Loved You First.

Kiefer Harris

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2 Tail of Charmed Newt
Kiefer had been having a good time lately in Durmstrang. Everything was in its usual pace - the kind where he could not catch up easily if he did not pay attention that much. The professors were all the same although a funny few had grown to be crankier after the Christmas holidays. Kiefer wanted to openly laugh at that the first time he saw his professors but good thing a roommate of his elbowed him painfully in the rib area to keep his mouth shut. Those moments of fun were always spoiled by a goody-two-shoes student. In the past few weeks, it was rare that Kiefer was placed in a dangerously rancid mood. But he was still a male, which gave others a clue that it still happened. His studies were the usual factors that made his mischievous, teasing and playful mood break. Annoying as it was, but it truly occurred once in a whilst. Currently however, his sea of moods was at peace. Everything inside him was still and quiet and his exterior mirrored what he felt. Kiefer showed off small flashes of grins and some smirks at some guys and girls who passed by. A few brave female souls winked at him, eager to play with his game. Not that he did not like flirting (quite the contrary, he did it often) but he felt that he would reserve that for later. Now, he would head to the small, isolated grassy cliff that Durmstrang had which was creepy and a tad bit of agitating. The young man did not give a damn anyways. He had his wand for defense.

The evening was bright because of the perfectly round moon that was shining forth. It's appearance was almost yellowish; Kiefer could not determine. Surely though, it shone a pale light towards the whole place. Kiefer had no idea why he decided to go there and spend his free hours sitting on the grass, his feet spread out whilst his back leaning on the thick trunk of a tree. The spacious area was almost like an empty trimmed field, except for several places where the grass was quite longer than the rest. The only source of light was the bright moon, the shining lights from the castle behind him and his wand that held light on its tip. Kiefer put a leg on top of the other and crossed his arms, with a contented expression gracing his very boyish features. He angled his head to face the moon itself and thought of how he was progressing in his sixth year. He had made several friends and quite a number of girls he shamelessly flirted with. But among all of them, he really liked this blonde. That particular lady turned heads, made jaws drop and made Kiefer's breath go away. She was obviously a part-veela after all. Kiefer almost smiled as he thought that now, it was safe to say that he really was interested in her.
word count: 496 words
notes: 'tis really short. goodness, i'm sorry!
As luck would have it, Ashe Cavell had to return back to home for a few days. Just so she could grab some things, as her brother seems to be stubborn to reply to her letter. Seriously? For how long will he avoid her and most of all why? Different questions started to circulate in her big mind, rather than stressing all this things. The lovely blonde decided to head to her bedroom and grab a few casual clothes here and there, she didn't had time to buy some new clothes lately. Such a pity to recycle her clothes, and by that she means wearing the same shirts and dresses. Perhaps she could just owl her dad who's in Austria for a meeting and ask permission for her to shop. Ashe father would say things like 'As long as you have someone who'll join shopping.' Impossible. In her stay in Durmstrang, Ashe didn't gain a lot of friends, just a few ones. Using her fingers she could count them, actually in just one hand. Gaining friends isn't her goal anyway, but for some reason one person seem to stand out. Kiefer Harris. How could she not be distracted with his charm? The answer is she couldn't. Ashe couldn't help herself liking him, she couldn't let her eyes wander off for a minute anymore when it comes to him. Something inside of her screams out for his name, and for sure she didn't want to surrender but if fate would allow her. Why not? Love? Like? Lust? Which word would fit in her feeling for him? Before she could even answer such question, Ashe heard their main door slamming, someone must be already home. "Mother" she mumbled to herself as she grabbed her things and placed it inside a red bag pack.

The sixth year made her way down to welcome her mother home when it should be the other way around, not that it mattered. "Good to see you Mother, I came home to grab a few things of mine and I think I'll be on my way now." She said to her, passing by. When her Mother immediately grabbed her wrist and hugged her, "But Dear, you just got here. I insist that you stay for dinner, it will only be me and your brother." Ashe's eyes widen, Enzo will be here to have dinner with their mother. While he can't even send a letter to her, this made her feel furious not to her mother but to her brother alone. "Enzo will be here huh?, then I shall leave now as I don't want to see him at the moment. I love you." She stated clearly as her mother stood there frozen with her words. Before her mother could even reply, Ashe left without any other word. Ashe continued to bit her lips as she made her way out of the gates, and in her mind cursing every bone of her brother. "How dare he ignore me, when he has time for dinner? Me, his own sister?" she hissed ignoring the civilians passing by. She couldn't accept the fact that her brother couldn't make an effort to even write her a letter or anything at all. Furious, Ashe decided to cool down, have a short stroll around some nearby park or anything. Anything that can make her think of other things, things that will free her from her thoughts. As her red bag pack stayed at her back, Ashe made it to the point to return back to Durmstrang and left her things, the weight of the bag was killing her. Leaving her things inside her room, Ashe wandered off the hallways, only to see someone familiar to her. Someone who's making her heart skip a beat these past few weeks.
The eerie silence was somewhat comforting to the ears of the Canadian man. He was finally away from all the bustling activities in the castle. He finally put a large distance between him and all the noisy chatter that was present in the hall where they served the meals. Most of the girls he knew were such a chatterbox. That was most - not all. He secretly preferred those girls who gave him a challenge. A challenge in knowing them deeper was greatly preferred. It was rare that a girl came across him and made him greatly interested. It was rare that someone could capture his genuine interest immediately in just a span of minutes. What his thoughts were about captured the description of a batch mate of his and he exhaled loudly as he thought about her - trying not to daydream about it stupidly. He knew he had some quiet moments with her and they were very much alone. Gladly, Kiefer did not do anything stupid that it would affect the both of them. He was sure to be safe and steady with her at all times. No exceptions. They were not even together - but Kiefer planned to change that soon. His feelings were like fireworks waiting to explode any time soon. Fireworks like those were not to stay inside forever. They had to be released eventually - out in the air where everyone would be aware of.

The nighttime scenery changed his previous, playful mood into his real side. For once, he could be alone under the moonlight with only his wand as company. Kiefer felt that he really was a man already - not some confused teenager who only cares about vanity and the like. Odd to say but, Kiefer felt that he had matured. He now understood words that were uttered but had a different context. His feelings towards the female society had molded into something respectful. Not necessarily a true gentleman, but Kiefer was beginning to realize that not all ladies were to be messed with. Being in Durmstrang for almost four years had changed his life. It created Kiefer just right but the young man was not so sure if ever he grew up into the person his dad wanted him to be. His mom, if ever she was here, would probably cry on how Kiefer had become. There were other students who were more intelligent, wiser and were good at making decisions in just a snap. Kiefer was an athletic person with a personality of a typical seventeen year old boy. He liked girls, exercising has became a hobby for him and he was athletic rather than academically speaking. Thinking about his life as the years to come as an adult gave him the chills but deep inside him, he knew he was going to make it in the real world outside.

Whilst thinking about what his future would be, Kiefer did not feel that a person was now looking at him from behind. From the hallway in the castle, not really too far away. There was a feminine figure just looking at him, whilst Kiefer's attention was focused on the dark just before him. Kiefer sighed contentedly, with his silver eyes only focused on the bright circle in the sky. Kiefer slightly shifted himself to match the thick tree's trunk on his back's skin, so that he would not be uncomfortable. Kiefer tried ignoring the giggles heard from the castle and closed his eyes serenely as he took in the sight of nature in the evening.
word count: 596
The first thing that entered her mind is to ignore him, but she was fully aware she couldn't do that. Even since day one, Ashe couldn't stay away from him. The more she resist the more she wanted him, contemplating on what to do the young blonde walked straight pass by him. It will be his own decision what to do, although in her mind she wants him to follow her lead wherever she goes. No one can ignore her, with her heels tapping the floor as she walked and her golden dark blonde her swaying. All eyes would follow her lead, all of them will indeed follow. Ashe on the other hand began to walk slower, hoping that Kiefer noticed her, she knew it was Kiefer Harris. Who could miss his silver eyes glistening whenever she passes by, it had to be him. Since Ashe doesn't even know half of the boys here in school whilst all of the boys knows her. No specific place entered her mind on where to though, that instead she stopped a few steps away from him. The part-veela stood there staring afar aimlessly, thinking of where to go. It was obvious she didn't want to go away, or anywhere at all, Ashe wants to stay here, right now and with Kiefer alone. The thought of it made her furious, how could she feel defenseless, so weak, so infatuated. Blinded with him, blinded by her feelings that she can never trust. Ashe's fist began to tighten, hating herself as she stood there not knowing what to do and where to go next. It was too late to return back to him, and just as she decided to leave, to run her feet lead her back. She slowly turned her back and faced the boy, but she kept her position still and vigilant. Only her piercing blue eyes attached to him, how could he sat there and be so great in her eyes when no can even make her feel alive. She wanted to run to him, to slap his head and scream as loud as she can but no words left her mouth.

The sound of laughter covered the silence, female students like her passed by and looked at Kiefer. Their laughter turned into giggles, while looking at him. She wanted to scratch their eyeballs out of their face, to slit their throats with her bare hands, but why would she even dare do that? As much as she likes to murder people inside her head, it was purely for pleasure and fun but today, it was because of him. Confused, Ashe shook her head in demise and bit her lower lip, this time hating herself. "I need to go before..." she whispered inside her mind and turned back once more. Continuing her pace, slower as usual, her face blank. Never did someone made her feel so weak, so useless for the first time and for that she hated him more, and by hate it just means the opposite of it. She couldn't bear her thoughts, her feelings any longer and so she searched for the nearest bench she could find. The bench located under a tree, she sat there along and puzzled. Twitching her eyebrows every now and then, sulking and lastly covering her blushing face. When all of that was done, Ashe watched the leaves fall, listened to birds chirping and the felt the air tickling her face. How could be one feel this way when, there's no reason to be? Or at least she thinks so. She stayed there, hoping to spend the rest of her day alone while in the back on her head, she wanted to spend it with him alone. Where no one can see them, bother them and where she could be her at least just for a couple of minutes. As minutes passed by, Ashe knew Kiefer didn't want to waste her time on her, there were a lot of nicer girls out there who can agree to play and go on dates with him, unlike her who'd passed by a battlefield just to be with her.
His face reflected the young features of a sweet boy under the shimmering moonlight. He interlaced his rather well developed fingers into a firm grasp that could be painful on any girl's wrist. With his legs outstretched, Kiefer felt that he had just escaped the world that whirled every single day. The world that just could not stop begging for more adventures and impressive thoughts and ideas. The world where pressure was evident in most areas and Kiefer was strongly reluctant to learn how to deal with it. He did not need another quill and parchment to do his homework. He hated reading books that were supposed to educate him. His eyes seemed to have a selective sight. Textbooks gave him unusual headaches which made the back of his eyes go crazy with the aches. Kiefer let his thoughts drift, unconsciously semi-blocking the sound of several giggles uttered not so far away from going to his mind. Girls who giggled too much were just more than irking and sometimes a good banishing charm would suffice their constant laughs. Not being used to being a hotheaded person, Kiefer ignored his mental attempts of thinking of something so mean. That was just not his personality. Biting the fleshy wet part of his lip, he tightened his sealed eyes and breathed in deeply. Now his thoughts weren't anything so profound. Now his thoughts made him feel the way he wanted to feel hours ago. The rustling of the trees' leaves in the evening air made him sigh with a small whisper of satisfaction laced. His sighs were quite frequent this evening and he had a feeling there were more to come in the future minutes that held the cozy evening together.

With only the serenity of the air occupying his usually Quidditch fazed mind, Kiefer released the pressure in his fists. He now held the fingers interlaced loosely and his brain tempted him to shut down completely, bringing a doze that may embarrass him if ever someone would see that Kiefer Antoinin Harris was actually sleeping under a tree. Kiefer ran his right hand on the blonde hair that his dad actually managed to make him inherit. Sometimes he hated his hair colour. It was so odd and it was different. Most males his age had dark coloured strands. Kiefer let his eyes open slowly and his sight lingered on the vast lands before the castle of Durmstrang. He felt several strands of his sensitive hair located just behind his neck strangely stand up and a small anticipated shiver filled him. His body was reacting strangely to nature - or was it about something or rather someone, anonymous? Kiefer took in a shaky breath and felt somewhat perturbed with his instincts. Kiefer slowly untangled the loosely interlaced fingers he had and placed them on the grass and with the pressure of his right hand, he lifted himself slightly up to see what some students were up to. Their presences just did not decrease and it nagged the subconscious part of Kiefer's body. Their very voices hadn't been softened and he discovered that they were girls and they were looking straight at him from the castle in which he was glad since there was a good distance between him and them. He ignored the group and spotted a blonde that he knew wrecked his nerves to the fullest. How could she look so radiant even in the silentest of the nights? He lifted himself up when he saw her walk away further and bit his lip, contemplating whether he should go after her. After almost one-fourth of a minute left, he did stand up and fixed his silver eyes on the path where her trail occupied.

It took quite a whilst for Kiefer to fully stretch his limbs. He heard a bone crack and that released an 'aah' from his mouth. He liked the way it calmed him even if it was momentary. He inhaled and figured that something was wrong and he stepped forward and began to walk slowly to find the part-veela of his interest. Kiefer did not pay any notice towards the leaves' crunch delivered to his ears nor did he give too much attention to the ladies who smiled - half of them managed to work a shy smile whilst the other half filled their faces with enthusiastic coyness. Surprisingly, they did not tempt Kiefer to do anything with them. A small smirk tugged on his own lips and he flashed them the subtle curve which quickly fainted when the sight of those ladies were out. He was on the lookout for the blue eyed blonde that made him all nervous and hot in the inside. A few steps more and he found another opening that led outdoors once more. His eyes scanning the area quickly, he halted yet managed to be silent all at once. She was there and the young man realized that the process of following her had been almost three minutes. "Ashe," whispered the man, mainly to himself as his eyes wandered on the feminine figure on the bench not far so away. Heavens of Merlin, she was just so beautiful even if she just sat there, her eyes staring at what he thought was nothing. Kiefer frowned, feeling that it was not at all like her to have a presence like this. She was quiet - too quiet actually and it made him want to draw back instead. Mustering his courage up, he approached her with caution. "Ashe." This time his voice was more audible and he was fairly certain that her ears had picked up his voice. He finally reached her and he put a gentle hand with a firm grasp on the other arm of the bench that was furthest from her. A small gentle smile with uncertainty graced Kiefer's pale lips. He dearly hoped that her silence wasn't really something so serious. It made her image more intimidating but his interest in her increased delightfully. It was something he admired. "All alone? Do you mind if I sit with you?" he asked making sure that only her ears and his heard. The words rolled of his tongue slowly, making him look like a man who was trying to learn how to deal with royalty. His hair glistened under the moon's pale light and because he had no vanity, the teenager vaguely had an idea about it.
wc: 1076 words
notes: ah so plenty of words! what's happening to muse
"The true secret of giving advice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not, and never persist in trying to set people right," Ashe could hear in her head. The voice sound like the voice of her mother's voice. Her growled in her chest. Talk about annoying, she couldn't even focus on something right now, like her thoughts were floating on thin air. She hated this, of what was happening right now. Like she can't control herself, her feelings, her heart and her mind. Pathetic. One reason, one person, one boy. Kiefer Harris. "Ugh. Damn it!" she groaned as she picked the nearest rock she saw and threw it as far as she could, not bothering if it would hit someone. She would be gladly to do it again if someone got hit. Not that she cared or anything, Ashe felt hatred towards herself. First she wasn't thinking straight anymore and second she's too caught up with that guy that she couldn't barely think right anymore. Just like any normal would do, Ashe stood up and walked into circle, picking up rocks throwing it against the wall, kicking the ground, hating the sight of dried leaves. She wanted to explode, and this is not the place to do so. Good thing no one was there and if in case there is someone watching her, she'll shoo them away big time. No, no, this isn't happening. Could she be? No. Ashe didn't want to admit to herself that deep in her scorched, dark, brutal heart she could even manage to like someone. It was only her family that she loved the most, other than that no one could make her like someone. No one. She carried the biggest rock she found and was deciding to throw it hard, it was too heavy that she didn't mind who could get hit, and just when fate seems to be in her hands. Kiefer Harris, saw her.

Ashe Cavell froze, while breathing rapidly. Although she could throw the rock away from here, she decided to throw the rock inches away from Kiefer, not caring if it would hit him but she knew very well it will miss. She didn't muttered any word, but once the rock landed she groaned at herself and stared straight into Kiefer's silver eyes. She knew that shooing him away isn't what she wanted, so Ashe just groaned more and returned back to her seat. Shaking her hands together, while wiping off the dirt on her hands. The blonde didn't regret that she threw the stone or anything of it, but she felt a bit worried of what will he think about her which made her more annoyed than ever. "What do you need?" she asked him, facing her back at the gent. Her tone firm and blunt, not minding that it could break their friendship or whatever they have left. Ashe needed to put her defenses up, she didn't want to look weak in front of him, even though it means that she needs to put on a mask. The feelings she felt is still there though, she could feel her body hear up, she feels happy that his presence is there. Though at the same time, she's frustrated, anxious and embarrassed to show what she truly feels. That somewhere in her shallow and dark heart, there's a possibility that she does like Kiefer Harris but she doesn't want to admit it to herself and most certainly to him. The fear of being rejected would make it difficult, why must she be a girl. Taking a deep breath, Ashe bit her lips and hesitated before she could even speak. "Fine. Stay. Sit if you want to." she replied, trying to hide her tone of desperation.
Silver met intense, blue orbs and they stared at one other. It was momentously short but Kiefer felt his emotions intensify even more. He disliked the nervousness building up rapidly, like flames licking on gasoline with eagerness. There was something different in the atmosphere but he could not just comprehend why it was simply there. Like it was installed - programmed. He cocked his head to the side and ignored what it seemed to be a rock that was thrown to his side. Now he knew that he had to set up a line of cautiousness around him. Some girls were unpredictable with their moods and Kiefer had no choice but to cope with it. He coped with it by only forcing himself to understand their situation, even if his mind asked a multitude of times why they were reacting like this and that. He let his feet lead him closer to the part veela, quietly admiring her fairness. She was already seated as his hand held the other arm of the bench. He looked at her with respect and noticed how tense she was. The air stirred with her tenseness and even he, could feel how he was getting affected by it. There was something going on in that mind of hers - something that involved Kiefer but the young man was not so sure if in return, he was ready to ever admit how he was feeling for her. He was aware though, that he was just as sexually frustrated and confused.

There he sat down, calmly, and he proceeded to cross his legs in a manly manner. He did not want to be as tense for it would just ruin the flood of emotions even more. Even in his present nervousness, there were the calm vibes that was always present in his exterior side. It extended out to Ashe, trying to soothe her down. He was almost sure that there was too much going in her mind. Too much weary thoughts. If it weren't thoughts, then it should have been feelings. This was his very first time he felt what he thought was more than just pure puppy love. If someone told him of his current predicament twelve months ago, he would have laughed and made a fifty galleon bet that he wouldn't experience this. He looked at Ashe slowly and once again, marveled at her beauty. She was so close to perfection for the young man. "Hey." He frowned, realizing that he actually hated seeing her down. It just did not suit her. She was better off when she smirked, or when she let her voice ring in his mind with the usual coyness laced. Her eyes that normally held some positive fire when he was with her definitely did her some good. Currently though it held something he couldn't easily make out from it. He wondered, how after all the times they spent together, was she able to even like him [in a friendly manner]? Kiefer's features were not as perfect as hers nor was it unattractive by any means. He was just Kiefer, and being Kiefer Harris did not do any wonders - in his own humble opinion, anyway. He shifted slightly and took in a deep breath. It was not easy as pie to ask a frustrated girl something so he had to take it slow. Slowly and oh so carefully.

"Tell me what's wrong," he said, his tone gentle and persuading. Indeed he was a charmer, yet not all charming humans were excellent comforters. His eyes settled on the bridge of her nose and he awaited her reaction. One of the many things he adored about her was her positive unpredictability. He liked it when she would steer the conversation from friendly to a flirtatious one. Her exciting suggestions and actions when she was ignited within. All of those were just a part of her and he adored it. He hoped that at the end of this conversation he would be able to get back the normal Ashe. The dangerously sexy one.
Reflection on past events was turning out to be more difficult than the part-veela had expected it to be. She could barely cling to the idea that there's a possibility she may be actually like Kiefer. Initially, it had been disappointing, then had morphed quickly into irritation and then had somehow transformed into this mindbogglingly serious thing that made her depressed enough to wallow in her self-pity and embarrassment for a few minutes, her face like having been smashed into her pillow all that while, before she before she began to feel like she was going to go stir-crazy if she didn't get out in the open. The witch needed to be away from everything and everyone for some reason that seemed to be locked in the darker parts of her mind, where no light could be shed on it to give her a clue on what it was or on how to truly get over it. Just when she had tried to give another walk inside the castle a shot, hoping that this time it would clear her head and she'd be able to locate the source of all her troubles, Kiefer had found her. The sound of his voice crackling with regret, the faint wave of guilt that she could feel brush against her skin all become too much for her that she picked her depression to focus on instead of him. In her head, it was the lesser of the two evils, but instead of being able to analyze it and pick it apart, the durmy had instead been transported back to times that she rather would have forgotten. Her long hurried trek along this seemingly endless hallway became a flurry of grey color that her sight could only notice, but pay little attention to as she could clearly hear the voices of shadows.

Ashe could be so up and down with her emotions that sometimes she thought it would be easier to ride a dragon blindfolded with your hands tied behind your back. But this time, her reaction was her own fault. What is wrong with her? She knew that it was too late to regret everything and escape from her feelings, so rather than sulking and continuing to hate herself, the blond looked straight to Kiefer's face. Hearing his response, she snickered and found it puzzling why he looks worried. Does he already know? Suddenly, she felt her heart beating fast, every minute seems like a battlefield. "I asked you a question and I demand an answer." she replied, blunt and cold. Ashe wasn't sure where she was going, or where is this conversation going. She never dared to touch her feelings and now it's fully alive, her heart beats for Kiefer Harris. That hadn't been a problem though. Neither of those things had been a real problem for her not for long. Eventually, she had learned to hide herself away whenever she was feeling down, had learned to sneak outside whenever she felt an absurd amount of energy surging through her body that kept her more active than usual. Though this time, it was different. Something inside of her is eating her alive, she knew she wanted and needed to talk to him, how she would love to hear his voice once more. It made her wonder if he too is attracted to her? Then again why wouldn't he be, when everyone is.

Then when she'd realized something that she probably had always known somewhere in her subconscious, but that didn't actually surface till just then. She likes him, more that the word like itself. It had always been, to some degree. If it wasn't her feeling like a mistake, or like she was this major problem her to deal with. Ashe needed answer back, a response, a reaction if he too felt the same. And now? Now it was needing to deal with the fact that she was ruining her friendship with a boy because she couldn't keep herself under control and just accept that she wanted more. It was needing to deal with this Empathy thing that she still couldn't quite believe was real, yet was proven instance after instance that it very much so was real, and that it actually was affecting her.
What answer can he truthfully provide? He would be lying if he said he wanted nothing and lying was not one of the few abilities he excelled in. He let his eyes linger on hers, and gave her a weak but composed smile. Despite the coldness she was showing off, he decided that it was best to plunge in her iciness, find the Ashe deep inside and get to talk to her. Hiding from his rapidly building emotions would be cowardly and he loathed harboring regrets in the end. Kiefer removed his gaze from hers generously supplied himself a few seconds to formulate the right words to utter. There were many things he wanted to tell her. All those days he had with her alone opened a new door for him to explore. Learning more about Ashe Cavell was a total adventure - even she learned many things about him! Kief though, wanted to continue this adventure, but on absolutely new terms. He was aware that the things he knew about the part veela was like a rock in the ocean - t'was only a small fraction of the entire thing. He desired a more intimate connection that only he can have with her. The pace of his heartbeat increased as he finally collected the words he wanted to tell her.

Merlin, he was hopelessly smitten with her. He turned to look at the young lady beside him, before expressing some seriousness. "Your company," Kiefer began lamely. Although he had more to say, he felt as if his an invisible force emptied his whole brain of words. Before he even started to glance awkwardly sideways, he breathed in and began to speak the words he thought he would never to say to a girl at the age of eighteen. "I've been thinking about this for a long time. Well, us, if you prefer," breathed the young man as he gathered the courage he had in his whole being. "I feel different when I'm with you. It's... it's actually a nice feeling. Different but nice. I know we're not precisely alike in our personalities but still, I find you intriguing. Kiefer looked down, finding that her blue orbs were so strikingly distracting. He looked up in a second and continued still. "You know what, I'll just go straight to the point. I like you, Ashe. I don't care if you don't return my feelings; I just want to let it out and have you know." There, he made the first move. It was up to her whether to respond or not. Kiefer nodded firmly, as if to officially confirm his statement. The strained awkwardness inside him stirred and he had no choice but to deal with the brief silence. His eyes firmly stayed on her face though.

"I want more of this, of us. Like, we're officially dating." Kiefer never earned himself a serious girlfriend before and here he was wrecking himself. It was worth the awkward tension building inside him though. Ashe Cavell made him weak at the knees, yep.

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