Luke Mcpeak

Luke Mcpeak

Well-Known Member
Full Name: Luke Mcpeak
- Birth Date: April 15
- Current Age: 14
- Basic Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes, tan, tall, muscular
- Parents: Jake Mcpeak (wizard, 59) Luna Mcpeak (muggle;49)
- Siblings, if any:non
- Pets, if any:non
- Area of Residence: Albany, Austrilia
- Blood status:half blood

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? Kangaroo
- What would their Boggart be? two graves with his parents name on them
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Deer
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Him and his parents in a nice place and his dad owning the land he wants
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus?His 10th birthday

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Journal,
Saw Alex today and Uncle Poseidon got to go uncle calling me for dinner

You get questions!!!!

1. The usual why would your patronous be a kangaroo
2. Why would your Bogart be graves with your parents names on them
3.Why is his tenth birthday so significant?

I'll think of more! :D

1. Luke lives in Austrilia so he was around Kangaroo's and he like them.
2. He loves his parents and to see his parents dead would kill him.
3. His tenth birthday was the day he found out he was a wizard and the day his dad almost caught on fire

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