Louis de Lenfent

OOC First Name
Madame Gray
Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon
Full Name:
Louis de Lenfent
Louis pronounced [lu-wi] since he's French

Date of Birth:
01 December

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Body Structure: Tall, finely-built, fair skin
Hair: Black
Eyes: Bright blue

Louis is an average boy who believes that people should just follow where the flow of life leads them. He isn't much into studies, though he does fairly with it. He's the type who joins parties when he is invited. Louis doesn't really mind if someone picks a fight with him. HE WOULD HAPPILY ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE. When it comes to girls, he usually ignores them when they get annoying. But as a gentleman--or so he says he is--he is not the type who fights girls.

Father: Louis' father is a happy man. He rarely gets strict with his son. When Louis had had problems, his father was the first one he'll go to, asking him what he'll do. His father happily answers his question, happy to have helped his son.
Mother: Contrary to her husband, Louis' mother is a control freak perfectionist who seemed to get angry all the time. She demanded that Louis be a proper gentleman and a strong boy, ordering him to go to Durmstrang, though Louis decided to go to Beauxbaton. She says she chose Louis' father to be her husband just to be sure that their child would be handsome or beautiful in the future. She's a beauty herself, and she was never really humble about it.

Pets: Black raven named Lucy.

Area of Residence:

Blood Status:


Special Abilities:
Lucid dreaming.

Interests or Hobbies:
Fighting: Louis feels good when he's fighting. Maybe it's a boy thing?
Piano: His mother taught him how to play the piano since he was little, and it just became a peculiar hobby to him. He's really good at it, by the way.

Additional Skills:
Fencing and using the katana: Some fighting skills he just learned.

Physical strength, looks?, socializing skills

Transportation, lack of food

Describe your character in three words:

War-freak, strong, clever

Favourite place to be:
Anywhere other than a vehicle

Mizelea Brooks

Hogwarts House:
He's a Beauxbaton student.

Best school subjects:
Defense Against the Dark Arts

Worst school subjects:

Current Year:
5th year

Plans for your future:
Where life wants him to be.

Your Patronus:
A hawk

Your Patronus memory:
When he's winning a fight.

Your Boggart:
His mother.

Mirror of Erised:
A smiling dad AND mom.

A page from your diary:
I'll probably kill that guy tomorrow. He's way too irritating.
I like the colours you've used ^_^
Okay, here are my magic five questions:

1. Does Louis want any more pets? Is he much of an animal lover?
2. Would your character happily march into a wizarding war, or would he prefer to watch from the sidelines?
3. Why is Louis' patronus a hawk?
4. Does Louis have a favourite number or colour?
5. Is Louis (likely to be) loyal to whoever he is in a relationship with, or is he a bit unfaithful?

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