Looking To The Sky

Flavio Morales-Tipene

Newlywed | Father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Marcos starting school was exciting for Flavio. His little brother would now be alongside him in school as a friend and confidant that understood the fear of being in a country so different in compared to Chile, and that also held the burden of being forced to speak and write an entirely different language for the entirety of their education. Though the best part of it all was that they could spend time together again. Time that Flavio had missed during the last couple of years and time that he wanted to make up for. He had found Marcos after dinner the previous night and asked him to meet at the quidditch pitch when the sun rose the next morning so they could finally fly together. Flying was one of Flavio's favourite pastimes and something he wanted to share with his brother now that they were in the same school, learning the same things.

Flavio had gotten out of bed even earlier than dawn to set up, and felt the chill of the morning air turn his cheeks tickled pink as he walked down to the pitch, retrieved two school brooms and laid them both down in the grass. He stood next to them with his arms crossed over his chest, attempting to keep himself warm while he waited for Marcos to arrive.
Marcos was thoroughly excited to get to flying, he couldn't wait for it, even though he wasn't all that good yet, he was definitely excited to try it. The chilean boy was meeting his brother at the quidditch pitch, he would show him a little about how to fly better, how to ensure he didn't fall from the broom, or mess any of it up. The boy woke up to the sun rising, and he checked his time and saw he needed to head to the pitch quickly. Marcos jumped out of his bed, not really minding if he woke the others up, as he was far more certain that he wouldn't. He ran a hand through the messy hair and grabbed the clean clothes for the day. It didn't take too long for him to be ready for the day but by the end he was, and he was ready to just go to the pitch.

Marcos closed the dorm room door quietly behind him before racing out of the house and all the way do to the pitch. The paintings, ghosts and few other students flew past him as he ran the entire way. This was perhaps a new school with countless things for him to enjoy and look at but the sport of quidditch was obviously far more important than that. He knew it would be unlike for he a first year to make the team but he was definitely going to try. The first thing he needed to be able to do was fly, and so he needed to learn that. Marcos spotted Flavio the moment he reached the field and he rushed over to the boy and wrapped his arms around the older boy, "Flavio! I'm ready to get started, let's get started!" the boy told his brother in rapid Spanish, the excitement both on his face and in his tone palpable.
The morning was chilly and Flavio would have usually wanted to curl up with a blanket and hot chocolate instead of being outside but he was instead happy to be in the cold. He was going to see Marcos and soon begin to fly which made being in the chill so early worth all the shivering. Flavio smiled wide when he looked up to see his brother bounding towards him. He opened his arms to return the hug he was given, then pulled his sleeves over his hands to keep them warm as he spoke, glad to be able to use his mother tongue so rapidly. "I'm excited to get started too!" He glanced to both broomsticks in the grass. "Choose one, and I'll have the other. They're both school brooms so they're not amazing but they get the job done." After Marcos chose a broom, Flavio picked up the one that was remaining and quickly brought one leg over it. He refrained from kicking off the ground momentarily, looking to Marcos. "Are you ready?" He asked, wanting to make sure Marcos was prepared before he flew into the air.
Marcos grinned with ease at the older boy as he shared in his excitement to get started on learning how to fly, that was certainly what he was feeling about it. He looked at the broomsticks on the ground that he was being directed to, and after a good amount of staring at the two he finally picked one. He held it in his hand for a moment, getting a good grip upon it, feeling the weight of it in his hand, it was odd to finally have the opportunity to fly. He held it up and smiled at him, he nodded at the question, "So ready!" he said excitedly. Marcos put the broom on the ground and like he had read and he held his hand over it, and said, "Up," the broom shot up into his hand and it was at this point that he put one leg over and shot up into the the air, he took a while to get into a steady position. He hovered next to Flavio with a little smile, "I'm doing this Flavio!" he told him grinning happily, actually surprised by how much he was enjoying this, even the little bit of flying, or well hovering in the air, "What now Flavio?" he asked excitedly, there was no keeping his excitement at bay, he could not contain it at all.
Flavio watched with an expression of pure happiness mixed in with pride as his younger brother called the broom into his hand, mounted it, and then hovered in the air with ease. Flavio followed suit shortly afterwards, and kicked off the ground, hovering next to Marcos as he spoke. "You're doing so well Marcos!" He looked around the empty pitch before answering his brother's question. "We can't get any quidditch equipment, but we're allowed to fly around all we want. We could have a little race?" The morning was still foggy, and the sun was only barely peaking above the horizon but Flavio was still able to see enough to know he could fly safely at fast speeds if Marcos did want to race. Really all Flavio did want to do that morning was fly, and spend time with his brother so he was happy to let Marcos make all the other decisions. As long as he was flying, he was also practicing for the upcoming quidditch try outs which was an added benefit to spending time with Marcos that morning. Flavio absent mindedly flew higher as he waited for Marcos to respond, excited to finally fly since returning to school and to catch up with his younger brother.
The boy couldn't help but beam from the compliment and encouragement that Flavio gave him, he really couldn't help it, it felt so good to be able to just fly up into the air and know that he wasn't too badly. The fact that they wouldn't be able to use the equipment was a little disappointing to him, but he was sure that they could do other things and so he was pretty happy when Flavio suggested that they do a little race. Marcos knew he was never going to be as fast as his older brother, but he though it would allow him to try to get a little faster, allow him to try to move more quickly. Steady himself on the broom when travelling at speeds which was sure to happen in a quidditch game, "Okay!" He followed with Flavio, flying slightly up into the air, and getting himself into a position to be able to do the race, "I'm ready Flavio!" he called to his brother with a wide grin, in position and ready to set off as quickly as he could manage when the boy said that he could. It would be fun to race his brother, one because Marcos loved spending time with Flavio but also because he was excited to just fly as quickly as he could.
Flavio nodded, and smiled even wider as Marcos agreed to have a little race. He followed Marcos' actions, moving to hover in a make shift starting position. After waiting a moment to gauge his surroundings and take in the amount of fog, he turned to Marcos. "Alright, one, two, three!" He exclaimed. On the three, Flavio immediately raced forward, though didn't make too much effort and instead allowed his brother to pass him. The entire point of meeting that day was to have fun and Flavio was happy to let his younger brother win the race.
Marcos steadied the broom, and watched as his brother did the countdown. He looked forward on two and then set off on three, pushing his broom forward darting out of his starting position and heading towards where he was, Flavio was faster than him to begin with, but Marcos pushed himself forward, unaware of the fact his brother was allowing him to win, and he was overtaking him, the smile on Marcos' face as he overtook him could've lit all the rooms in hogwarts, he pushed forward excitedly, urging the broom forward, urging it yet faster. He reached their proposed finish line before his brother, only slightly before, and had some difficulty slowing down to a normal speed before flying over to his brother and despite them both being on brooms several feet off the ground, wrapped his arms around him and held the boy close to him. Pleased to have raced, pleased to have won, and just happy to finally be at Hogwarts with his brother, being in the house alone had not been the most for the boy, being at school with his brother, and plenty of other people was amazing.

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