Lore Oz

Lore Oz

OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Australian Blackwood Wand 16" Essence of Dragon Heartstring

The Basics
[Character's Name:]
Lore Dylan Oz
[First name:] Lore: Crowned with Laurel
[Middle name:] Dylan: Son of the Sea
[Surname:] Oz: Strength
[Character's Birthdate:] November 23rd 2008
[Hometown:] Jacksonville, Florida, USA
[Current location:] Miami, Florida, USA
[Blood Status:] Mixed Blood
[Wand:] Australian Blackwood Wand 16" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
[Hogwarts House:] Gryffindor
[Occupation:] DJ
[Martial Status:] Single

Short brown hair
[Eyes:] Green
[Height:] 5'10"
[Style:] Very boy-ish. Definitely a jeans and t-shirt kinda guy.

[A Little Deeper
Lore is a down to earth kinda guy that doesn't think of the consequences of his actions until it's too late - even if he thinks about them afterwards, which isn't all that often. He's very unpredictable with his actions and as soon as someone thinks they have him pegged he goes and changes and completely takes them surprise. He doesn't like a lot of normality in his life and likes a lot of spontaneity and something different everyday to keep his life interesting and not boring - he hates boring. He's very energetic and loooves music hence why he is a DJ. He travels a lot for his job and even enters some competitions - he isn't World famous yet but he's getting there.

[History:] Lore grew up in a fairly big household with 3 brothers and a sister. Living in a somewhat secluded area with lots of forest areas around them he loved to explore with his siblings. Going on mini adventures would be the only way they'd be able to keep themselves busy and out of the house. Going on adventures would be one way of having fun, other than that there was always Quidditch - a hobby most of his family shared in common. Lore attended Hogwarts in Scotland because his parents thought it was a good idea for their children to get out and see the world a bit more than their own back garden. Lore loved his years at school, he wasn't into the lessons as much as he should have been but the friends he met and the fun he had made it even better for him than good grades ever could. Lora joined the Quidditch team as a Chaser and became Captain in his 6th year - this accomplishment made up for not getting Prefect or HeadBoy but they were titles that never interested Lore. When Lore graduated he decided to take his love for music even further and took all the money he had saved up and bought some equipment and started to build up his DJ-ing career.

[Mother] Jodi Oz
[Father] Orion Oz
[Brother] Sirius Oz
[Brother] Bowie Oz
[Brother] Drake Oz
[Sister] Elliot Oz

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