Closed Looking

Emrys Connelly

Odd Duck- Loner
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
18 (3/12/2045)
Ethan was trying to find Emmanuel, mostly just to check in and see how one of his only two friends were. Hands in his pockets, he wandered up towards the Ravenclaw tower, sure he'd run into either Emmanuel or someone who knew him. It wouldn't be too much of a search- he spotted one of Emmanuels' roommates and walked towards him. "Hey! Ethan, right?" He called out, not rushing to catch the boy and just sauntering in that general direction.
Ethan yawned. He knew the prefect badge came with extra responsibilities and he had been so sure he could handle them. But he hadn't really known how hard night patrols would be on him. His sister was finally sleeping through the night so he wasn't used to the sleep deprivation anymore. He was being extra careful as he came down the stairs, not trusting his feet right now. He looked up when Emrys called out to him and gave the other boy a curious look. "Yeah that's me. What's up?"
Emrys gave Ethan a shy smile as he walked over. "I was looking for Emmanuel- have you seen him?" He asked, rubbing his hand over the back of his neck, eyes darting from Ethans face and away a few times as he spoke. Emrys always struggled to keep eye contact with people he didn't know well.
Ethan wasn't entirely surprised at the question. Emmanuel was one of his roommates but they weren't that close so it wasn't like he usually kept track of his whereabouts. "Oh, uhhh..." he began but trailed off as he tried to remember the last time he had seen the other boy. "I saw him this morning. But he left the dorm before me." he said remembering slowly, his sleep deprived brain making it slow work. "I think he mentioned going the the library?" he added but was unsure. "Or was it somewhere else..." he said, trailing off again.
Emrys nodded. The library made sense. "Yeah, that was my first thought, but he wasn't there, or outside, and Kyon hadn't seen him," He offered softly, hands pushed deep in his pockets. He scuffed his shoe against the stone. "It wasn't really super important... He's just, one of my only friends so I thought we could hang out or something," He overexplained, blowing his hair out of his face. "I... could probably check the student lounge," He thought aloud.
Ethan listened as Emrys explained that he had already tried looking for Emmanuel a few places already. "Oh well, I'm sure he'll show up eventually." he said, not sure if the other boy's mood was because of disappointment or genuine worry. "Unless he's managed to disappear." he attempted to joke. He wasn't sure what to do now but his stomach rumbled. "Well I'm heading to breakfast if you wanted to join me." he offered since it seemed like he didn't have anywhere to be.
Emrys laughed lightly. "I'm pretty sure if he went missing Kyon would let everyone know about it. Probably in a very loud way." He countered, deciding to duck out and maybe give up his search. He blinked, though, when Ethan invited him to lunch. "Wait... seriously?" He asked, looking surprised. "Aren't you dating Marnie?" He spoke softly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Isn't there some like... rule that you can't hang out with exes?"
Ethan nodded. "Well I haven't heard any alarms sound so I think he's in the clear." he said in an attempt at another joke. He didn't particularly like joking about Emmanuel vanishing but he was grasping at straws for something to say. When Emrys looked confused at his invitation to breakfast for a moment Ethan wondered if he had forgotten some unspoken social rule he had completely forgotten. So when the other boy mentioned Marnie it started to click. "Oh right." he said slowly. He had forgotten about that but he remembered now. He had been a little jealous when those two had started dating but he had thought it was because the other boy had stopped hanging out with him. Ethan shook his head, it felt so long ago. "I am, but I don't think it's a real rule." he shrugged. "You don't have to if you don't want to though." he made sure to add, not wanting to pressure him one way or another.
Emrys was hesitant, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well... I don't know," He bit his lip, looking out a nearby window. "I stopped being upset with Marnie ages ago... and with her ah... attention span I doubt I've been a thought at all since the breakup." He peeked back to Ethan. "I... think it could be nice... to talk a bit? If you don't mind?" He offered shyly, shoulders hunching in a little.

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