Closed Mahoutokuro Highlights - Edogawa Edition

Jericah Edogawa

archer • this is not rebellion • domineering
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curved 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Cherry Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
09/2044 (17)
Jericah Shiori Edogawa did not understand how exactly Kakeru managed to worm his way into the NEWT Charms class. She had hoped that he wouldn't get the grade required to even continue in this class and yet here they both were again. The last year's coverage had been pretty challenging, and while Rica was a lot better at Potions, she wasn't a bad hand at Charms either. She knew though that this was one of Kakeru's worst classes so to see him here was really less than ideal because that meant she would probably suffer through most classes with him. "How are you here when you couldn't even manage the hover charm last year?" Rica hissed at Kakeru seated beside her. Oh Merlin he was going to sit beside her all year. She was not going to have any respite from him. In their NEWT year. She should probably try to show up late again just to be the last one to sit. But no, that didn't work last year since Kakeru just saved her a seat and always called her to sit beside him as soon as she came in. Loudly. Was it too late to transfer to HNZ?

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