Louisa May Clark

Louisa Clark

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 11 Inch Unyielding Yew Wand with Unicorn Hair Core


Louisa May Clark
Louisa's parent's picked her name, due to the fact that during her pregnancy, her mother read the entire "Little Women" series by Louisa May Alcott multiple times. She said she wanted the kind of relationship that "Marmee" in the books, had with her daughters. Louisa's father quipped that such a relationship could only exist if you were Louisa May Alcott, to which her mother replied "Or maybe Louisa May Clark?" Her surname is of European origin: anglo-saxon to be exact. Her mother also has European heritage, though hers was French. She had no nickname growing up, though her mother would sometimes call her "Lou Lou" and to her father, she was always "Little Louisa."

Character's Birthdate
July 20th 2030. She was born in the early hours of the morning, at home. Her grandmother, who was alive at the time, but since died, helped Ella through the birth.

Hamilton, New Zealand.

Current Residence

Hamilton, New Zealand.

Blood Status
Halfblood. Her father was a wizard, her mother is a muggle.

11 inches, straight, unyielding Yew wand with Unicorn Hair core

Hogwarts House

Louisa is small, even for an eleven year old. She has an athletic build, born of much of her time being spent swimming and kayaking. Her eyes are a grey-ish blue colour. They were always her dominant feature, large and expressive, but she has grown used to hiding her feelings, and there is constantly a guarded, wary look in her eyes. Her skin is pale, rarely touched by the sun, though she spends so much time outside. Her skin rarely, if ever, tans. She is constantly smothered in sun-cream due to her pale complexion. Her hair is a dark brown, which she inherited from her mother. She looks very like her mother, only her eyes are her fathers.

As a younger child, Louisa was always affectionate and loving. She was cheerful, and energetic; very excitable. She was always very confident, and popular in the muggle school she attended. Her father's suicide, however, had a profound effect on her. She is no longer the cheery, happy child she was before. She has become very closed off, cold almost. The one person she shows affection to is her mother, of whom she has become very possessive and protective. She was close to her Dad, who called her "Little Louisa" and she finds it difficult now to trust others, or their motives. She is haunted by the belief that love will only lead to loss; that people will eventually disappoint you and leave you alone. She very quickly became distanced from the friends of her childhood. None of them really knew how to act around her anymore. Louisa is certain of the fact that the only person on whom she can rely is herself. She doesn't think people can or will really look after each other. She thinks humans are only truly capable of caring for themselves. As such, she has become somewhat of a survivalist, and the girl who once believed in championing the less fortunate has become one a wallflower, who will observe from the shadows. She has grown up far too fast.

Louisa May Clark was born in Hamilton New Zealand to Matthew Clark and Ella Martin-Clark. Her mother was a gym teacher in the local high school, and her father was a firefighter. Matthew Clark was not the most ambitious of wizards, and had elected to live mostly as a muggle, using magic for only household tasks. He'd met Ella Martin while kayaking on Lake Rotoroa. Ella Martin was a champion swimmer, who'd happily stopped and hopped unceremoniously onto his kayak to "take a break." He was charmed, and they married five years later when Ella finally said yes. Louisa was born a year and a half later. She was raised in a small, but happy home by the Waikato river. She was always very close to her father growing up: he taught her to fish, and to kayak. She'd inherited both her parents love for the water. Her fathers stories of magic had always enchanted her, and she waited eagerly for the day that she would attend the magical school full of her fathers memories and stories. She wanted to be like him. Then, there was a bad fire, at an orphanage in the city. Her Dad was called, but many children lost their lives in the blaze, as had one of the men under Matthews command, while her father had survived. He'd left his job, becoming more and more of a recluse. Her mother called it "survivors guilt." Matthew, a sensitive soul, blamed himself. He became a new person; he drank heavily, and was prone to bouts of sentimentality, telling his "Little Louisa" that she was the only good thing left. At times, it almost seemed as though she had her Dad back: he'd get it into his head to go Kayaking and would take her out on the lake, or the river. She'd gotten good, and her parents trusted her now to go out on her own. Her tenth birthday had been a good day. She'd jokingly asked her Dad if she could attend Hogwarts a year earlier, and he'd laughed, telling her he hoped she wasn't that eager to leave him. "I'll never leave you Daddy!" was her indignant reply. A few weeks later, she'd returned home and headed out onto the water. They had a small dock outside their house, and she had her own dark green kayak. The day had been simply beautiful, with a very gentle breeze and she couldn't help heading onto the water. She can remember with crystal clarity that hour or so out on the water; her mother was still at work, and Louisa knew she'd have to return soon so Ella wouldn't worry. When she did return, however, it was a neighbour that greeted her by the docks. Her eyes were teary, and Louisa knew something was wrong. She broke free of the neighbours grasp as the well-meaning woman tried to hold her back. Why were there police cars? Why were people standing in huddles looking at their house? She ran through the front door, dodging hands that tried to pull her back. Something told her she needed to go to her Dad's workhouse. The sight that greeted her would never leave her. Her mother lay rocking a lifeless body, her wails almost alien, unnatural. For a moment, Louisa couldn't process what was going on. Who was that? Why was Mum crying? Then it hit her. That hair, those eyes, her eyes. It was too late though for any attempt to save him; Matthew Clark was no more. It was some time before Louisa fully understood that her father had taken his own life. Ella would always be grateful that her daughter hadn't entered the house when she came home, and was spared finding her father. As for Louisa, she couldn't understand it; what eleven year old could? In her eyes, the one person she had always needed, had chosen to leave her, when she never would've left him. That was something she couldn't forgive, and Louisa May Clark became angry. She took down all the pictures of him in her room. Only pictures of her and Ella remained. She continued to go to school, but didn't see the point anymore. Her friends didn't know how to speak to her anymore. People stared and whispered behind hands about the girl who'd lost her Daddy. She wished she'd just lost him, that made it sound as though he'd be returned, or they'd find him again. Gone was the happy-go-lucky Louisa of the past. Now, she distanced herself from others. Her acceptance letter for Hogwarts arrived, and she barely reacted. Her mother had slowly emerged from her cocoon of sorrow, always aware that it was hard for her daughter to even comprehend how her life had changed. Ella tried to get Louisa excited about Hogwarts, and Louisa had begged not to go. Ella though, felt that Hogwarts would be good for her girl; to be away from the memories she wasn't ready to face yet. As such, Louisa prepared for Hogwarts. She was chosen by a wand: a yew one. That was a painful reminder of her father, whose wand had been yew also. He'd always told her that it was a powerful wood, because the wood could turn to either good or evil, and that the true power was the choice. She'd wished she could throw it back in the shopkeepers face, but instead had shoved the pain even further below the surface. She was sorted into Slytherin, which was a relief in truth. Her father had been a Hufflepuff, and she didn't want to have to live in the common room which would taunt her with the fact that he'd lived and breathed there. As it was, she worried constantly about her mother, alone in that house she used to love. Since Matthew had left his job, he'd continued to earn taking tourists out kayaking onto the lake, building and repairing boats for locals. His death had resulted in financial problems also. Her mother's pay wasn't bad, but they'd had to make cuts. That was how Louisa had forced herself to accept going to Hogwarts. At least her mother would save some money on food and such during the year if she was in school.



Father, Matthew Clark


Mother, Ella Martin-Clark

Louisa attended muggle school until 2041 and then, in the September of that year, began her magical education in Hogwarts New Zealand, the school her father attended. She was sorted into Slytherin.

Louisa was popular in her old muggle school, but distanced herself from her friends after Matthew's death. She has yet to make friends in Hogwarts New Zealand.

Louisa is too young for romance to be a factor in her life yet.
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