Lynn N. Horikawa

Lynn N. Horikawa

((I left some stuff blank, because I'm not sure how much she'll change from MNI to here =3 Most of the stuff that doesn't sound like it should be in parentheses is in there because it's under debate and stuff -nodnod-))

Full Name: Lynn Natsumi("Sumi") Horikawa
- Birth Date: May 2nd, 2006(2009)
- Current Age: 14(11)
- Basic Appearance: Standing 5'2, she isn't tall or short for her age(although she is on the taller side for now). Sumi's slim, but not model-skinny. She's not overweight, either. Her eyes are single fold, almond-shaped, and dark brown in color; in direct light, they look reddish-brown(mahogany) but normally pupil and iris would be hardly distinguishable. Her hair is black, although in bright light has a reddish-purple sheen to it. It's medium length, can wave slightly in humidity, but usually thick and straight. Her skin tone is ochre, somewhere between pale and tan. She's tanner than a Caucasian in the winter, but she doesn't usually tan a lot(she uses sunscreen whenever she's out). When she does, though, she gets a reddish hue to her skin.
(Her future/animagus form is a serval. Since she has light skin, her serval form has lighter yellow base fur color; natural, but distinguishably her. Similarly, her serval eyes are darker goldy-bronze, slightly almond shaped, and she has heavily contrasting spots, black with a sheen of brown similar to her hair).
- Parents: Hanami Yamamoto(witch) and Benjamin Horikawa(Muggle)
- Siblings, if any: [n/a]
- Pets, if any: Mimi the border collie mix, Korey the Abyssinian Guinea pig(deceased), Fuji the colorpoint moggy cat. (When she goes to school, she has a Barn owl named Kohaku. This may or may not happen)
- Area of Residence: San Jose, California, USA
- Blood status: Mixed(Type B ;3)

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why): Ravenclaw- she's soft-spoken and emotional, and is very much the bookworm. Although she can be a vibrant and loud speaker, she is not very brave(and can often be very cowardly and walk on the safe side) and she's a procrastinating fiend. She cares very much about other people-- not acknowledging a birthday would upset her, keeping money found on the ground would make her feel guilty and awful until she sought it's owner; she ususally cares too much to be very self-centered and care for herself first. She found that, while she doesn't rigidly fit the Ravenclaw mode, it fit her better than the other houses.
- Best school subjects (And why): Transfiguration. She found she has an inherent knack for it, adn she loves the magical look of it(a very superficial reason, but) and the instant gratification helped push her to try harder, and because she really WANTS to get better, she makes sure she gives no less than her best.
- Worst school subjects (And why): History. Since usually this is wizarding history related to the place, she doesn't have much of a connection. Honestly, she could care less, if not for the fact that she wants the well rounded grade average. Still, she is often trumped by years and numbers and names.

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be?
- What would their Boggart be?
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) An African Serval. I'll give a brief list why I think this would be(or why it is- she plans on/is an animagus):
-Servals only spend time with other members of their species if they're.. procreating: Sumi doesn't "hang" but rather wants to get somethign done with her friends, whether it be watching and commentin on a movie, studying, eating, shopping at Hogsmeade. She has a thing about wasting time.
-Servals can wait a heck fo a long time on one small bird for food: Sumi is very focused, once she gets started, and hardly deviates from what she's trying to do once she gets rolling. She's also quite stubborn; if she wants something, eventually she'll get it.
Servals are long legged and with wide ears to see over grasses and hear the smallest of sounds prey makes: Sumi's background with her parent's view on education growing up prepared her for Hogwarts- and so she's "all set" to succeed, or so they put it.
Servals can jump amazing heights to catch birds in flgiht: Sumi can sometimes make amazing leaps and epiphanies, but is often dazed afterwards and can't tell where she is.
Servals can sometimes be kept as pets, but are then very needy, pushy, and mnot for the faint-of-heart: Sumi can be forced into a situation that is "not natural" or comfortable for her to be in- but she'll usually end up annoying whoever it is(i.e. the big party- she'll stick by you and nervously talk your ear off because she's not sure what she wants you to do. Most kids would never accompany her to a party again).
Servals are almost always found near water. When kept as pets, they'll gladly play in water, even the toilet if left uncovered: Sumi loves to swim(xD!), and also doesn't mind a schedule that fluctuates. However, if it fluctuates wildly and unrecognized, she'll become nervous. She can also be slightly indecisive; never picking an extreme but wavering inbetween.

..That's the short list. ^^ Hope it conveyed what I mean.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? I'm not sure on this one. TBA 8D
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Seeing her dad successfully walk home after a huge earthquake hit, and they thought he might have been dead or injured and unable to get home. What she thinks of is they feeling when he walks in the door and she sees him and all the feelings melt away into a new appreciation and love... and cheesy stuff like that. <3

- Write an example roleplay by your character:

Thump. Thum-thump.

Sumi looked up at the top of her bottom bunk suspiciously. She was making so much noise up there, while Sumi was trying to write.

And essay, too, from potions. One kid speaks out, and bam! Two page essay. It didn't help she had been sick the day before and had her book open to study from and try to catch up. Brushing a hair out of her face, she sat up, setting her quill back on the fold-up table next to her. She took the hairband around her right wrist, pulling back her hair messily into a ponytail. She could feel it making ugly ripples across her head, but it was tired and she could be arsed to make it cleaner. Arsed. A bad word, say, but she loved the phrase so. "You couldn't be arsed to-"

THUMP. Thump-thump Thump thump. Creeeeak.

Well, they couldn't be arsed to sit still for once! It's too bad she had that sudden urge to go to the bathroom on the first day, and got stuck with the creaky bunk. Well, atleast she got the bottom bunk, where she could draw the shades and get a seculded, blue-tinted haven. For the most part, when the other girl wasn't there. She couldn't be arsed to stop moving, and Sumi coudln't be arsed to contain herself.

"Oy," She said, testing her voice outside the curtains of her bed. "Could you be a bit quieter? You're making a racket," She put dryly. Pulling herself back in the dimly-lit bed, she took her pen out again, scribbling. Rubbing her eyes, it was so late.

But Sumi had to finish her paper. Her idea couldn't be completed in the two required pages, so she leaked the conclusion onto a third, only going four or so lines down. Hopefully, Mr. Potions Teacher shouldn't care too much. It's not as if it's only one-and-four-lines pages of parchment. Well, the Transfiguration teacher hadn't been happy when her paper was longer than was assigned- apparently "not following rulse" so she hoped for the best.

Placing them both aside and capping the ink, Sumi snuggled into the covers and shouted "Goodnight!" to anyone listening. That should shut up the girls laughing in the corner.

Atleast they got quieter, and Sumi drifted slowly off to sleep. (Sorry to god-mod- I won't do that in a real thread I promise. ^^)

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Dear Diary,

Sorry for not writing! I stayed up late studying and heck, I just didn't feel up to it. I felt guilty all that night, I'll have you know. I charmed the top of my bottom bunk(a.k.a the bottom of the upper bed) to work like Dad's bulliten board- I've already put two pictures of Mom, Dad, Mimi, Korey and Fuji on there. In the first picture, Mom's almost crying of happiness and smiling and Dad's grinning the way he does when he gets his "cute dimples" at their wedding day. I love this picture, especially Mom's dress. I have a thing with Miggle wedding dresses, did you know? The way they are long and elegant and... well, I'm getting off topic. You know what I mean.
The second has all of us in a pig pile on the lawn; I don't really like how I have those two giant pimples on my face, but Dad's got me in is arms and Mom's in her favorite apron, and is tackling Dad. I bet I'm wasting paper describing it, but I want to have the memories so I can look back and remember everything. Mimi's running around us excitedly, although she was too short at the time to actually get in the pile. Fuji's running off- the poor girl! Well, in the next picture she's chasing Korey in his hamster-ball-thing, so everyone's accounted for(except Kohaku. I haven't got a good picture of her yet, but once I get home I intend on having one taken).
Today in History I mixed up-- ah, I forget the names-- but evidently a great and special wizard with his son in front of the whole class! It was a ten-point question, and the Ravenclaw next to me sighed so loudly- I told myself so hard, "Don't worry, they can't transform anything, they don't have your gorgeous hair, they don't have your skill in arithmetic, they don't have your morals, your sense of character" in my head, but it still hurt. I bet she didn't even mean for me to hear it. I almost cried on the spot.
Anyway, my wrist hurts! I haven't gotten used to writing yet, since the Summer. Better get it ready for the end of the year essays, eh? Anyway, it's way past time for bed. I'll write when something interesting happens!


-Lynn Natsumi
Welcome to HNZ, Lynn. Hooboy, you put a lot of thought into this. :D Might be the longest Character Development piece I've seen yet.

Just a few inquiries:

I'm a bit confused concerning the birth dates. Are you attempting to have Lynn be a transfer student? Would that explain the double dates?

Also, 5'2'' would be rather tall for her age, and I believe especially since she is of Asian descent, but don't quote me on that. Is there a reason she is so tall?

Does Lynn have her hair dyed? I am curious concerning the purple, although red could be explainable.

What do you mean by 'tanner than a Caucasian in the winter?'

If Lynn is living in CA, why is she going to New Zealand and not an American school?

I just want to add that you actually have to train to be an animagus, although I liked the thought you put into everything concerning the african serval. I did not know all of the facts you put forth.

Does Lynn not get along well with her father at the moment?

Has Lynn experienced a terrible enough earthquake to be afraid of her father being in one?

That's what I have for now, I'll add more if I think of any. :)
"I'm a bit confused concerning the birth dates. Are you attempting to have Lynn be a transfer student? Would that explain the double dates?"

Yep, she comes from an existing role-play(which died) so it's either she re-winds and joins as a first-year, or joins as a fourth-year. That's why the dates are different, so I don't have to do the math later. x] I'm lazy like that.

"Also, 5'2'' would be rather tall for her age, and I believe especially since she is of Asian descent, but don't quote me on that. Is there a reason she is so tall?"

Well, I wasn't sure how tall to make her, but all the girls of Asian descent are taller than me at this point so for 14(I'm turning 14 in two months) yeah, I'd assume that's a fine height but yeah, for 11 it'd prolly change. But she'll only get another inch at most, she's a shorty. :p I was thinking that she shot up and was taller than people for a while, and then is all "D:" as everyone gets taller.

"Does Lynn have her hair dyed? I am curious concerning the purple, although red could be explainable."

Well, the purple and stuff was going by the picture I based it on, and without the textures from the sig(I made the sig, so I'm just talking about the original picture here) there was red and a sort of maroony purple as a highlight. I think that's the original picture though- I'll change it to just red).

"What do you mean by 'tanner than a Caucasian in the winter?'""

I was being ambiguous, so this is probably a mistake. x3; I myself am caucasion, and so she never quite gets as pale as I am, even in the winter(when skin usually pales back up). I'm not being racist, I swear D:

"If Lynn is living in CA, why is she going to New Zealand and not an American school?"

Did I not add this? 0: I swore I did. Her parents wanted her in a good school, and had heard good things about New Zealand. Sort of sending her off to school. It is a boarding school, so I imagine it'd be possible and not weird(like sending her for day school to new zealand x3 That'd be awkward, even with magic).

"I just want to add that you actually have to train to be an animagus, although I liked the thought you put into everything concerning the african serval. I did not know all of the facts you put forth."

Yep, I knew that she had to train. I would imagine that with her ...stubbornness she'd accomplish it, though. She's pretty hardworking and stuff when she puts her mind to it, but who knows how much training gets put into an animagus? It's never really covered in the series, or what I remember of it. Like, they just had characters who were animagus, but they said nothing about them becoming animagus, right? I mean, how do you practice turning into an animal that you can't even control? I'm assuming that, like your patronus, you wouldn't be able to predict your animagus, but you need to know what to turn into... sorry, I'm rambling. x3 Can you tell this is what I wish Rowling expanded on?

And thanks for the compliment. ^^ Servals are pretty amazing cats, if you ask me. ^_^

"Does Lynn not get along well with her father at the moment?"

o: Did I make an implication I didn't mean to? She gets along fine with her father.

"Has Lynn experienced a terrible enough earthquake to be afraid of her father being in one?"

Well, it's a pretty big earthquake- some of them topple buildings, crush people, and stuff. She didn't know where he was(somewhere on the commute home, but still that's ambiguous) so she was scared he might've been hurt, or dead, or what. Earthquakes are scary, especially the occasional big one D: She learned about it, I'm sure, at some point. Probably from the news, talking about deaths, injuries, etc.

And thanks for the compliment! ^^; I pride myself in knowing my characters well, hee. I don't mind being the longest CD piece, either. ;)

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