Magical Cybernetics

Lola Caracola

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Guess who? Ana!
[Lignum Vitae Wand 16 Essence of Dragons Whisker
Lola Caracola was different, just like everyone else in this school. The only thing was that she didn't complane about it or try to be she just was. She had her booted feet up the side of a tree while laying on the grass below it while looking at the sky through the trees. It was the start of term and her thoughts where about maybe doing her classworrk for once Maybe. Lola then considered the lake that was not too far from where she was lying down and smiled to herself, now that would be an idea worth something. A second look at. She considered the holiday that she had just had. It was odd but even though her brother was no longer seeing the cybergoth girl he was when she had last gone home Lola was still friends with her.

What resulted was a bit of a transformation. Lola's curls where gathered up in a black and red ponytail the red coming from what looked plastic tubing. She was dressed in a form fitting black shirt which had netting. She wore long red bondage pants because it was still chilly would but since it was warmer than it had been she had forgone the red see through plastic sleeves that went with the outfit. Lola liked this way of dress and more ultamatly the way of thinking of a cybergoth but there wasn't much stalk in it in the magic world. She started wondering what a Magigoth would look like or if she could coin the phrase at any time. Lola let her mind wonder as she switched which leg was over the other against the tree.
It was a bright and sunny day in New Zealand. Pretty much like it was every other day in New Zealand. As a English girl used to summers of rain and cold Jennette was in love with the weather and would take any opportunity to enjoy it and most of the time that involved abandoning her school work to gather dust while she frolicked in the sun. There was no frolicking that day as Jennette strolled across the grounds, a gentle breeze making her sky blue summer dress sway ever so slightly. She felt so free and peaceful on those grounds. As she made her way around not really knowing what she was doing she decided to take a seat and lean against a tree, she waved her wand and summoned a book from her dorm and began to read.

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