lost, broken, damaged and alone

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Morgan Le Fey

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
fancy staff
83 (10/1970)
Hello all
I have been thinking. (okay not for very long but for long enough) that i would quite like the Le Feys (mainly morgan with a hand from Elvera) to start taking in children. not just the every day kids, but the ones who have been through hell and back and still getting on fine.
the idea came to me after Morgan took in Sapphire bookchild. ever since Morgan has come to new zealand and opened up her shop she has been helping her customers out. I was thinking that now she may sort of taking in children. it wouldn't be like a cult or anything but like a family, she would just want them to be happy, have a bed, food, clothing and a safe home. It wouldn't be a rich family but they would get by. there wouldn't be a lot of them either, just a few. they would most likely be found by Evera at school, or if not some how come across one of the two in the wizardng world.

so if you had any one underage who is just about a broken as they can be and need somewhere safe then ether reply here, or shoot me a PM (best on Briar Rowan or Professor Elvera Le Fey's account) and we will see what we can come up with.
any questions just ask away too.

thats all for now
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