
Darren Gillan

Well-Known Member
Darren sat in his dorm thinking about school starting soon then decided to go to the lake. He got there and it was empty so he took a seat on the grass and gazed out at the view then decided to lie on the grass and looked up at the sky and watched as the birds flew past and the clouds looked as if they were moving.
Emma couldn't believe that she was finally a third year, that put her at 13 years old. Finally she was a teenager. If only she felt like one, maybe soon the feeling would kick in. Until than she felt rather like a child. As she walked out onto the soft grass gazing out at the lakefront before her. So many days were spent skipping rocks here. So much of her troubled years were spent running up and down the hills. Now she was here a third year and everything seemed, felt, and even looked different.

That included the boy laying down in the grass. Emma walked over and sat down next to him, he looked to be a first year though. "Hey" Emma said looking out at the lake.
"You didn't have to sit up on my account" Emma said smiling her normal smile as she turned her head to face the boy. "I'm Emma" Emma said shaking the boy's hand. "Third year Hufflepuff" She said the third year part sounding odd. "I know I know" She said smiling a bit "I don't look like a third year" She said before the boy could say that. Emma didn't look like a third year at all. she looked rather like a second year but at times she could even look like a first year. It was just how she was. Though she had gotten used to it.

"First year I take it though?" Emma assumed though there was still a hint of question in her voice.
"Im fine."Darren said smiling then said." You shouldnt of said that or i would of let you think that i believe your a third year and yes im a first year hufflepuff."
Emma smiled slightly as she turned her gaze out towards the lake as if she was thinking about the year she was going to have. It had to be good year. She had to prove to her parents that she as dumb even though Emma had aced all her exams and classes. Mostly she had to prove that she was no longer just a shadow of Ana-Cole. Emma had to prove she was her own person and most importantly she was determined to make this the best and most fun year yet.

"Seriously another Hufflepuff" Emma said smiling as she faced him once more "Welcome to the house" Emma said glad that their house had gotten more guys. It seemed like boys were always in short supply. That was just how it was though. Yet at the sorting ceremony Emma clearly remembered plenty of guys. Though she knew that girls would still have run of the school. It would always be that way.

"So are you liking Hogwarts So far?" Emma asked as she moved her legs so that she was sitting with them crossed.
Emma turned to look at the view of the lake again. how easily it consumed her thoughts. "Yeah there are loads of places to explore. Just don't get caught in the wrong spots at the wrong times" Emma said realizing that she had been out a few times past when she was supposed to and gotten caught most of those times. Though luckily no points were ever taken.

"Because I will kill you if you ever get points taken away from Hufflepuff" Emma said teasing of coarse.
Darren laughed and said."I may be younger than you but im still stronger."He grinned and lay back down on the grass.
Emma smiled a small smile and let out a small laugh. "Think whatever you want" She said knowing that he was stronger than her but she wouldn't admit to it. With that Emma followed his suit and laid back looking at the clouds above. "Looking at clouds is ok though but it is so much more fun watching the sky when it rains" Emma said randomly.
Darren smiled and looked over at Emma, then said."Yes i suppose it is but i wouldnt be lying here if it rained."He admitted.
Emma let out a small laugh "party pooper." She said teasing of coarse. "I mean doing things like laying in the grass during a rain storm is what makes life interesting" She said brightly thinking about how she planned on doing all that odd stuff this year. This after all was going to be Emma's year.

"So if you don't randomly lay in the grass during a rain storm what do you do for fun?" Emma asked
Emma laughed "Yea you are" She said teasing him a bit. For a first year he was nice enough. Emma could see becoming friends with him. "Oh the forest" Emma said "Oh yes I've made it to my third year and never been in the forest" She rolled her eyes. "Actually I don't go in there too often though. I'm much of a loner and I dont' think it would be safe to go in there alone. Plus last time was with Kyle and believe it or not I was scared out of my mind" Emma said truthfully not liking the forest too much. Not after the stories she had heard.

"But I assumed you are one of those guys that thinks he is so tough and loves to play quidditch?" Emma said grinning "Am I right?" She wondered using able to pin someone like that.
Darren laughed at Emma and said."Oh whos Kyle is he in Hufflepuff." Darren wanted to get to know a few more hufflepuffs, so far he only knew Emma,Kate,Sam and Lauren."I dont act tough, i am tough and actually i dont like quidditch that much."He said truthfully but joked about the first part.
As Kyle rushed though Emma's mind for a bit she wondered about him. They hadn't talked in so long, and she did miss him. "Kyle is my" Emma paused wanting to say boyfriend for that was what they were last time they spoke but really she wasn't sure what time had done hopefully nothing. "Friend" She said finally "And no I believe he is a gryffindor" Emma said laughing a bit "I can branch out and know people in other houses you know" Emma said smiling.

"Oh" she said sitting up when Darren said he was tough. Laughing a bit she looked at him. "I doubt that Mr. Hufflepuff" Emma said as she laid back down and looked up seeing a few clouds that reminded her of a heart, bird, and ice cream cone. "But not a quidditch fan" Emma said a bit surprised. "Now that does surprise me" She added
"Yes i believe you about Kyle being a friend."Darren said with a wink then said." Its ok i dont mind you not believing me."He grinned then answered."Not everyone likes quidditch."
Emma laughed a bit. She hoped that Darren was right about Kyle though. Emma wasn't really sure she was ready to give up on him yet. "Well maybe he isn't just a friend but I'm not sure anymore" Emma said keeping a smile on her face. "And I'll have to see proof that you are actually strong." Emma said with a small laugh. "And you're right not everyone likes quidditch. Actually I am not a big fan of it. I was on the team first year than I had to drop off" She added not going into any more detail on that purpose.
When Emma said she wasnt sure about her and Kyle being more than friends anymore he looked at her and said." Oh, im sure you are still more than friends."He then grinned and said."Have you been in the lake yet, cause you know sometimes people accidently fall in there." He laughed and answered."Yes a few people i have spoke to dont seem to be too keen on quidditch." He was going to ask her why she had to drop out the team but decided against it.
Emma grinned as Darren spoke about Kyle. She really did hope so. Actually she seemed silly for even doubting it. "Actually I have been in the lake" Emma said "But on my own free will may I add" She said with a small laugh. "though I do think that your comment sounded a bit like a threat. I don't think it is wise to threaten those so much older and more mature than you" Emma said trying to keep a straight face but only managing to do so for a few minutes.

"Well I guess there are those that don't like to follow the crowd. I myself like muggle sports best" Emma said knowing that this might seem odd to some people. But Emma was a muggleborn and rather proud of it. "Tennis is my favorite. Have you ever played?" Emma wondered.
"Dont worry it wasnt a threat, or was it."Darren muttered the end bit grinning then said."Yeah my dad was muggleborn and he used to play me all the time."
"Oh whatever" Emma said laughing "I think I could totally push you into the lake before you would even come close to getting me in there" Emma said a grin on her face. "Oh but don't worry that was a competation either" Emma teased though as Darren said he used to play Tennis Emma was thrilled. "You are one of the few" She said turned to face him. "I swear we should play some time. I would of coarse go easy on you"
Darren laughed and said."Im actually quite good at Tennis so you wont have to go easy on me and if you do then i will just stop playing."He grinned.
"oh sure you are tough and good at tennis. Any other characteristics I should know about" Emma said teasing him of coarse. She would actually love to play tennis with someone other than her sister who only played for the work out. It would be nice to play against someone who just wanted to have fun.

"Well I promise I won't go easy just don't get too upset if you lose" Emma said wondering how good he really was at Tennis
Darren pretended he was thinking then answered."Not at all and i promise not to get too upset."He guessed that Emma proberly would beat him but anyone who knew Darren, knew that he didnt admit to things like that.

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