- Messages
- 1,493
- OOC First Name
- Lauren
- Sexual Orientation
- James
- Wand
- Curly 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
- Age
- 10/2027
Mad-ah-line Feminine. English/French. Meaning High Tower. English form of Magdalene; thought to be derived from Magdala a village on the sea of Galilee. In Aramaic, "magdala" means "tower" or "elevated, great, magnificent"
Rows Feminine. English/French. Originally a Norman form of a Germanic name, which was composed of the elements hrod "fame" and heid "kind, sort, type". The Normans introduced it to England in the forms Roese and Rohese. From an early date it was associated with the word for the fragrant flower rose (derived from Latin rosa).
Wall-den Masculine. Anglo Saxon origins, old english words for foreigner and valley. Walden. This ancient and famous surname, enobled by the Barons de Walden, is of Olde English and Anglo-Saxon 8th century origins. It is a locational surname and originates from one of the places called "Walden" in either the counties of Essex, Hertfordshire, or North Yorkshire.
Often nicknamed as Maddie, Mads/z or Mad because it is a shortened version of her first name and also because she is fondly described as being 'mad' by her family and close friends. Maddie likes people calling her these shortened versions of her name because she finds it affectionate and a symbol of their closeness. Very rarely do people call Maddie by her full name, only when she finds herself in trouble. She doesn't hate her full name but she prefers Maddie, she doesn't like the formality when using full names.
30th October 2027.
Madeline was born the night before Halloween in the late hours of eleven pm in a relatively long labour. She was born healthy at six pounds and two ounces with a full head of hair.
Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac and represented as the Scorpion. It is a water sign and its ruling planet is Pluto; which is the planet which represents power and regeneration.
Scorpio Gryffindors:
Expect stamina, incredible courage, intense and stormy emotions, burning idealism, and indomitable will. Gryffindor Scorpios are never drawn in shades of pastel; they are always blood red and mesmerizing gold. There are few followers born under these aspects; Scorpios born into this house tend to be either leaders or loners. They are well placed on the Quidditch field, where their natural competitive streak and their great store of personal energy make them natural Beaters (or, really, naturals at any position on the field). Expect them to get into frequent duels, and expect them to gravitate naturally to DADA, for all Scorpios are fascinated by anything dark and forbidden, and Gryffindor Scorpios will want to take their place as defenders as early in their careers as possible. Expect passion. Expect wisdom. But don't expect a lot of time to take a breather. Many people born under this aspect also end up as Aurors; they're the perfect "bad cops" to the "good cop" Libra wizards.
Hair colour
Madeline has a deep brown, almost burgundy, colour hair. It is the same shade that she shares with her mother and auntie and Maddie loves the colour. She has a streak of natural blonde that surrounds the front of her face that her mother adores and Maddie quite likes it herself. She has been tempted to dye her hair a deeper red but has not gone through with that idea yet.
Madeline has quite long hair that falls past her shoulders and ends just above her waist. She often styles her hair either straight or wavy and it is often worn down. Maddie rarely has her hair up she only does that for special occasions or if she is taking part in sport, anything physical or if she's late for class.
Madeline has big eyes which are mostly brown with green flecks with long eyelashes. This is a feature that is shared by all Danville women in Maddie's maternal family.
Madeline stands at five foot three which is just a little bit smaller than average but Maddie is fine with her height although she wishes that she could be taller sometimes, a trait which she shares with her sister Leila.
Madeline is of average weight, not underweight nor overweight. She is small and petite which she gets from her mother's side of the family and she shares this body type with her sister.
Maddie often wears comfortable clothes, she would describe her style as just normal. She doesn't really follow fashion trends that much and prefers to wear simple t shirts and jeans when not in her Gryffindor robes. In warmer weather Maddie is more likely to be found in shorts rather than skirts or dresses.
Other Distinguishing Features
Striking dark eyebrows, infectious smile and high cheekbones.
Lily Collins.
Christchurch, NZ.
Christchurch, known for its English heritage, is located on the east coast of New Zealands South Island. It is the largest city on the South Island and home to 389,700 residents and its main economy is agriculture.
Hertfordshire, England.
Hertfordshire is a county in southern England that has a population of over a million. It was once a main medieval agricultural county, it derives its name from a hart (stag) and a ford, used as the components of the county's coat of arms and flag.
Maddie spent most of her young life running around on a small farm holding in rural England. Maddie's mother worked for the British Ministry of Magic at the time and her father managed the farm which resulted in them being rather busy. Therefore, the children were left mostly to themselves which resulted in Maddie growing incredibly close to her siblings. Even to this day the four Walden siblings are close with each other and are fond of one another. As Maddie is the oldest she has almost developed into the parenting role by looking after the younger siblings. Especially since moving to New Zealand where the Walden's relocated to own a larger farm and have a greater income than they would in England. Maddie's mother left her ministry job to help manage the farm full time with her husband and the farm takes up a lot of their time.
One of the reasons why the Walden's moved from England to New Zealand was because Maddie's mother had quit her job at the British Ministry of Magic to work as a farmer with her husband full time. Their farm in Hertfordshire was quite small and they were looking to upgrade and New Zealand offered very appealing move. Their farm in Christchurch is a lot bigger which means they can farm more crops and hold more animals which can turn over more a profit than what they could get in England.
Blood Status
Madeline is classed as a Half Blood due to having a witch mother and a muggle father. Madeline has the wizarding gene on both sides of the family but it is more prominent and dominant on her maternal side as all of the women on her mother's side are magical. However, on her paternal side, her great grandmother was a squib and the magical gene has been recessive in that branch of the family ever since.
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Mermaid Scale Core.
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: 'Chestnut Drones' says the old poem - but Chestnut most commonly takes on the attributes of the core that it holds within it - though it may have a unique attraction to those wizards and witches who excel in herbology, taming beasts, and flying.
Core: As a core, mermaid scale assists wands in being helpful in classes such as Care of Magical Creatures and water-based spells. Though not a difficult core to obtain, mermaid scales must be freely given by the merperson in order to fully bond in the wand.
Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its wielder.
Hogwarts House
Madeline was thrilled to have been sorted into Gryffindor. She didn't know much about the house at the time but she was so excited to start her magical journey in the house of the Lions. Her siblings have followed her into the Gryffindor house and she loves sharing it with them. Madeline's mother was sorted into Gryffindor back in Hogwarts Scotland and Maddie feels incredibly proud to share the same house as her.
Favourite Professor
Professor Monty Pendleton.
Maddie's favourite professor is Professor Monty Pendleton as he was the first Professor that made her feel totally comfortable and helped her to develop her love for potions and nature.
Favourite Subject
Care of Magical Creatures
Maddie's favourite subject is Care of Magical Creatures, closely followed by Herbology and Potions. The reason for this is because Maddie loves animals and creatures of all kinds, especially the magical ones that she has encountered throughout her time at Hogwarts and she is greatly intrigued by them. She finds the subject deeply interesting and as a result it has made her want to pursue a career in working with magical creatures which will help to fulfill her need for travelling and adventure too.
Least Favourite Subject:
Astronomy/ Transfiguration
Maddie does not care for the subjects of Astronomy or Transfiguration. They do not particularly interest her and she dropped the subjects as quickly as she could.
Maddie's boggart would be seeing her sister's dead body. Madeline and her sister, Leila, are incredibly close and are each others confidantes. Maddie feels very responsible for her sister and very protective over her. So for her sister to pass away it would be her worst nightmare.
Patronus Form:
Maddie's patronus would be a Burmese cat. They are known for their their uniquely social and playful temperament and persistent vocalisation. They are playful and loyal and form strong bonds to others.
To create this patronus, Maddie would think of when she was sorted into Gryffindor house as the elation that she felt cannot be compare to anything else that she has experienced so far.
Mirror of Erised
Maddie would see herself surrounded by her whole family because they are so important to her and she draws so much strength from them.
Personality Traits
Madeline Walden is first and foremost known for being emotional and passionate. These traits manifest themselves in outbreaks of fieriness, hotheadedness and stubbornness because she is honest and protective over her family and friends and will defend them till the end. She is also very friendly and outgoing which also means that she can be quite reckless. Maddie is very dramatic and doesn't forgive easily. She is very good at holding grudges and is quite a jealous person. However, she is also a people pleaser and is liable to over sharing at times. She can also be very affectionate and flirty and loving.
Maddie has a real passion for animals and she loves the outdoors, especially the beach and nature. She likes to make friends, go on adventures and travel a lot. She loves eating all kinds of food and spends most of her spare time sleeping.
Maddie dislikes studying and will only read if she has to. She is not a fan of insects and little creepy crawlies like beetles and spiders. Maddie hates the dark and will not be caught without something that emits light.
ENFP The Prophet/ The Campaigner; ENFP
Prophets are emotionally reactive, which means that they experience their emotions strongly and can be very passionate, however they also have a higher tendency to experience emotions such as anxiety, anger and depression. With a good sense of social awareness, they tend to be outgoing and enthusiastic, with a tendency in groups to talk and assert themselves. The Prophet enjoys a good balance between the real world and fantasy, they are mostly aware of and in touch with their emotions. Being open-minded to new and unusual ideas helps them to interact with the world. With a healthy skepticism of the motives of others, and a belief in justice and being self made, sometimes the Prophet can come across as guarded or intimidating. However the Prophet has a refreshing impulsiveness about them, they tend to dislike too many rules and regulations and can be casual and whimsical.
Best Friends:
Charlotte Owens,
Madeline considers Charlotte as her best friend and they first met when Maddie was trying to sneak her homework into Professor Styx's office. The two have been on countless adventures ever since and Maddie has the best time with her.
Amy Rosemary
Amy was one of the first people that Maddie had met at the school and she instantly liked the Hufflepuff because she was so kind and friendly which is exactly what Maddie wanted in a friend. They are still close now and Madeline would do anything for Amy.
Matthew Harper
Madeline had not known Matthew for long but she was instantly drawn to him because he was so nice and genuine which Maddie needed. The two confide in each other and give each other advice which Maddie will be eternally grateful for.
Rose Holland
Madeline thinks of Rose as a little sister. Rose reminds Maddie so much of herself and she has a soft spot for the younger Gryffindor. They have a fun friendship and Maddie feels very protective over her.
Lyra Potter
The two girls had never gotten along and the tension between them was only exacerbated by Maddie's relationship with Felix Urie and Lyra's relationship with James Cade. However, during their seventh year the two girls decided to put their differences aside and be friends.
First Kiss:
James Cade
Maddie's first kiss was with her fellow Gryffindor when the two ended up in detention in their Second Year.
First Love:
James Cade
Even though Maddie doesn't want to admit it to herself, James Cade was her first love which she mistook for hate when the two were younger.
First Time:
Maddie's first time was with James Cade when they were both in their Seventh Year at Hogwarts. It took place in the Gryffindor common room in front of the fire in the small hours of the morning. It was the happiest Maddie had ever been.
Favourite colour: Burgundy
Favourite animal: Cat
Favourite season: Autumn
Favourite holiday: Halloween
Favourite food: Sausage roll
Favourite drink: Hot Chocolate
Maddie's Cat
Maddie's pet that she brought to Hogwarts with her; Aurora.
Madeline Rose Walden

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
Mad-ah-line Feminine. English/French. Meaning High Tower. English form of Magdalene; thought to be derived from Magdala a village on the sea of Galilee. In Aramaic, "magdala" means "tower" or "elevated, great, magnificent"
Rows Feminine. English/French. Originally a Norman form of a Germanic name, which was composed of the elements hrod "fame" and heid "kind, sort, type". The Normans introduced it to England in the forms Roese and Rohese. From an early date it was associated with the word for the fragrant flower rose (derived from Latin rosa).
Wall-den Masculine. Anglo Saxon origins, old english words for foreigner and valley. Walden. This ancient and famous surname, enobled by the Barons de Walden, is of Olde English and Anglo-Saxon 8th century origins. It is a locational surname and originates from one of the places called "Walden" in either the counties of Essex, Hertfordshire, or North Yorkshire.
Often nicknamed as Maddie, Mads/z or Mad because it is a shortened version of her first name and also because she is fondly described as being 'mad' by her family and close friends. Maddie likes people calling her these shortened versions of her name because she finds it affectionate and a symbol of their closeness. Very rarely do people call Maddie by her full name, only when she finds herself in trouble. She doesn't hate her full name but she prefers Maddie, she doesn't like the formality when using full names.
30th October 2027.
Madeline was born the night before Halloween in the late hours of eleven pm in a relatively long labour. She was born healthy at six pounds and two ounces with a full head of hair.
Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac and represented as the Scorpion. It is a water sign and its ruling planet is Pluto; which is the planet which represents power and regeneration.
Scorpio Gryffindors:
Expect stamina, incredible courage, intense and stormy emotions, burning idealism, and indomitable will. Gryffindor Scorpios are never drawn in shades of pastel; they are always blood red and mesmerizing gold. There are few followers born under these aspects; Scorpios born into this house tend to be either leaders or loners. They are well placed on the Quidditch field, where their natural competitive streak and their great store of personal energy make them natural Beaters (or, really, naturals at any position on the field). Expect them to get into frequent duels, and expect them to gravitate naturally to DADA, for all Scorpios are fascinated by anything dark and forbidden, and Gryffindor Scorpios will want to take their place as defenders as early in their careers as possible. Expect passion. Expect wisdom. But don't expect a lot of time to take a breather. Many people born under this aspect also end up as Aurors; they're the perfect "bad cops" to the "good cop" Libra wizards.
Hair colour
Madeline has a deep brown, almost burgundy, colour hair. It is the same shade that she shares with her mother and auntie and Maddie loves the colour. She has a streak of natural blonde that surrounds the front of her face that her mother adores and Maddie quite likes it herself. She has been tempted to dye her hair a deeper red but has not gone through with that idea yet.
Madeline has quite long hair that falls past her shoulders and ends just above her waist. She often styles her hair either straight or wavy and it is often worn down. Maddie rarely has her hair up she only does that for special occasions or if she is taking part in sport, anything physical or if she's late for class.
Madeline has big eyes which are mostly brown with green flecks with long eyelashes. This is a feature that is shared by all Danville women in Maddie's maternal family.
Madeline stands at five foot three which is just a little bit smaller than average but Maddie is fine with her height although she wishes that she could be taller sometimes, a trait which she shares with her sister Leila.
Madeline is of average weight, not underweight nor overweight. She is small and petite which she gets from her mother's side of the family and she shares this body type with her sister.
Maddie often wears comfortable clothes, she would describe her style as just normal. She doesn't really follow fashion trends that much and prefers to wear simple t shirts and jeans when not in her Gryffindor robes. In warmer weather Maddie is more likely to be found in shorts rather than skirts or dresses.
Other Distinguishing Features
Striking dark eyebrows, infectious smile and high cheekbones.
Lily Collins.
Christchurch, NZ.
Christchurch, known for its English heritage, is located on the east coast of New Zealands South Island. It is the largest city on the South Island and home to 389,700 residents and its main economy is agriculture.
Hertfordshire, England.
Hertfordshire is a county in southern England that has a population of over a million. It was once a main medieval agricultural county, it derives its name from a hart (stag) and a ford, used as the components of the county's coat of arms and flag.
Maddie spent most of her young life running around on a small farm holding in rural England. Maddie's mother worked for the British Ministry of Magic at the time and her father managed the farm which resulted in them being rather busy. Therefore, the children were left mostly to themselves which resulted in Maddie growing incredibly close to her siblings. Even to this day the four Walden siblings are close with each other and are fond of one another. As Maddie is the oldest she has almost developed into the parenting role by looking after the younger siblings. Especially since moving to New Zealand where the Walden's relocated to own a larger farm and have a greater income than they would in England. Maddie's mother left her ministry job to help manage the farm full time with her husband and the farm takes up a lot of their time.
One of the reasons why the Walden's moved from England to New Zealand was because Maddie's mother had quit her job at the British Ministry of Magic to work as a farmer with her husband full time. Their farm in Hertfordshire was quite small and they were looking to upgrade and New Zealand offered very appealing move. Their farm in Christchurch is a lot bigger which means they can farm more crops and hold more animals which can turn over more a profit than what they could get in England.
Blood Status
Madeline is classed as a Half Blood due to having a witch mother and a muggle father. Madeline has the wizarding gene on both sides of the family but it is more prominent and dominant on her maternal side as all of the women on her mother's side are magical. However, on her paternal side, her great grandmother was a squib and the magical gene has been recessive in that branch of the family ever since.
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Mermaid Scale Core.
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: 'Chestnut Drones' says the old poem - but Chestnut most commonly takes on the attributes of the core that it holds within it - though it may have a unique attraction to those wizards and witches who excel in herbology, taming beasts, and flying.
Core: As a core, mermaid scale assists wands in being helpful in classes such as Care of Magical Creatures and water-based spells. Though not a difficult core to obtain, mermaid scales must be freely given by the merperson in order to fully bond in the wand.
Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its wielder.
Hogwarts House
Madeline was thrilled to have been sorted into Gryffindor. She didn't know much about the house at the time but she was so excited to start her magical journey in the house of the Lions. Her siblings have followed her into the Gryffindor house and she loves sharing it with them. Madeline's mother was sorted into Gryffindor back in Hogwarts Scotland and Maddie feels incredibly proud to share the same house as her.
Favourite Professor
Professor Monty Pendleton.
Maddie's favourite professor is Professor Monty Pendleton as he was the first Professor that made her feel totally comfortable and helped her to develop her love for potions and nature.
Favourite Subject
Care of Magical Creatures
Maddie's favourite subject is Care of Magical Creatures, closely followed by Herbology and Potions. The reason for this is because Maddie loves animals and creatures of all kinds, especially the magical ones that she has encountered throughout her time at Hogwarts and she is greatly intrigued by them. She finds the subject deeply interesting and as a result it has made her want to pursue a career in working with magical creatures which will help to fulfill her need for travelling and adventure too.
Least Favourite Subject:
Astronomy/ Transfiguration
Maddie does not care for the subjects of Astronomy or Transfiguration. They do not particularly interest her and she dropped the subjects as quickly as she could.
Maddie's boggart would be seeing her sister's dead body. Madeline and her sister, Leila, are incredibly close and are each others confidantes. Maddie feels very responsible for her sister and very protective over her. So for her sister to pass away it would be her worst nightmare.
Patronus Form:
Maddie's patronus would be a Burmese cat. They are known for their their uniquely social and playful temperament and persistent vocalisation. They are playful and loyal and form strong bonds to others.
To create this patronus, Maddie would think of when she was sorted into Gryffindor house as the elation that she felt cannot be compare to anything else that she has experienced so far.
Mirror of Erised
Maddie would see herself surrounded by her whole family because they are so important to her and she draws so much strength from them.
Personality Traits
Madeline Walden is first and foremost known for being emotional and passionate. These traits manifest themselves in outbreaks of fieriness, hotheadedness and stubbornness because she is honest and protective over her family and friends and will defend them till the end. She is also very friendly and outgoing which also means that she can be quite reckless. Maddie is very dramatic and doesn't forgive easily. She is very good at holding grudges and is quite a jealous person. However, she is also a people pleaser and is liable to over sharing at times. She can also be very affectionate and flirty and loving.
Maddie has a real passion for animals and she loves the outdoors, especially the beach and nature. She likes to make friends, go on adventures and travel a lot. She loves eating all kinds of food and spends most of her spare time sleeping.
Maddie dislikes studying and will only read if she has to. She is not a fan of insects and little creepy crawlies like beetles and spiders. Maddie hates the dark and will not be caught without something that emits light.
ENFP The Prophet/ The Campaigner; ENFP
Prophets are emotionally reactive, which means that they experience their emotions strongly and can be very passionate, however they also have a higher tendency to experience emotions such as anxiety, anger and depression. With a good sense of social awareness, they tend to be outgoing and enthusiastic, with a tendency in groups to talk and assert themselves. The Prophet enjoys a good balance between the real world and fantasy, they are mostly aware of and in touch with their emotions. Being open-minded to new and unusual ideas helps them to interact with the world. With a healthy skepticism of the motives of others, and a belief in justice and being self made, sometimes the Prophet can come across as guarded or intimidating. However the Prophet has a refreshing impulsiveness about them, they tend to dislike too many rules and regulations and can be casual and whimsical.
Best Friends:
Charlotte Owens,
Madeline considers Charlotte as her best friend and they first met when Maddie was trying to sneak her homework into Professor Styx's office. The two have been on countless adventures ever since and Maddie has the best time with her.
Amy Rosemary
Amy was one of the first people that Maddie had met at the school and she instantly liked the Hufflepuff because she was so kind and friendly which is exactly what Maddie wanted in a friend. They are still close now and Madeline would do anything for Amy.
Matthew Harper
Madeline had not known Matthew for long but she was instantly drawn to him because he was so nice and genuine which Maddie needed. The two confide in each other and give each other advice which Maddie will be eternally grateful for.
Rose Holland
Madeline thinks of Rose as a little sister. Rose reminds Maddie so much of herself and she has a soft spot for the younger Gryffindor. They have a fun friendship and Maddie feels very protective over her.
Lyra Potter
The two girls had never gotten along and the tension between them was only exacerbated by Maddie's relationship with Felix Urie and Lyra's relationship with James Cade. However, during their seventh year the two girls decided to put their differences aside and be friends.
First Kiss:
James Cade
Maddie's first kiss was with her fellow Gryffindor when the two ended up in detention in their Second Year.
First Love:
James Cade
Even though Maddie doesn't want to admit it to herself, James Cade was her first love which she mistook for hate when the two were younger.
First Time:
Maddie's first time was with James Cade when they were both in their Seventh Year at Hogwarts. It took place in the Gryffindor common room in front of the fire in the small hours of the morning. It was the happiest Maddie had ever been.
Favourite colour: Burgundy
Favourite animal: Cat
Favourite season: Autumn
Favourite holiday: Halloween
Favourite food: Sausage roll
Favourite drink: Hot Chocolate
<i></i>![]() Father: 45, Muggle, Farmer. <i></i> | ![]() <B>Nancy Walden <i></i>Mother: 43, Half blood, Part Time Farmer | |
![]() Brother: 15, Fourth Year Gryffindor, Student <i></i> | ![]() <SIZE size="50">Sister: 13, <COLOR color="firebrick">Second Year Gryffindor <i></i> | ![]() Brother: 11, First Year Gryffindor <i></i><COLOR color="frebrick"> |

Maddie's Cat
Maddie's pet that she brought to Hogwarts with her; Aurora.