hair color: Long; Black
Eyes: Dark brown

Mai is a happy-go-lucky girl. Despite that, she knows a lot of things, thanks to her habit of reading anything she sees when she's got nothing else to do, and uses this knowledge to argue with people. She acts like a child most of the time, playing around even in dire situations.

Father: Haruka Mizushima (deceased)
He died of bone cancer before Mai was born.
Mother: Chiyo Mizushima
A doll maker. As most artists are, Chiyo is hard to understand, and so Mai didn't think so much about her. As long as she permits Mai of everything she wants, Mai wouldn't mind what her mother does.

Pets: (None at the moment)

Area of Residence: Tokyo, Japan

Blood Status: Muggle born

Heritage: Japanese

Special Abilities: (none at the moment)

Interests or Hobbies:
Reading, people watching, singing

Additional Skills: (None)

Indifference to a lot of things. Mai believes that thinking too much about things would just drive you crazy.
Friends. Mai thinks that friends are the key to be happy.

False accusations. She gets all pumped up when she's accused of something she didn't do.

Long conversations. She prefers action.

Describe your character in three words:

Favourite place to be:
Dangerous places.

(none at the moment)

Hogwarts House: (not yet sorted)

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: As long as it's a fun
Hello! Mind if I ask a question or two?

1. Does Mai want any pets? If yes, what sort and why?
2. How does Mai feel about her father's death? Has it affected her in any way?
3. How does Mai feel about being muggle-born?
4. Did Mai know she was different from muggles before she got her letter to Hogwarts?
5. Will being a witch effect her ambitions in any way?

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