Open Love Filled Fun

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Daiki Saito

calm | alt. chaser
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
June 2051 (12)
Daiki had liked the valentine's day celebrations, it was nice for a school to lean in so much to the celebration as it appeared to do. He couldn't help but find that cool, couldn't help but want to take part in it more. He hadn't done too much of it, thinking that it would be a lot and he already had a bit to do, but he thought perhaps next time he could persaud Kairi to do it with him. He hadn't asked her to the dance this time, but was hoping still to run into her. Daiki was at the drinks, wearing a nice, if slightly too big suit, just watching other people dance.
Teo was a ball of energy, and what better way to pull it off than to go to the dance? He'd been barelling around in jeans and his t-shirt, skidding to a halt when he spotted someone he knew. "Daiki!" He yelled too loudly, getting glares from several nearby students that he ignored, switching course as he bounded over. "Daiki, let's dance!" He declared, turning immediately to go towards the dance floor without looking to see if he was being followed.
It hadn't been who he was expecting but Daiki nodded. "Sure!" he agreed, deciding to not ponder it, and just followed after Teo. He figured he could keep an eye out for Kairi and if she never showed he'd go and make sure that she was okay. He smiled as he began dancing with him.
Teo's idea of dancing was really just bouncing around wildly, which he did until he'd run out of breath. Laughing as best he could, he stumbled towards Daiki. "These things are fun! Should we get some snacks?" He asked, eyes bright.
Daiki nodded in agreement. "Yeah!" he agreed, his method of dancing wasn't that much more complex than Teo's but it didn't matter so long as they were having fun, which he was sure they always were.
Teo jogged away, once again not waiting for Daiki as he rushed the snack table. He found a few things to toss on his plate before picking up a cupcake. He smirked, a plan forming in his head. He turned to see where his friend was.
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