Luxen Rhein Silverback II

Luxen Silverback II

The Snake 🐍 Among Sheep 🐑
OOC First Name
Brian V
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking) (Straight)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Yew Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Luxen Rhein Silverback II


The Basics
Character's Name: Luxen Rhein Silverback II
Character's Birthdate: December 22nd 2039
Blood Status: Mixed Blood

Wand: Curved 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Yew Wand with Doxy Wing Core

A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.

Style: Bending to its side, this wand is more difficult to aim than its straighter counterparts but provides character that some simply cannot pass by.

Wood: Yew wands are extremely powerful in both the dark arts and in battling against the dark arts: good and evil, life and death - the wand's wood straddles the in-between carefully and it is the wielder that draws it to one side or the other.

Core: Doxy wing cores produce unstable wands. They are excellent for hexes and jinxes, and for those who plan on practicing dark arts.

Flexibility: Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.

Hogwarts House:



Playby: Ian Nelson
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Height: 61 inches
Style: Formal
Other Distinguishing Features: A small 'S' shape birthmark on his lower right wrist

A Little Deeper
Personality: Selfish, Manipulative, Vindictive, Anti-Social are just a few of the words that would describe this Sociopath. Luxen views anyone and everyone as a tool that is to be used or discarded. He never really has any friends and is able to discard people whenever he see's fit without remorse. He doesn't care about other people or their feelings and simply see's such things as a weakness.


Shortly after his birth, Luxen was placed in their care of Muggles who had their memories modified to raise him like their own. He knew he was adopted but did not know anything about his true family. As a small child glass objects would sometimes break whenever he threw a tantrum. It was not enough to make his muggle caretaker's notice but was enough for the book and quill to allow him to attend Hogwarts. Shortly after the Owl with his acceptance letter arrived, a raven appeared with a letter and it was addressed to his real name:

To: Luxen Rhein Silverback II

The letter was very long though appeared to have been written by a child despite it's contents. It explained his father's family and it's place in the magical world. It gave him a brief description of the direct line of Silverback family members and instructed him to find his father. Along with a few notes that would help him transition into the wizarding world easier, the letter also explained how he came to his current family. Immediately after reading the letter, any feelings Luxen held towards his muggle caretakers vanished as he no longer saw them as family but merely 'the help'.

Luxen has decided that he will use his time at Hogwarts to find his Father and inherit the legacy of the Silverback Family.


Luxen's nature has often found himself at odds with both students and faculty with few exceptions, some would even call him a bully. He spent the majority of his free time learning magic and studying when not getting into trouble or fighting with his classmates. Academically, he excels at his subjects and enjoys insulting others on their lack of progress in comparison forcing several of the other students to ban together against him sometimes even during lessons.

His progress on learning more about his family took a turn after discovering his father's Silver Snake was roaming around the school and a letter implying a different family tree than the one he had received prior to attending Hogwarts. He also discovered that one of the Professor's owns a shop close to the one his grandfather founded and has actively sought her out for more information on who his grandfather was and what he was like.


Father: Luthor Luxor Silverback
Mother: Currently Unknown

(Father's Side) Grandmother: Maeve Silverback
(Father's Side) Grandfather: Luxen Rhein Silverback

(Father's Side) Great- Grandmother: Martha Silverback
(Father's Side) Great-Grandfather: Luxor Rhein Silverback

Great-Aunt: Lolita Martha Silverback
Uncle: Alexander Rhein Silverback
Aunt: Eden Silverback

Books Luxen has Read:

All Required Reading for First Years
'Transfiguration and the Dark Arts' by Lupin Thirdwest
'Powers of the Mind: A study of Legilmens and Occlumens' By Stannis Yorkins
'The Secret Guide to Secret Dueling Techniques' By Gilbert Shellywinkle
'Advanced Dueling Spells for Fighting Dark Wizards' By Georgia Leaky
'Bloodlines of the Unknown' by Samantha Ghosthooky
'The Rise and Fall of the Black Family' by Edward Gibbonsweek
Last edited:


Lillian was glad her nephew had been sorted into Ravenclaw, but she had to admit to some disappointment it meant he wouldn't be in her class first semester. She'd been worried about teaching a relative, and now she'd have to worry for a whole semester before it actually happened. She'd thought, too, that it would be an opportunity to keep an eye on Arthur, as her sister had asked her to, and get to know him a bit better. She put the matter out of her mind as the class began to arrive, nodding to them in welcome as they filed in. No matter how long she spent working with children, it never ceased to amaze her how small and how full of energy they were. Lillian was confident she could do a good job of teaching them; she hoped that she could also impart to them something of her enthusiasm for this rich and varied subject.

Once the last of the students had trickled into the room and chosen their seats, Lillian stood and gave them a bright smile. "Good morning, class," she said briskly. "My name is Professor Lillian Sword. Yes, that's my real name; no, it's not a joke. You may call me Professor Sword, and derive whatever amusement from that you see fit," she added dryly. Lillian was well accustomed to the ripple of sniggers that ran through the room at the mention of her name, and had long found that the best method of dealing with this was to acknowledge it and move on.

"In this class, I will be teaching you about the history of magic and of wizarding society. This is a subject of great importance, as we must all learn from the past or be doomed to repeat its mistakes. It is also a fascinating one, or so I find it, and I hope by the end of this course you will all agree." Lillian's enthusiasm for her subject shone through in her words. She had always found a teacher who was genuinely engaged in their subject to be the best incentive to learn, especially in one such as history which was so often viewed as dusty and dull - when nothing could be further from the truth.

"I will expect you to behave respectfully towards me and towards each other, and to complete your homework as and when I set it." Lillian was certain these basic rules had already been reiterated to the students multiple times, but nevertheless they were necessary and she kept her tone stern as she went through them. "There is a list of rules by the door which must be adhered to in this classroom. Peruse them at your leisure, and break them at your peril." She smiled. "Of course, peril is something of an exaggeration of the penalties of rule-breaking, but at times in the past it wasn't - yet another example of the benefits of knowing your history."

Lillian glanced up at the clock. She had hoped more time would have passed, but this was merely an introductory lesson. "Today you'll be let out of class a little early; I'm sure you won't mind," she added with some amusement, knowing precisely how eager students usually were to be let out of a lesson early. "It won't be happening every class." Walking round to the front of her desk she grabbed a stack of papers she had prepared and approached the front row. "Look around at where you are sitting and who you are sitting next to. This will be your designated seating for the remainder of the year. What's your name?" She asked, standing next to the first student she came to. When they introduced themselves, Lillian gave them an encouraging smile. "Okay, could you please pass these around?" she asked, handing the student a stack of papers.

Once she was sure that everyone had a copy she went on to explain what she wanted. "The papers you've just been given are this weeks homework assignment. Please fill these out and hand them in before next lesson. Thank you, and everyone please have a wonderful week." She smiled at all of the students, then, noticing that no one had gotten up yet she added, "Class dismissed."

Homework Assignment:
At the beginning of each homework assignment I would like everyone to head their paper with their name first, then on the second line put their house name and what year you are in, then I would like you to put what lesson it is. Here's an example:

Example said:
Professor Sword
Staff House 1st Year
History of Magic, Lesson 1

Here's the questionnaire I would like you to fill out.

Homework said:
1. Your full name
2. Your age
3. What are your interests?
4. What would you like to learn in the upcoming lessons in History of Magic?
5. Any additional facts you would like to put down, put here.
Luxen was not particularly interested int he history of magic except that it did have some use in providing power. Fools were destined to repeat the mistakes of the past and he was never going to be perceived a fool. Despite having some respect for the subject it was not one that he believed he would actually participate in. He watched as others arrived in the class and ignored them all until finally the professor spoke.

He didn't care about her last name, it was a ridiculous one of course but only because it did not particularly hold value to Luxen. He listened as once again another Professor had to try and 'sell' their subject to their students and was greatly relieved when they were given permission to leave early. He was ready to pack his things up when she suddenly stood in front of him with a stack of papers. She asked for his name and he replied.

"Luxen Silverback Professor"

Though he didn't show it, Luxen was thoroughly annoyed with being asked to pass out the papers but did as he was told. What was the purpose of magic if you were going to make your students work like servants? He didn't pass them out to the students and merely placed each paper on their desks, probably a little harder than he should before returning to his own desk and packing up. He waited at his desk for the professor to finally dismiss them and began making his way to his next lesson.

Spoiler: homework

Luxen Silverback
Slytherin, 1st Year
History of Magic, Lesson 1

1. Your full name: Luxen Rhein Silverback II
2. Your age: Eleven Years Old
3. What are your interests?: Reading
4. What would you like to learn in the upcoming lessons in History of Magic?: More about the Goblin Rebellions
5. Any additional facts you would like to put down, put here. History of the Parseltongues would also be interesting


Professor Kalif Styx entered the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, dark robes flowing behind him and his dark, onyx eyes flowing with little to no emotion at all. His eyes wondered around the classroom, before he pointed at the windows with his gloved finger, and shades lowered down to make it seem even darker in the classroom. And now, his eyes roamed down to the time turner, and saw that he was going to have to teach first years today. They were the youngest group of students in the classroom, just eleven or twelve-years-old. This would be one long day for him. Once everyone walked into the classroom, Professor Styx was standing in front of the classroom, with the blackboard behind him, and a sour look on his cruel, stone-like face. Professor Styx watched as everyone sat down in their seats, however if anyone made any sort of sounds or disturbances while he was teaching this important subject, he would ensure that they would not have a good time in his class.

After everyone was seated and silenced. Professor Styx waved his hand at the door and it slammed shut. His tone was sharp and cold, and he started the lesson, "Welcome to your first year of Defence Against the Dark Arts class. My name is Professor Kalif Styx, and will be referred to as Professor Styx. I am also the Slytherin Head of House. Most of you seem like you are excited to be learning this class however, I would not hold that excitement in for too long. This class will have essays as well as practical magic. In this class, you will learn exactly what the Dark Arts are, and how you will defend yourself against them." Professor Styx paused for a moment, and he narrowed his eyes at the students. He did not know exactly what they were thinking that this class was, but it was not going to be easy. "I would advise taking out your parchment, ink and quills, because notes are required as well in this course. I will go over the rules in this class, and you will have to remember that these rules are to be followed, no matter what." Professor Styx paused for a moment, to wait to see if everyone had done that, and once they had, Professor Styx leaned against the desk that was in front of the room to go over the rules and guidelines of the class.

"The rules are simple. One, respect of the peers and professor is required. Another is no talking while I am talking as that is a sign of disrespect, so if you have a question, raise your hand. Thirdly, we have the rule where we will be practicing spells in class, so practice only the spells that I tell you do to. Fourthly, have your parchment, ink and quill with you every day as well as your wands. You will not know when we will be practicing nor will you know when we will be lecturing. Lastly, all homework is to be turned in on the due date." Once everyone was done writing down the rules, it was time to get to the main part of the lesson. Professor Styx continued, "Now, who can tell me what the Dark Arts are?" Hands shot up into the air, but Professor Styx nodded to one single student to answer the question. The student was right, and he nodded once more to tell the student that they were correct. "Now, what I want you to do is write down a question if you have one about anything for the class, and I will do my best to answer it. This is an easy homework assignment so there would be no excuse for you not to do this. Class is dismissed." Professor Styx waved his hand and the door opened. He went back to behind his desk to finish up any other work that he had to finish up.

Luxen had entered the classroom probably a little earlier than intended. This was his head of house's class however and he did need to make a good impression. It also didn't hurt that Defense Against the Dark Arts was a class that served a purpose. Some might be more drawn to the dark arts, however this was not particularly the case for Luxen. He was interested in learning more about them but had a feeling that he would be better off learning how to defend against those that would truly wish to do him harm.

It seemed obvious to Luxen that only a dark wizard would try to do any serious spells and learning to defend against them would be important. He waited for the rest of his classmates to enter the room without a word. Finally Professor Styx entered as well. He listened intently to Professor Styx's lecture and found himself impressed. He commanded the room with his mere presence and used his words to reinforce it. Luxen knew he would rather have this man in charge of his house rather than any of the other professors. Getting past him would be a challenge that would only further his abilities.

Pulling out his paper and quill Luxen began to write down what Professor Styx said. They were simple enough rules that Luxen figured would appear in all of his classes. Professor Styx asked a question and Luxen raised his hand to answer. This would be one of the few classes he would publicly participate in.

"Professor Styx, The dark arts are spells, potions, or magical devices used for the primary purpose of cursing, inflicting harm, or killing of a target but is not limited to individuals, or living creatures, but can be performed on environments as well" Luxen answered in a clear and decisive tone.

Luxen did not smile or even nod his head when Professor Styx acknowledged his answer. Instead he focused on the next part of Professor Styx's lecture and wrote down what the homework assignment would be. When the bell that signaled the end of class rang Luxen went over his notes and quickly did his homework while at lunch.

Spoiler: Notes

One: Respect of peer and Professor is Required
Two: No talking while I am talking as that is a sign of disrespect (Professor Styx)
Three: Practice only the spells that are assigned
Four: Have parchment, ink, quill, and wand everyday
Five: All homework to be turned in by due date

Spoiler: Homework

What is the most powerful defensive spell an average wizard can learn?

"A more advanced form of Protego, which is learned during the 7th year."
Professor Styx glanced up at the time and he realized that it was, once again, time for the first years to return to their lessons, and this time, he had to teach them. This lesson was about a certain someone that he knew all about - even met once or twice. Professor Styx was in fact a Death Eater a long time ago, but has left since the Dark Lord's fall. He was doing his job though, as a professor for the time being. And it suited him. He took role mentally, and he stood up to begin the lesson once more. His onyx eyes washed over the expressions the first years had. They were not going to enjoy this lesson, however it was full of information that they would need. He began, "The Dark Arts are not to be meddled with, and most of you have thought, well why not? The question will be answered this class period. We will learn the consequences of the Dark Arts, and also of someone who had meddled with them a little too much."

The emotions on his face were stone-like, and unreadable. He continued, "Notes will be required as well for this lesson, and I will not slow down on this lecture. You all should know that the punishment for performing Dark Arts is Azkaban, which is the wizarding prison guarded by Dementors in cause some of you are unfamiliar with the wizarding world." Professor Styx paused for a moment, to ensure that everyone was taking in the information that he was giving them. "If some of you think that you would not get caught, then it is untrue as the signs are inevitable." Professor Styx flourished his wand and he tapped the blackboard behind him and an image appeared.

Professor Styx saw that some if not all of the students were confused on who this Slytherin student was. He continued on, "This is a former Hogwarts student named Tom Marvolo Riddle Jr.. He is a mass murderer, torturer and also an abuser of the Dark Arts. He is seventeen here, and he had been practicing the Dark Arts for a while during this time. As you can see, he looked somewhat normal. He had little to no friends at all, and distanced everyone from him." Professor Styx watched as the other students seemed to be taking notes. "You should remember this as what your parents and grandparents would describe him as." He tapped the board again and another image appeared.

Several students gasped as the picture went through their little minds. "This would be Lord Voldemort, a self given name, and he had once tried to take over the wizarding world and purge it of all the muggles, muggle-borns and blood traitors alike. He had gone further than anyone of using the Dark Arts, even of some of which that we would not dare name. Using the Dark Arts like this will take a huge toll on your appearance, your personality and your soul. The Dark Arts will tear you away from your loved ones and those that love you." Professor Styx tapped the board again and the picture melted off of the board, and replaced with the homework assignment.

Though he went over the words that he thought and shook his head. He instead wrapped up the lesson and continued, "The assignment is an essay on the Dark Arts and the effects on the caster. You are to have it ready by the next time you set foot in here. Class is dismissed." Professor Styx crossed over and sat behind the desk, the doors opening to allow the students to leave the classroom.

Assignment: Roleplay the lesson and do the assignment. This is the header you use for the assignment.

Homework said:
Your Name
House and Year
Defence Against the Dark Arts Lesson #

Luxen made sure he was the first to arrive at Defense Against the Dark Arts as this had quickly become his favorite class. It was so far the most useful and practical subject he'd been introduced to since he had arrived at Hogwarts. It also didn't hurt that his Head of House was the Professor. He had stated during the Slytherin Meeting that he was harsher than the other Professor which meant he was likely harder at grading students.

Luxen found this acceptable as it also meant they would be privy to a more advance curriculum than one might receive in the hands of a less capable Professor. The best students would receive knowledge and power through this subject and Luxen was determined to be the best. He wanted the power to crush his enemies and knew that this was a subject that was going to teach him how to do so.

"Professor Styx" Luxen said with a nod as a form of courtesy. He took his seat, pulled out his parchment and quill and readied himself to take notes on what the Professor was going to lecture about on this day. Much to Luxen's surprise and delight, the Professor's lecture was actually on the dark arts and the effects it had.

Luxen listened intently on every word Professor Styx said and had to write cliff notes of what he was saying as a consequence. It didn't matter to Luxen as he was sure he memorized everything that Professor Styx was telling them. Luxen learned about the wizard's prison Azkaban and that it was guarded by the Dementors.

He listened as the Professor spoke about the signs of the dark arts always making themselves known eventually. Luxen was probably one of the few students that didn't flinch when the handsome Hogwarts Student alumni turned into the mutant 'Lord Voldemort'. Luxen was sure that he in fact had an almost gleeful look upon his face.

When the lesson concluded, some of the students were upset that they were given such a task so early in their academic careers. Luxen however relished the essay and immediately planned to skip lunch to begin work on his essay. He made sure to give Professor Styx another nod as he walked out of the classroom and set off to work.

Spoiler: notes

Punishment for performing Dark Arts is Imprisonment at Azkaban
Azkaban is guarded by the Dementors
Tom Marvolo Riddle - Attended Hogwarts and practiced the dark arts
Had little to no friends
Self-Given Name was Lord Voldemort
Tried to take over wizarding world and purge muggles, muggle-borns, and blood traitors
Went further than anyone in the dark arts
Using dark arts takes a huge toll on body, mind, and spirit
Professor Styx was in the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom earlier than the rest of the first years. They were going to be arriving at once point. Professor Styx leaned against the desk and he stared at the open doors to see that some of the first years had arrived, and this was another lecture that they were going to have to endure. They were all soon seated and then they were going to be learning more about the Dark Arts today. He began the lesson, "Whilst we have been talking more about the general idea of the Dark Arts, we will be learning about some specific usages and their effects as well. These are rather famous usages which Death Eaters and Aurors alike use them in combat." Professor Styx paused for just a moment for the time being, wondering if they were getting any idea of what he was speaking of.

"Who can tell me the three most famous Dark curses are?" Students rose their hands, and he nodded at one, and the student answered correctly. "Precisely. These curses are powerful and relentless. The person who would be casting the curses must want ill and harm to come in order to use these curses properly. However, if used enough, they will overwhelm the caster with anger, frustration, everything you can think of that is wicked and evil." Professor Styx gazed around the classroom to see everyone that was wrapping their heads around this subject. "Aurors are allowed to use these curses against dark wizards or witches and have a license to kill. They are, regardless, illegal and wrong. They corrupt people when used enough, even Aurors." Professor Styx tapped on the board and the homework wrote itself on the board for the students to copy down.

"List the Unforgivable Curses and write an essay on their effects. You are to have this finished for the next lesson." Professor Styx looked at the time and they were almost going over the time that they had for this period. He told the class, "Class is dismissed just a little early. This will give you more time to get done with the assignment." The doors opened and the class was free to leave.

Luxen arrived ready for Professor Styx to begin the third lesson in their training of Defense Against the Dark Arts. He pulled out his paper, quill, and ink bottle and noticed that he had not been the first to arrive. He had gotten up early to return a few books to the library and it had caused him to fall three minutes behind his normal schedule. Luxen passed Professor Styx with a nod and a greeting of "Professor Styx" He sat at his desk annoyed at the Hufflepuff girl that had been too stupid to figure out what book she had needed from the librarian.

Pushing his annoyance aside Luxen listened as Professor Styx mentioned that they would be learning more of the specifics as to what the dark arts could do. When Professor Styx asked about the three unforgivable curses, Luxen quickly raised his hand. Even though Luxen had been raised by muggles, he spent most of his free time learning about the subtle things within the wizarding world so that he could blend in. Throughout his reading, the three curses had popped up, however even he did not know the more specific details of the curses yet.

"The three unforgivable curses are the Imperius Curse, the Cruciatus Curse, and the killing curse" Luxen answered.

Luxen wrote down notes from Professor Styx's lecture but knew already he would have to go to the library and read up more on the curses before starting his essay. He was secretly relieved to that class was over though did not show it on his face. He wanted more time to research and review his essay before the next lesson and as the class ended, he made his way straight to the library.

Spoiler: Notes

Three Unforgivable Curses: Imperius Curse, Cruciatus Curse, Killing Curse
Have to mean to use them, wish to cause harm
Can effect the user as well as the enemy
Aurors are given license to kill

Spoiler: Homework

Luxen Silverback II
Slytherin Year 1
Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson 3

The Three Unforgivable Curses

The three unforgivable curses are dark magic that is considered to be so horrible that the use of any of them by normal witches and wizards is criminal. The use is permitted for Aurors in the pursuit of catching dark wizards but it is still not advised for use. The curses each have an effect that throughout history has caused great harm to the wizarding world.

Imperius Curse- Is used to control others to the user's will. The Imperius curse can be fought by it's victim but the success rate is slim.

Cruciatus Curse- Causes great pain throughout the victim body and can cause mental damage if used for long term.

Avada Kedavra (Killing Curse)- A bright green curse that kills all that it touches, once believed to be unblock able. Harry Potter was able to survive the killing curse breaking it's perfect record.




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