Louis is extremely bored

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OOC First Name
Madame Gray
Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon
So Louis here is a new character, and he needs social life! So he needs some people to help him with life here in HNZ.
We need:
-A rival-friend preferably a boy, but if you think a girl can be his rival, then let's hear what she's got. :)
-Other friends normal, abnormal, weirdos. Anyone can be his friend.
-A love interest? I dunno if Louis can handle something like this, but he can try.
-Family members! I want a cousin for Louis, but it depends on what you think you can do. :D
I want to make the cousin BUT I don't know what kind of a cousin you want, I'm very lame on rping a boy IC and a bit good on rping with girl IC.

But as of now, I can only offer Narcissa for you, anything from the selection is fine :)
Narcissa can be one of Louis' friends. And as for the cousin issue, it's fine if you make a girl. If possible, I want the cousin to be the 'violent' type. I think that would be fun, especially if it's a girl. xD
But still, I think it still depends whether you're comfortable RPing a character like that.
A friend will be nice BUT fyi, she's a bit an attention seeker, rich (very), but has a soft side on animals xD plus spoiled.
And about the cousin, should I take your last name or I can pick whatever I want? And I can manage being 'Violent' as well, I've been playing IC's that is violent :)
Is this cousin fine with you? And could you start it please, I have to figure this IC's bio :)
Hey if you want Maia here to be a cousin. Her surname is French. Purdue- "For God" in french. She was born in England, but would most likely have French relations, as she visited the country every summer as a child. Also could be interesting with the age gap. Her CD's link is in her siggie, if you want to take a peek.
I can be the abnormal friend for him xD I need to role play Makaylah more, I haven't used her in a while :x
Louis de Lenfent said:
@Makaylah Sure. xD Can you start the RP? I'm really bad at it. xD
Yup will pm you the link
Nathalie here can be a friend.. :)

she's someone who is a far cry from the perfect lady that everyone pictures her to be ,though prim, elegant, Nathalie has both a rough and a very sweet side. She is very protective over her friends and cares deeply for them.

She's from Beauxbatons as well. :D
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