Looking for Something to Do

Estrella Drage

Obliviator for MACUSA | HNZ 1st Graduating Class
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Estrella sighed as she made her way up to the North Tower, having finished her assignments and run out of things to do. She ran a hand through her dark hair as it was growing back again, now almost reaching her shoulders. She smirked as she gazed down on the Lawn from the Tower, as the snow was beginning to disappear. Gripping the edge of the window with her chubby fingers, and even though she knew that she wasn't going to fall, she felt uneasy nonetheless. Her fear of heights was not so prominent while she was on a broomstick, because that allowed some sense of security, but on the other hand, standing freely somewhere was something entirely different.

She remembered how she had hated rollercoasters that she had gone to with her cousins in the past, all of which had left her knees knocking. At least, with a broomstick, she was able to grab onto something; if she fell without something to support her, well, she would fall, and that would probably be the end of her.

A lot of things had been running through her mind since the end of break, and for some reason, she felt as if her relationships with her friends were strained. She didn't talk to people that much anymore, and even though she knew it wasn't true, she held that paranoid insinuation that people were avoiding her.

She shivered as she pulled her robes about her, a slight draft wafting in through the window, rendering her cold as her teeth chattered. She considered going down to the owlery, but who did she have an owl to send to? No one.

Feeling that she was alone, Estrella winced, and only let a slight quivering of her lips to betray her emotions. She stared forward, her eyes like cold stone as she gazed over the beautiful scenery of New Zealand, somehow feeling that things were going to be changing. She did not move as the wind whipped through her hair, and she appeared to be a statue, not sure what to do or where to go, both in a physical and horribly literal sense.
Maddiie had been watching Estrella by a corner of the north tower. She seem upset about something. A girl life is so emotional sometimes, she sighed thinking about her. She watched for a mere en minutes, not wanting to interrupt, but yet again not wanting to be a creep. So she made her way up to her.

"Hey Estrella, esta ta bien? Are you alright?" she quickly said remembering she was not Spanish.

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