Open Loving Gift

Emily Madison

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Curly 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
3/2035 (26)
((Red, open after April Ward))

Emily only had one red rose in her basket to deliver, and she had been anticipating all day the excitement of its delivery. It had been almost irresistible to take a little peek at the note and see what it said, but she had resisted, wanting to do right by Alice and her sister, and now the time had finally come. She had asked all over about where April Ward was, and had been directed out to the courtyard. She didn't have much idea who she was looking for, stopping the first person she saw. "Excuse me, have you seen April Ward?"
After getting a yellow rose from a very loud boy, April was starting to wonder about Norton's rose for her. If he had given her one. She tried to distract herself by going outside, and ended up wandering restlessly in the courtyard. She was just about to do a handstand against the nearest wall when a young girl stopped her. April grinned at her question. "Nope! Haven't looked in a mirror yet today." She said, hoping the girl would catch her meaning.
Emily was perplexed by the girl in front of her for a moment, before what she was saying sunk in. "Oh!" Emily said brightly as it clicked for her. "You're April! Perfect! I have a very special rose for you!" Emily couldn't keep the grin off her face as she very carefully plucked the red rose and its attached card from her basket. "Here you go!" Emily said brightly, excited for the older girl. She wondered how nice it must feel to get a red rose from someone you cared about, and couldn't wait to see the Hufflepuff's reaction.

April, you are the brightest star in my world.
April giggled at the look on the younger girl's face when she realized what April had been saying. "I am!" She said. There was a small part of her that was a bit peeved not to be recognized from Quidditch, but with her recent losses that was probably actually for the best. "Thanks!" She took the rose from the girl, and her heart started to beat faster at the red color. It could be from October, her sister might have used the red rose to express her love. But maybe... maybe it was from Norton. April had sent a red rose to him, after all. She opened the note and beamed at the sweet message and his name underneath it. She clutched it to her chest for a moment, grinning. "Thanks..." She said again, more quietly now.

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