Looking for some friends!

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Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Hi! So I'm new here and I still only have one character but I'm finding so far that I really enjoy this format of RP. Because of this, I'd like Amber to make some more friends (or enemies!) that she can interact with.


Amber is a first year Hufflepuff and she comes from a mixed family. Her mother is from a Pure Blood family in japan (though a disgraced branch of this family, her grandfather was disowned and moved to New Zealand) and her father was adopted by muggles at a young age, making his heritage a mystery. Because of this, she knows a bit about both worlds, though she definitely grew up with more magical influence. She is very happy and bright most of the time, and not shy in the least. She was excited to come to Hogwarts to make some new friends, so she would be easy to socialize with. She has a bit of an adventurous side too, but would only consider breaking bigger rules if she was reasonably sure that she wouldn't be caught.

Amber doesn't like showing negative emotions, so even when she feels upset or angry she will try to keep a smile on her face. This could be interesting if she had to interact with someone she didn't like, because it would probably crack at some point. If someone insults her friends, she would stop being nice instantly, though. That's unforgivable in her eyes.

So basically if anyone's interested in any kind of relationship (besides romantic for now), please let me know!
Hi, Daphne

Hunter would be perfect for her. They're in the same house, easily to role play. Hunter is like any other boy in his age. He's active, mostly because of sports, he's an occasion prankster too. Though, he's shy at first specially to other magical kids. The only person he knows that has magic is his parents and sister, who's a third year Gryffindor. All in all, Hunter is very kind.

Let me know what you think :D
That sounds great! I was hoping for some first years and/or Hufflepuffs and it seems like they would get along well.

We could do something in the Common Room?
So sorry for replying late. Common room sounds nice, I'll make the topic and pm it to you.
My dear! I have so many ideas for us! Daphne since Prudence is Amber's big sister for the Heta Omega Sisterhood we def need a roleplay with them! And of course she'd love to be helpful! I also have a first year Hufflepuff who is a bit antisocial, but also artsy and can make friends if they approach her, her name is Yiwen.

Then I also have a fourth year Hufflepuff who is similar to Amber, she doens't like people to know if she's upset and gets taken advantage of a lot. They could easily be friends! <3

I have so many characters, feel free and look at my tracker. I'd love to plot!

<3 Cole
Don't worry about being late! Life happens and I look forward to the topic, thank you :D
Cole, I saw that Prudence was Amber's big sister and I got really excited! I will reply to that thread soon because I Amber is excited too, I'd love to roleplay them together.

And both your Hufflepuffs sound fantastic, to be honest. I'd like Amber to make friends in her year but if your fourth year is similar to her I really like that too! Maybe we can figure something out, I'd be happy with any outcome :x
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