
Yvan Petrov

Well-Known Member
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Yvan had been wandering around the Hogwarts New Zealand Castle alone, as he was clueless to where his two best friends Dom and Nic had each disappeared off to. Unfortunately, while he was exploring every floor and trying to get into as many rooms as he could, Yvan found himself lost. He could not remember which floor he was on, or how he had gotten there, let alone how to get himself back to the Durmstrang Boat. The corridor was empty, which was a real shame since he could certainly do with some directions at this point.
((I hope it's okay if I join...))

Phew, thought Violet. So much to do, so little time... She had just been to the Charms classroom to turn in some homework, and was taking some language phrasebooks she had asked her mother to send her (French, Italian and German) down to the Language Club room, for the use of the members, when she noticed a Durmstrang boy looking a little lost. Violet looked down, nervous. She wasn't particuarly good with strangers - and the Durmstrang boys looked fairly scary and imposing (even if they were, as even Violet could admit, rather good-looking). However, she was a Hufflepuff, and kindness to others came first.
"Um," she began, timidly. "Ah, are you okay?" she asked the boy, wondering if he might need some help, like directions or something.
(Not a problem at all.)

Yvan whirled around at the sound of someone's voice, an expression of relief forming on his face. "Finally! I was beginning to believe that I'd be stuck up here longer," he blurted, his body relaxing into a less tensed posture. "I'm lost; mind telling me exactly where I am?"
Violet gave a small, shy smile, and pushed some of her hair out of her face so she could see better. "Well, this is the third floor corridor. On this floor you will see amazing sights like the Charms classroom and the Trophy room," she drawled, her green eyes sparkling. She found often that when she had nothing better to say, she spoke in sarcasm. "Anything...or place, rather, you need help to find?" she asked in a more polite manner.
[Can I join?]

After Nina and Alex had spoken in the Trophy room Nina walked down the corridor. When she saw two other students, one obviously a native and the other from Durmstrang. Nina walked over slightly dazed thinking of Alex. "Hello, how are we all doing today?" Nina asked not exactly paying attention to there answers until she looked at the boy closer. Wow he is cute, I knew the Durmstrang boys were good looking but, lord. Nina thought to herself.

"Out. How to get out of here. Have been wondering around for a while now and could do with some fresh air," Yvan replied to the girl's question. But almost immediately, another girl arrived. "Well I was a little lost before, but I am better now thanks to... er... what's your name?" he answered, turning back to the younger girl with a curious expression.
"I'm Yvan anyway," he added quickly, looking back and forth between the two girls, and noting that the second was giving him an odd look.
"Great, I always seem to forget my manners," Violet mumbled. "Um, I'm Violet. Nice to meet you, Yvan," she said sweetly. She turned to the other girl who had just appeared. "You're Nina, right?" she asked, in awe. "Congratulations!" she exclaimed. "So, um, escaping the confines of the castle. Don't blame you, I spend as much time trying to get out as possible. Well, the stairs are over in this direction," she explained, pointing behind her. "Would you like an escort?" she asked, pleasantly.
Nina smiled, "Thanks Violet." Nina said, modestly. "What years are you both in?" Nina asked curiously.
"Well thank you Violet, and I could certainly use the help," said Yvan, his lips curving up into a smile.
"Ah. I thought you looked familiar," he added, noting that the other girl was Nina Patrokov, Hogwarts Scotland Champion. "Congratulations Nina. And I am in my 5th Year at Durmstrang."
"Thank you Yvan." Nina said blushing. But still speaking with composure. "And are you liking your classes here?" Nina asked.
"We take classes on the boat, so it really isn't different from what I'm used to. What year are you in?"
Nina frowned a little. "Year 4, I am in Hufflepuff." Nina said proudly, she was so happy she had even made it this far. "I don't suppose Durmstrang has houses like Hogwarts?" Nina asked curiously.
"No, we don't. But our school is much smaller than either Hogwarts schools, so I doubt there is any real need. Wow, Year 4? That is certainly something to be very proud of." Yvan noticed Nina's frown. "Something wrong?"
"Are you mocking me? Because it is surprising to even be accepted to Hogwarts at least for me." Nina said anoyed. "And if you are mocking me I should let you know, I don't care." Nina said a little arrogently.
Yvan was confused at how what he had said gave her the impression that he was mocking her. With a raised eyebrow he said, "I was actually complementing you. I meant no sarcasm when I said you should be very proud."
Nina calmed down and smiled apologecticly and said, "Sorry."
Yvan chuckled. "It's alright. So you enjoying Hogwarts then?"
Nina smiled and said, "Yes! I love it here, I am so excited for the winter." Nina loved the snow and was so happy that they got snow here. "Are you disapointed you don't have classes with the other students?" Nina asked, curiously.
"You are looking forward to the winter eh? Well, we should definitely go skating on the lake sometime," he said courteously. "All of us," he added, smiling at Violet who'd been awfully quiet as of late. "No, I am not disappointed. But rather, curious."
Nina smiled warmly and said, "Yeah that will be fun!" And added as an after thought, "What are your classes like, I've always been curious about that." Nina said thinking of the year she thought she was going to move to Durmstrang.
"Well I imagine they are quiet the same as Hogwarts, except perhaps the language we are taught in for some classes. And apart from the fact that we learn The Dark Arts. Also, I should think the discipline is much more strict at Durmstrang. The students here are so... carefree. Not at all like the atmosphere we live in over there."
Nina nodded quite thankful that she hadn't moved to Russia. "Other than English what langauges do you speak in your classes?" Nina asked hoping Yvan wouldn't mind all of these questions. "And trust me, at Hogwarts Scotland there is a couple teachers that you wouldn't exactly want to be on there bad side, and unfortunatly on the worst one I am." Nina said.
"Slavic, a little bit of German. A mixture here and there. We are expected to know a variety of languages." The hardest to learn of all the languages for Yvan was English. Slavic was his first, and thus he had a deep Russian accent.
"How did you manage to get on a Professor's nerves? I imagine it must not have been a light ordeal. And believe me, I have had my fair share of rebellion," he said, smiling crookedly.
"I thought so, I love Slavic, I was taught it when I was very little." Nina said, she admired anyone who spoke more than one language fluently, and that wasn't her. Nina smiled wickedly at remembering her first meeting with Professor Mortis. "He is a Slytherin Professor and I'm Hufflepuff. Strike 1." Nina said, easing Yvan into this. "He insulted a previous teacher that I thought he had no right to insult, and I let him know. Lets call that strike 3." Nina smiled. "He insulted me, I threw a book at him. Lets call that strike 5." Nina said. "Oh and this was all in the first day I met him. There have been many other things to tick him off, but I am pretty sure the book thing and calling him unfit to judge anyone was what he didn't 'appreciate' the most."
((I am so sorry! stupid work. =[))

Violet looked rather pensive, somewhat intimidated, even, as she listened to the two older students talk. She was a lowly second year, and they were 4th and 5th years...from other schools, thus, Violet felt rather intimidated by their presence. Not to mention one was the Hogwarts Champion...
Violet's ears perked up when she heard Nina mention the Hogwarts Potions professor. "My cousin Antoinette told me about Professor Mortis..." she said, quietly. "Apparently he's a terrible teacher."

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