Looking for Someone to Talk to.

James nodded and reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled picture and handed it to Margarette, "Its a little old but its the only one I've got," He said as she took the photo.
"You do look like your father." she said as she looked at the picture, "You miss him, do you?" she continued. "Enough about your father, we should be happy that he is in peace. So how do you find your classes?" she asked.
James nodded, he was happy to move the topic away from his father and onto school, "My classes are challenging but I think I'm managing in them, what about you?" He asked.
"Same as you are doing in class." she replied. "You have any siblings? Me? I don't have any." she asked trying to have something to talk about.
James shook his head, "No, I'm an only child," he said. This was a shame in James' opinion, he had always wanted a sister growing up but once his Dad died it was never going to happen.
"You have always wanted a sibling did you?" she said. Margarette felt sad for James. Margarette also wanted a brother. She just kept quiet while waiting for James' answer.
James nodded thinking back to his somewhat lonely childhood, "It would have been nice to have had someone around to talk to, I mean my mum was amazing but I just feel like I missed out on something not having a little sister or brother," He said smiling as he thought back to all the times he wished he would have a little sister to look out for and to talk to. "But with my dad dying chances of having a sibling died, Mum threw herself into her knew job here in New Zealand so there was never a chance she'd find someone else, and although I wanted a sibling I would want one that came from someone other than my dad," James looked up and realised he had just gone on and on. "Sorry for rambling," He added.

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