Lothar Wolfgang Litvack

Lothar Litvack

Active Member
OOC First Name
Pine 11" Core of Phoenix talon
"All of us believe that this is not up to you...

the fact of the matter is that it's up to me..."

How can we fake this anymore (anymore)
I'll never take part in the growing population
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[name] Lothar Wolfgang Litvack
[etymology] The first name Lothar means army person which would give off the impression of a strong, energetic, outspoken leader. The middle name Wolfgang means traveling wolf. It gives off the impression of a lonesome, loyal man. The surname Litvack means dean, coming from a profession. It was difficult to locate where it originates from however.
[origin] While the origin of the surname Litvack is so diverse, it cannot be traced, the branch that Lothar descends from originated in Germany, and the history of the Litvacks go back to the 1800s. The records before them have been lost. They were known for being blacksmiths and chefs. When it comes down to blood status, it had always been unknown, for they married muggles, pure-bloods, half-bloods, just about everything, so it is all jumbled and mixed. Overall they are just unknown. When it came to the point where the Dark Lord rose, the Litvacks were asked to join the ranks, but they declined, because they did not see how it would help the world. Some were killed by doing so. Luckily, the family that Lothar descended from were not killed off. It was eventually that they were the only Litvacks left. However after the accident, Lothar found himself the only one left, alive.
[nicknames] Lothar does not carry any nicknames, and he prefers it if someone does not give him one either, unless it is something endearing.
[alliance] Lothar is ultimately neutral, not wanting to fight for evil or for good.
[birthdate] Lothar was born at his home on May 1st, 2004, around three in the afternoon.
[age] He is currently thirty-one-years-old.
[gender] Lothar is a male.
[sexual orientation] Heterosexual which means that Lothar is attracted only to the opposite sex, which is females. He does not have any interest in males. Lother has a certain type of woman that he is attracted to, and those are the quiet types.
[dialects] He can speak two languages, one being German and the other one is English. He normally speaks English, while trying to forget his German heritage.
[hometown] Lothar was born in Gundelsheim, Baden-Wurttemberg in southern Germany, where he spent most of his childhood. He lived there until he had graduated from Hogwarts, and misses his hometown.
[residency] Lothar lives in Rotorua, New Zealand in a nice house with a pool in the back yard. He bought the house by his inherited money, and he lives there alone.
[heritage] Because his parents are completely German, that makes him a full-blooded German too.
[blood status] Lothar is of unknown blood, and he prefers not to know what he is. He doesn't care about blood at all, and thinks of it as just a label when all of it is red.
[blood type] A positive is Lothar's blood type but he doesn't know it because he never had his blood tested. There is a belief in Japan when it comes to blood types and personalities. With type A, the best traits are earnest, creative, sensible while the bad traits are fastidious and overearnest. This is true to his character.
[wand] The wand that chose Lothar was the Pine 11" Core of Phoenix talon. Pine is normally a wood that chooses an independent person that would be more than likely a loner but mysterious and intriguing. Pine can easily adapt to new methods and spells. However it does have a sensitivity to nonverbal magic. The Phoenix core is one of the rarest core types. Phoenixes give off some of the greatest range of magic, and may take longer than some cores to develop the magic. Sometimes the cores will act on their own accord. The alliance can never change.
[occupation] Lothar works as a Daily Prophet journalist, and he does not like it much, but it is a job.
[health status] He is perfectly healthy, though he has a small heart palpitation.
[allergies] He is allergic to latex and bananas.
[pet] Lothar does not own a pet.
Turn our backs away, and choose to just ignore (choose to just ignore)
Or waste my time with further education
[five words] Stubborn, Brave, Guilty, Frightened, Lonely
[personality] Lothar's personality is somewhat subtle, and he is very relaxed and laid back. However he proves to be a loner. His personality is rather closed up, making him seem mysterious to the people that he meets. He can be charming, and he is rather stubborn when it comes to making decisions because he is one of those that believes that he is right no matter what it is. Lothar is rather nice, and pleasant. He is distant though, because of the past that he had suffered through. He can be determined to get whatever he wants, and however he wants, including manipulating things around to where he would get whatever he desired, including manipulating people if he needs to. Lothar is polite, and has manners that would tell others that he is upper class. He is very proper, and will often hold the door for women, even those that he does not know. He smiles every now and again, and he is more over polite, somewhat brave but there is a since of looming guilt in him.
[beliefs] Lothar believes that there is someone out there for everyone.
[boggart] His boggart would be someone finding out what happened to his family, and then blaming him for the accident.
[fears] Lothar fears being alone for the rest of his life, because he tends to lose everyone in his life due to something that would always lead back to him. Lothar also fears that he will lose the people that he has already in his life. He also has a fear of fires, especially large ones. He fears death, and he also fears that someone will blame him for things he did not do.
[likes] Lothar likes to do a lot of things, one of which is remaining indoors and writing. He can write for days and days, spreading the truth out to the readers of the Daily Prophet to show that not all of it is complete trash. Lothar also enjoys to have a dine in, with a small glass of wine on the side. He likes to decorate homes, and he loves to clean things. Lothar enjoys swimming outside at night, especially when it is raining, and he enjoys playing at the park. He enjoys taking a run, and working out, but not to the point where it would be extensive. Lothar enjoys playing Quidditch, and he also enjoys reading romantic books.
[dislikes] Lothar dislikes living and being alone, and he also tends to dislike the sunlight because it shines in his eyes too much. He also dislikes muggles to the point where he doesn't understand them, because he loves magic that much. He dislikes the Dark Arts and the Aurors because they seem to be battling an endless battle. He also tends to dislike any natural disaster that could pose something that is life threatening. He also dislikes it when people get drunk off their rears and end up ruining a perfect good night.
[goals] His goal is to end up forgiving himself for the past, but he can't seem to do that.
[good habits] Being extremely clean, and picking up after himself.
[bad habits] He tends to neglect people.
[strengths] One of the main strengths that Lothar possesses would be his kindness, bravery and his intelligence. He also has a really big heart, and he could love everything and everyone that deserves to be loved and whatnot. He can be very good at proving a point, after he had calculated many things, and he also has a strength of solving difficult problems. He also tends to have a strength at making and mixing drinks, and cooking though he doesn't want to tell anyone that. When it comes down to magic wise, his greatest strength would be predicting the future using Ancient Runes, as his readings are very accurate, and he also as a strong strength of Arithmancy. He can also brew some potions, and cast the Patronus and communicate through it.
[weaknesses] Lothar has a strong weakness to when people leave his life, and he just crumbles, or even tries to leave his life. He also has a weakness where he would do anything for someone that he does actually care about, in order to keep them around which could be used against him. He also has a weakness to shopping, where he would buy and buy and buy, whether or not it is for himself. He tends to have a weakness to his fears, one of which is fire, to the point where he does not even like real candles. He doesn't like anything that has to do with fire. Anything to do with the past, he will have a weakness to. When it comes to magic, he has a weakness to Transfiguration, and he was horrible with Herbology and plants. Lothar also doesn't know how to duel, thus him having a weakness to that because he cannot think really quickly, or not as fast as he would have liked to duel. He also has a weakness in Astronomy, or anything to do with that.
[loyalties] Lothar's loyalties rest with his friends.
[magical talents] While Lothar's charms, jinxes and hexes are normal, and nothing to be impressed over, his true magical talents come from his knowledge of Runes, and Arithmancy, having studied them extensively, and he tends to make the readings to be the right ones. His potions are above average, and can brew just about any potion that he wanted to. He knows a fair bit about magical history as well. He can cast nonverbal spells, and a patronus.
[other talents] Lothar has an excellent talent for math, and he tends to calculate everything in his mind. He also has a talent in reading people. He also can play the piano, and swim long distances. He can make really nice drinks, either them being alcoholic or not. He can also write very well, depending on what it is. He can write stories and poetry, but he prefers to write songs.
[patronus form] His patronus form would be a lizard.
[annoyances] Lothar finds anyone that is somewhat of a slob to be very annoying, as he tends to be very neat and clean. Anything out of place will annoy him. He also finds people that are so open and very easy to get into bed annoying as well. He also gets annoyed with children.
(Some say) Some say it's ignorance
Forget what we know, it's just a big show
[chinese year] Being born in 2004, it makes Lothar a Monkey. People born in the Year of the Monkey are the erratic geniuses of the cycle. Clever, skillful, and flexible, they are remarkably inventive and original and can solve the most difficult problems with ease. There are few fields in which Monkey people wouldn't be successful but they have a disconcerting habit of being too agreeable. They want to do things now, and if they cannot get started immediately, they become discouraged and sometimes leave their projects. Although good at making decisions, they tend to look down on others. Having common sense, Monkey people have a deep desire for knowledge and have excellent memories. Monkey people are strong willed but their anger cools quickly. They are most compatible with the Dragon and Rat.
[zodiac sign] Lothar's zodiac sign is a Taurus, the Bull. As a Taurus, it makes Lothar patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, persistent, determined, placid and security loving while they also tend to be jealous, possessive, resentful, inflexible, self-indulgent and greedy. These are likely to be true when it comes down to her character. What a Bull likes are stability, being attracted, things natural, time to ponder, comfort and pleasure while they do not like disruption, being pushed too hard, synthetic or "man made" things, being rushed, and being indoors. The color that Tauruses like is the color pink, and their starstone is emerald. These apply to him, but he hates the color pink.
[fixed sign] A Taurus has a fixed sign, which means that the person can be described as someone who has stabilization, determination, depth and persistence. He has all of these qualities, and it fits his character.
[personal sign] Also being a Taurus makes someone principally aware of and concerned with individual concerns. This is true to Lothar's character because he is concerned with individual concerns.
[planet] The planet that rules the sign Taurus is Venus. Many believe love is the meaning of this planet but it is the appreciation of love and beauty that is much more accurate. Venus has a sensual quality which represents the higher aspirations of spirit and denotes our softer aspects of femininity; giving all of the people, male or female, the power of attraction. It is the sign that represents our more artistic side and the spiritual vibrations over everyday matters. However on the downside, it can make someone carelessness, possessiveness, being indecisive, overly romantic and dependent on others. Though on the brighter side, it can also make a person friendliness, tact, social graces and gentleness.
[element] Lothar's element is Earth. An emphasis on this element indicate a practical, cautious, and pragmatic approach to life. In the majority of cases there is the need to build solid, 'real' material success, for example, home and career success. Earthy people may benefit from connecting to the earth element via gardening, pottery, facial mud packs. Long range planning and the determination to succeed are strong traits for this element, as is melancholy, greed and fear if taken too far. A person with a lack of earth may find it difficult to live in the 'real' world and to keep themselves grounded. Their expectations in general may be a little unrealistic. Lothar fits this rather strong, and some of his most prominent traits are truthful, straight-forward, just, upright and virtuous in dealings with other people with the downside of being aggressive, egocentric, suspicious, controlled, non-caring and thinking he is never wrong.
[birthstone] Lothar's birthstone is the Emerald. The emerald was once linked to health and the curing of ailments, as well as being associated with the ability to see in to the future, giving them an almost spell-binding, magical reputation.
It makes me feel some innocence
What they want to control
[martial status] Although Lothar is single, he is currently interested in only one person, and he seeks out to make that one person his girlfriend.
[whom] He has a rather large crush on Melodie Bayne right now.
[innocence] Lothar has not lost his virginity just yet.
[turn ons] Sarcasm, sweetness, very soft hair, a nice voice, playfulness
[turn offs] Slobs, loudmouths, wh*res
[aphrodisiacs] White chocolate, and vodka.
[the perfect female] The perfect female for him would be someone that is cute, and she should be quiet, loving and caring. As well as very warm and affectionate.
[the perfect date] Lothar's perfect date would be some wine, and going out swimming in the middle of the night, preferably when it is raining.
(Some say) It takes away a part of me but I won't let go
So jaded frustrated, it's all so complicated
[playby] Ryan Thomas Gosling
[ages used] Ages twenty-five to present
[natural hair] His natural hair color would be a strawberry blonde, looking similar to a light, light brown. His natural hair happens to be fine, and he keeps it cut short, but not shorter than five inches if he can keep from cutting it any shorter. It is somewhat soft, and he usually either wears it natural, or he uses hair spray to keep it styled and neat. He takes a lot of pride in his hair, and it is fairly noticeable.
[eyes] Lothar's eyes are a gray, and they are somewhat a medium gray. When one looks into his eyes, they will see everything that he is feeling at the time, but at all times, one would see that he is guilty. When he is happy though, or in a good mood, his eyes tend to gleam. The meaning of the color of his eyes are riches, changeability, mysticism, and wisdom.
[height] He stands at a height of six feet four inches.
[weight] Due to his body form and stature, he weights about one hundred sixty pounds.
[complexion] His complexion is somewhat fair, but it is smooth. He can tan easy, but he prefers not to be out in the sun.
[scars] Lothar does not have any notable scars.
[birthmark] It has long since vanished.
[smile] His smile is somewhat soft, almost sad, but it can change and look cocky.
[body build] Lothar's body build is somewhat muscular, with a six pack since he works out. He can lift women up and over his head, and he keeps himself toned, but not too toned to where it looks weird.
[body modifications] He does not have any tattoos or piercings.
[dominant hand] His dominant hand would be his right hand, and he uses his wand with his right hand as well.
[style] The type of shirts that Lothar would wear very classy and they are a variety of colors because he does not have a favorite. He tends to wear jeans when he feels like being rather casual, but he wears dress pants when he wants to look fancy, which he gladly will. He refuses to wear anything but sneakers and dress shoes. He also refuses to wear robes because he finds that they are somewhat uncomfortable. He does wear a necklace that is a shark's tooth that his little brother got for him.
Tell me why can't you see, it's not the way
Fashion no passion surrounds me
[school] Lothar attended Hogwarts Scotland for all seven years of his schooling.
[hogwarts house] He was sorted into the house of Godric Gryffindor.
[special titles and awards] He did not have any special titles or awards.
[extracurricular activities] Lothar played Quidditch, but he didn't play officially for the Gryffindor team, since he only filled in when there was no one else that could play. That was the only thing he did.
[favorite subject] Arithmancy
[best subject] Ancient Runes
[loathed subject] Herbology
[worst subject] Herbology
[favorite professor] The Headmistress
[loathed professor] The Herbology professor
[grade average] Exceeding Expectations
[owl grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Charms: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
History of Magic: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Acceptable
Transfiguration: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Astronomy: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Herbology: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Muggle Studies: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Arithmancy: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Ancient Runes: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Divination: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations

[newt grades]
Potions: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Charms: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
History of Magic: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Transfiguration: Poor; Exam: Poor
Astronomy: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Herbology: Dreadful; Exam: Poor
Muggle Studies: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Arithmancy: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Ancient Runes: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Divination: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations

[graduated] June of 2022

-----Too be continued on the next post
"When we all fall down, it will be too late...

why is there no reason we can't change..."

When we all fall down, who will take the blame, what will it take
All I know is I've heard this all before
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[mother] Else Sascha Schwinghammer-Litvack
[born] December 20th, 1982
[died] July 30th, 2022
[blood status] Half-blood
[heritage] German
[seeing] Karsten Meine Litvack
[occupation] Interior Designer
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Hufflepuff Alumni
[playby] Samaire Armstrong


[father] Karsten Meine Litvack
[born] August 1st, 1981
[died] July 30th, 2022
[blood status] Unknown
[heritage] German
[seeing] Else Sascha Schwinghammer-Litvack
[occupation] Auror
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Gryffindor Alumni
[playby] Mark Pellegrino


[younger brother] Vester Utz Litvack
[born] Janaury 3rd, 2007
[died] July 30th, 2022
[blood status] Unknown blood
[heritage] German
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Hufflepuff
[playby] Marc Blucas


[younger sister] Lieselotte Rosemarie Litvack
[born] October 12th, 2015
[died] July 30th, 2022
[blood status] Unknown blood
[heritage] German
[playby] Dana Fuchs
Nothing could ever be this real (be this real)
Reality's a bore, you ask me to believe in something fake
Lothar Wolfgang was born into the family of newly weds, having been conceived on the night of Else's and Karsten's honeymoon. They were ready for children at that point. He was born in 2004, and he was an only child for a few years, before his younger brother Vester was born. With having similar ages, the two appeared to get along, with Lothar protecting him, and picking on him like most big brothers would. The family of four was living as happily as ever, the Hallmark family pretty much. Else wanted a daughter, but alas she could not have one at their budget until Karsten got a promotion. It was not until 2015, when Karsten got his promotion and Lieselotte was born, and also when Lothar was shipped off to attend Hogwarts scotland. Once arriving on the train, Lothar immediately befriended a guy named Adrian Rowan. When it came to time to be sorted, Adrian was sorted into Gryffindor, as was Lothar. The two seemed to be inseparable. However unlike Adrian, Lothar didn't have an issue with Adrian's half-brother, Colton Kovac, and thought that the guy was actually nice, but just shy. It was not until his fifth year when he met another Slytherin, Lucius, and hung out with him as well, though he thought that the guy's pranks were just awful. Lothar, with his little circle of friends, was the one that told them that things were wrong, and often saved their butts from getting in trouble, yet it was Adrian that was given the Prefect badge and not him. Lothar didn't care though, he was simply glad for him. Lothar would also hang out with his brother, whom was sorted into Hufflepuff, like their mother. Their little sister was often jealous that she did not go to Hogwarts like the two brothers, but they shared stories. Upon graduating, the friends promised to keep in touch, but Lucius got involved with a girl, and Adrian vanished. Lothar, in July, was upset, but his family comforted them. Lothar was on his way home when he thought about trying this potion, and though his potions were not exactly up to par, he wanted to see. He was unaware his family was home, but the potion exploded, setting the entire house on fire. Lothar was lucky to make it out alive, but his family was killed in the fire. Lothar was devastated, and he forever blamed himself over that unfortunate accident. Days after it was cleared up, and the family's treasure belonged to him, he gave them a beautiful funeral, and he left the country to go to England for awhile, before moving to New Zealand, settling down in a permanent house. He started to look for work, and he did not find much luck. It was not until he was twenty-five when he started to work at the Daily Prophet, and starting to get out into the world. He was scarred by the deaths of his family, never speaking of it to anyone at all for fear that they might judge him for what happened. He started to talk to others, and then he made a friend that he found himself soon growing attracted to named Melodie Bayne.
"A life unsatisfied that I could never feel...

I could never feel..."

(Some say) This future's not so bright, some can't make the sacrifice
Well I can't bring myself to do what you want me to

none in this year
none in this year
Sorry for the butterflies
none in this year
none in this year</FONT></SIZE>
(Some say) It's much more than just black and white and I won't follow
This is who we are and nothings gonna change

<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="times new roman">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Lime Green - No Reason by Sum 41; Black - Thanks For Nothing by Sum 41
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​

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