Magic Carousel!

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OOC First Name
Hey guys!

This is Carson Griffin. She's Miss. sweet and innocent, but she is actually evil!!

I need someone to RP with her and play Her foster parents. Her mum was an alcoholic and died of Cancer when Cas was young.

Post ppl!

Heyy Domino!

I have a few things for you.
One, I can offer you Michelle James as a friend. She's quite the attention seeker and doesn't
really care a lot about others around her. She's overly emotional, and is a bit of a bully.

I also, can offer you a foster family, but the parents were never made. So, I have this character
Elijah Tine and his sister Kiara Tine. They come from a rich background. The mother an artist
and the dad a lawyer. They are mixed blood. But, The parents left Elijah with his aunt and uncle
Who he doesn't know is his aunt and uncle, and only recently have maanged to refind Elijah. And
he's beginning to realise they aren't really his parents. Biologically they are, but apart from that they
are just people to him. The parents realise this, and so want to make their family better by adopting
a child. Where your characters comes in. She's older than both siblings, but that would work out
well. Elijah would feel threatened, and Kiara who is a little princess with claws to match would easily
look up to her. So She could be a part of that family.
What do you think?

The graphics, I have the base, so like the blend part is done as is colouring, just need to make it spooky and add text, which I shall do later. Once I've done a bit of work (school work)

I am going to have Kiara go to Beauxbatons. So maybe the two can meet at the house, that they
inhabit in Paris. I'll start this one later, Once Kiara is active. Which shouldn't be too long.

As for the Michelle&Carson, could you start that one? I would but, I'm fairly busy. So I can't
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