Luciano Lurken

Luciano Lurken

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash



-The Basics-

Luciano- Italian, His grandfather's name
William- Will, helmet, His father's name
Rossi- Italian surname

Nicknames- 'Lucy', by Abigail Lurken

Birthdate- November 16th, 2008
Current age- 18 years old

Star sign- Scorpio
[sub]<COLOR color="#008C00">Element- Water
Ruling planet- Pluto
Symbol- The Scorpion
Gemstone- Topaz
Life Pursuit- To survive against all opposition
Vibration- Resilient
Secret Desire- To triumph [/sub]

Born and Raised- London, England
Currently lives- New Zealand. When Luciano's not at Hogwarts New Zealand, he lives with his uncle (Father's brother) in a Christchurch suburb.

Blood Status- Mixed blood.
Blood Beliefs and predjudices- Really doesn't care, though is rather amused by muggles.

Attended- Hogwarts Scotland until he was expelled in his Third year.
Attends- Currently in his Sixth year at Hogwarts New Zealand.
Attitude towards school- Luciano was top of his class at Hogwarts Scotland, however towards the end of his Third year there he began to rebel, and when he was expelled and sent to Hogwarts New Zealand without the influence of his father, he completely stopped trying in school. Being quite intelligent, he does alright in school, but doesn't try at all.


Eye color- Light blue
Hair color- Was light brown, but is going dark brown naturally.
Hair style- Average length, never spiked or unnatural looking.
Height- 5'9 1/2

Despite his Italian background, Luciano is very British looking, with pale skin that burns easily in the New Zealand sun. He has a lean build that has filled out slightly in the last few years from the skinny boy he was. He has muscle that is there, however it is not very noticeable. He dresses simply and comfortably, favouring the colors grey, black, and light blue. He also quite likes wearing scarves. Luciano is quite comfortable with himself, with a quiet self confidence that normally appears in the form of him not caring what others think of him. He has never obsessed or worried over his appearance.

[sub] Normal style of clothing- 1 2 3
Uniform- 1 2 3[/sub]



Luciano is quite quiet, and appears cold around people that he has no interest in getting to know. To most strangers however, particularly ones that he would like to impress or get to know, he is very smooth and polite, as he was trained to be by his father. Once a person has gotten through the wall that he keeps up, which is quite rare, they find a deeper person, struggling in the shadow of his father. He is also a very sarcastic person with a dry and sometimes offending sense of humour. Luciano is incredibly loyal to the few people he loves, and would do anything for them. Despite his upbringing and father, he does not value material possessions.

5 words to describe Luciano- Quiet, cold, intelligent, sarcastic, polite.

Affect of family on his personality- Luciano's father has controlled and expected great things of him his whole life, however gave hardly any praise or rewards, except in material possessions. For a while Luciano used this to his advantage, but after a while he rebelled like his mother had done so, doing anything to shame his father, and tarnish the family reputation. However Luciano's mother made him capable of loving fiercely, as she showed him from a young age that he was the most important person in her life.

Likes- Being alone. Abigail Lurken. Overcast weather/Rain.

Dislikes- Being controlled. Bubbly, annoying people. Sunny days. Boats.

Habits- Hands in pockets. Not looking where he is going when walking.


William Rossi

Francesca Rossi


Cameron Rossi



Luciano's childhood was bitter-sweet. His father only ever seemed to be correcting him, and 'training' him to follow in his footsteps, however his mother loved him more than anything, and Luciano did back. They were both restless under the control of William, though before Luciano was about eight, he didn't fully understand what his father was like. When Luciano's mother died of a drug overdose on his tenth birthday. His mother and father had had a huge disagreement and argument, with a little bit of physical abuse, over Luciano's birthday celebrations. This left Luciano alone with his father, struggling with the confusion and blame over her death. He finished his home schooling on a sad and strained note.

Hogwarts Scotland

Luciano was very glad to start at Hogwarts Scotland at age eleven, and get away from his father who had become even more controlling and cold after his wife's death. Luciano was sorted into Slytherin house, which was expected of him, and due to the fact that he was friendlier and more open as an eleven year old, he soon found a small group of friends, and was launched into the excitement of the First year. Luciano stayed clear of any trouble in his First and Second years, passing with excellent grades. However as he matured, and became a teenager, he realised that the path he was taking was exactly what his father wanted, and began to rebel in his Third year. Luciano's grades dropped, he lost most of his friends as he became friendlier with a more troublesome and meaner group of boys, and the teachers that had liked him in the previous two years became concerned. He drew into his own shell and spent increasingly amounts of time on his own. Towards the end of his Third year, he took it too far, and was expelled.

Hogwarts New Zealand

After being expelled, Luciano was sent to live with his Uncle, Cameron Rossi, in New Zealand. He did not speak to his father from the moment he was sent away. William was incredibly ashamed of his son, and sent him away to attempt to preserve the family name. Luciano started his Fourth year at Hogwarts New Zealand, and almost completely withdrew into himself, not speaking to anybody apart from one friend that he immediatly made, Abigail Lurken. Luciano had a meeting with Willow Paradox, Abigail's best friend, and Sebastian Rossi. He didn't think anything of the sharing of the last names, however Sebastian was a little surprised. They met again in the holidays on a London street. The two boys then by chance met Luciano's father, who seemed very interested in Sebastian. Since that meeting, when Luciano was reminded of his father's cold and controlling personality, he has started becoming more of a person, determined to further himself even more from his father. After meeting Raven Mirayinov, a girl of similar humour in Brightstone Village, and letting her paint him, he has come out a little more, revealing his sacarstic and amused side to world a little more. In short, after a troubled start to his teenage years, Luciano Rossi is finally growing up.


*One missing that I cannot locate
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(In chronological order)

First day is the worst- Slytherin Common room, Abigail Lurken
Welcome to the Snakes- Slytherin Common room, Various Slytherins
Haven't seen you in a while- Great Hall, Slytherin House table, Abigail Lurken
Lonely Heart's Club Band- Great Hall, Yule Ball 2023, Abigail Lurken
Waiting- The Library, Abigail Lurken
Whoa...really?- Brightstone villiage, Sebastian Rossi and Williow Paradox
You'll never know- The Cliffs, Abigail Lurken
A Test Subject- Brightstone Village, Raven Mirayinov
Wonders- Slytherin Common Room, Abigail Lurken
Who knew summer solstice could be so much fun?- Student Lounge, Various students

This code was made solely by me, and it took a while, so I'd appreciate it HEAPS if you didn't just steal it. Ask first, and I'll probably say yes, just because you took the time and were considerate enough to ask.
Thank you for reading this Biography, I will try to keep it constantly updated.

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