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Full Name: Lucretia Vixen Moriarty
- Birth Date: September 23, 2007
- Current Age:11 years old
- Basic Appearance: Lucretia has shoulder length, straight, pale blond hair, typical to most Malfoy's/relatives. She has very bright green eyes, and extremely pale skin. She is very short, and will probably not grow to be five feet tall. She wears a deceptive smile, though, it's dazzling. Her teeth are straight and white, and something about them draws you to her. She has a very skinny body, though, it is lined with tiny, strong, muscles.
- Parents: Lucretia is the only daughter of Mikhail and Lavender Engel Moriarty. The are very loving. Lavender Moriarty is the daughter of Lucretia and Edward Engel. She is a squibb, and was cast out by her family. Mikhail Moriarty is the son of Hans and Jackie Moriaty. He is very powerful. He works at the German MoM as the Head of the Magical Sporting Injuries Department. Lucretia is his pride and joy and he is extremely protective of her.
- Siblings, if any: None, though Mikhail and Lavender are planning to conceive another child.
- Pets, if any: Lucretia is a Parseltongue, so naturally she owns snakes. Hr baby, is a Leucistic Ball Python named Narcissa, after her aunt. Countless snakes await Lucretia back in Germany in the snake room of the house. Originally a guest bedroom, the room was converted to meet the needs of Lucretia's almost twenty snakes.
- Area of Residence: Oberding, Germany. The residence is located in a grove of trees, in a typical German magical community. The city can be found around the outskirts of Munchen.
- Blood status: Lucretia is a proud pureblood.
(If your character is a sorted student
- Hogwarts House (And why): Slytherin. Lucretia was placed in the house because of her cunning, and tendency to do things that would cause trouble. Though Lucretia has never had a problem with respecting her elders, she tends to pay no heed to their wishes, especially rules. Her entire family was sorted into Slytherin.
- Best school subjects (And why): Potions. Lucretia studied Potions at home before even entering Hogwarts.
- Worst school subjects (And why): (Not Applicable yet.)
(all characters
- What would their Patronus be? Lucretia's Patronus would be a Leucistic Ball Python, much like Narcissa.
- What would their Boggart be? Lucretia's Boggart would be that of her best friend, almost sister, Antionette Hyde committing suicide.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A snake, though, unlike Narcissa, she would be a grass snake. The small snake would be able to sneak into any situation with almost no notice at all.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? The Mirror of Erised would show Lucretia as a beautiful woman in her early twenties, teaching Potions at Durmstrang to Antionette's children and her own.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The first moment that Lucretia discovered that she was a Parselmouth.
- Write an example roleplay by your character:
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
- Birth Date: September 23, 2007
- Current Age:11 years old
- Basic Appearance: Lucretia has shoulder length, straight, pale blond hair, typical to most Malfoy's/relatives. She has very bright green eyes, and extremely pale skin. She is very short, and will probably not grow to be five feet tall. She wears a deceptive smile, though, it's dazzling. Her teeth are straight and white, and something about them draws you to her. She has a very skinny body, though, it is lined with tiny, strong, muscles.
- Parents: Lucretia is the only daughter of Mikhail and Lavender Engel Moriarty. The are very loving. Lavender Moriarty is the daughter of Lucretia and Edward Engel. She is a squibb, and was cast out by her family. Mikhail Moriarty is the son of Hans and Jackie Moriaty. He is very powerful. He works at the German MoM as the Head of the Magical Sporting Injuries Department. Lucretia is his pride and joy and he is extremely protective of her.
- Siblings, if any: None, though Mikhail and Lavender are planning to conceive another child.
- Pets, if any: Lucretia is a Parseltongue, so naturally she owns snakes. Hr baby, is a Leucistic Ball Python named Narcissa, after her aunt. Countless snakes await Lucretia back in Germany in the snake room of the house. Originally a guest bedroom, the room was converted to meet the needs of Lucretia's almost twenty snakes.
- Area of Residence: Oberding, Germany. The residence is located in a grove of trees, in a typical German magical community. The city can be found around the outskirts of Munchen.
- Blood status: Lucretia is a proud pureblood.
(If your character is a sorted student

- Hogwarts House (And why): Slytherin. Lucretia was placed in the house because of her cunning, and tendency to do things that would cause trouble. Though Lucretia has never had a problem with respecting her elders, she tends to pay no heed to their wishes, especially rules. Her entire family was sorted into Slytherin.
- Best school subjects (And why): Potions. Lucretia studied Potions at home before even entering Hogwarts.
- Worst school subjects (And why): (Not Applicable yet.)
(all characters

- What would their Patronus be? Lucretia's Patronus would be a Leucistic Ball Python, much like Narcissa.
- What would their Boggart be? Lucretia's Boggart would be that of her best friend, almost sister, Antionette Hyde committing suicide.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A snake, though, unlike Narcissa, she would be a grass snake. The small snake would be able to sneak into any situation with almost no notice at all.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? The Mirror of Erised would show Lucretia as a beautiful woman in her early twenties, teaching Potions at Durmstrang to Antionette's children and her own.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The first moment that Lucretia discovered that she was a Parselmouth.
- Write an example roleplay by your character:
Lucretia strolled through the dark green, plush grass of Hogwarts New Zealand. Narcissa strung about her shoulders, the young girl sat down in the shade of a tree next to the lake.
Her pale white legs lay in startling contrast in the grass. Narcissa slid down her shoulders, then her arm, and finally onto the grass. The albino snake nudged her thigh, exposed to the sunlight in her tight blue jean shorts.
Was? Lucretia asked the snake, her eyes opening to look pointedly at her.
Nothing, The snake said absent-mindedly. It's warm, now. Isn't it? Cissa asked, flicking her tongue onto the girls skin.
The snake slithered away quietly, crawling up onto a rock, and sun-bathing.
Lucretia couldn't help but smile as she watched the snake curl her self into a coil, and drift to sleep. Narcissa knew that Lucy would protect her, if anything were to happen.
Lucretia lay for about an hour, reading her Potions book, and sucking on a rainbow lollipop. She silently thanked her mother for sending a package of "Madam Louise' Sun-burn Protectant." The girls pale skin had not even felt a little burnt. Rubbing her legs together for comfort, she slowly sat up.
Mitkommen Lucretia said loudly, and the snake slithered swiftly behind her.
Lucretia stopped, stooped to pick her up, then continued back on up to the castle.
Komm mit mir. Let us go see Antionette. She said smiling down at the albino creature.
She kissed Narcissa's head softly, then entered the castle.
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Ahh. Today was simply perfect. The Kelson boy, Riley, I think it is, has to be the most gorgeous first year here. Not like I couldn't have any of the second years, maybe even third if I tried. Potions was great today, even more so than usual. Even though most of the Potion's work we do is unbearably elementary, the Professor seems to make it, hmm, what is the right word? Excellent? The man can teach, superbly, at that. Antionette seems to struggle sometimes in the class, though, but she's getting better. I wonder what would happen if Narcissa got pregnant? Do you think they would allow me to let the babies be birthed in the castle? I'd probably have to take her to the Care of Magical creatures class. That would simply kill me! To be away from Cissa that long would be almost as hard as being away from Annie! I miss Vater. Mutti has crossed my mind a lot, as well, but being away from daddy has caused me pain. I miss the days when he'd apparate in from the Ministry and we'd just sit in the snake room and talk about his day. I must write him after this. And mother as well. Writing Ms. Hyde would not be bad, either. So, in Vaters last letter, he told me he was applying to the English MoM. Mother apparently had another fight with Oma. I despise that woman. She has no love in her heart for her and Opa Edward. Though, only Opa Edward has taken a liking to me in the past few months. Perhaps he's just happy I didn't turn out a squibb like mom. Well, since I have to write everyone, I must be off! Love you! -Lucy