Looking for... Mostly Enemies...

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Ai Nightray

mum • all of it was worth getting here • loyal
OOC First Name
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Mixed Blood
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Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Redwood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
11/2018 (33)
I love making these.. No doubt about that... But since my summer vacation is starting in three days, I can RP all I want from there... xD ... So, now, I'm looking for RPs for all my charries... I think they're five of them, and I don't plan on adding more anytime soon... xD ...
Well, I'm sure almost everybody here knows her... And if you don't, you can always check her biography or character development linked in the siggy... xD ... Anyways, my favorite girl is getting sickly nowadays and has been missing a lot of classes and getting thinner, too... I'm looking for more enemies for her... Or some fights from some of her previously encountered annoyances... Well, if anyone is willing, I'm also looking for someone who could teach her Herbology or Defense Against the Dark Arts since she's really, really bad at those subjects... If you have any ideas in mind involving her, feel free to shoot me a PM or post here(I agree to almost anything... Especially if it's a crazy idea...) ... :)


I feel that he's being under the radar. Well, I made him and Ai at almost the same day or week, but I don't really use him much unless I have RPs involving him... Anyways, as we all know, Conan's being a bad boy, and being a bad boy, he's got to have enemies and some bully friends... I would really, really love any idea that would involve this guy into a fight or give him some influence on having a bad character/attitude... I guess that's all for Conan for now...​


And I'm starting to love this cute little guy (yes, I consider him cute) xD !!! So, Kil here is starting to get softer and softer... He isn't as cold as before, cause Hogwarts is slowly getting into him... Now, all he needs is a couple of friends to back it up... I'm looking for friends who can put up with his cold facade for a little while, and accept him for who he is of course... And I also know, that everybody has enemies, and Kil is not an exception to that... Maybe someone to be irritated from his rather cold stare or out-of-anywhere-glaring.. xD ..​


Mitch is a bit of a contradicting brat... She is spoiled and has a nasty attitude at times... But there are still chances when she is the childish, curious, sweet little prankster girl... Mitch is a very unpredictable girl as you would never know what personality she will show you and she can be rather blunt and naive... For her, I'm looking for friends that she can hang-out with from time to time.. Some enemies that could teach her that she's not the queen of the world... And maybe some mentors to teach her a thing or two about academics and manners... xD ...​


Sab is my most undeveloped character (personally, I think all my characters are undeveloped except for Ai and Conan)... I just made her out of the blue with nothing really in plan for her, and now I'm basing her over the RPs I'm having with a couple of people... So for her, I'm kind of hoping for more friends, since she recently transferred into Beauxbatons... More enemies would be good too!! And I'm also hoping to find her a crush, fling or boyfriend (any of the three will be good)... Since I don't really know much about her, it would be better asking me in PM any questions you have about her and I'll try my best to answer those...

Okay! Now that you have a general idea about these five, feel free to post or shoot me a PM... If you have more ideas or plots in your mind, you can post them here too, because I would love to know about them... If you have no plots in mind and just want to RP with me and my charries, I appreciate that too (actually I love doing that.. xD ) ...

<COLOR color="#ee4a2d"><I><FONT font="Monaco">~Marga​
Bump, bumpitty-bump! xD
Sarah and Ai: Well because they're both on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, they would've met- however briefly. And Sarah may appear to be sweet, but in reality she's not... But I was wondering how the two of them would go in an RP? They're both chasers... So... :)

Sarah and Hanna: Hanna seems like a b*tchy girl who has been spoiled- and that is like Sarah too! Despite Sarah being older, and having grown up in an orphanage, Sarah was still spoiled, and looked after by older people- so she has grown up being a brat, and thinking herself Queen of the world. Hanna seems like a younger version of Sarah, and so I was thinking the two of them would butt heads, but eventually, (a long time in the future,) when Sarah calms down a bit and matures, that maybe Sarah could sort of be like a mentor to Hanna? :)
Sarah and Ai
I'd be glad to have these two in an RP.... After all, who knows what could happen.. xD

Sarah and Mitch
We could try these two as well if you'd so wish.. xD .. Someone that Hanna could agree on with would be good for her.. xD ..

I might not be frequently on in the following two to three weeks though...
That'd be great! And that's fine! I'm still settling into uni, so I'm on/off at the moment. I just sneak on HNZ when I'm supposed to be doing my readings and assessment tasks... :r

So shoot me a pm whenever :)
Yep, sure thing! ^_^
I've got my two Beaux students if you'd like to RP with them?

Gabriella here (she goes by her middle name, Celeste) is a fourth year, she's energetic and enthusiastic, but she's keenly aware that people don't think her as smart as her big brother because she doesn't study very hard and focuses more on looking good and more importantly, Quidditch. She's a bit of a prankster and daredevil and she's usually pretty nice, though she can be pretty snarky and stuck-up. She's a bit spoiled and precocious but kind of realising that she's not as special as she used to think she was (especially since her grades aren't nearly as good as her brother's). Still, she's a great Quidditch player and she likes to have fun.

Alessandro is her older brother, he's a sixth year and he studies hard. He's quiet and not as enthusiastic and excitable as Celeste, but he likes to have fun. He's just very concerned about doing well and he knows he's clever so he wants to make sure he does very well. He's fairly reserved but he's not unfriendly, and he generally gets along reasonably well with people.

I'm still deciding on PBs for them, they're half-Italian and half-Belgian.

I haven't fleshed them out that well yet but I'd like to use them. :lol:

So yeah, let me know if you're interested!
Also I've got Elsa, my sea-fairing 2nd year Slytherin who could be a friend for Killua. :lol: She's sassy but she's pretty calm.
I'm very, very interested!!! ^_^

Hahaha!! Would you like to start any of them?
Haha!! Since I brought my laptop with me, I might be able to pull through with the RPs... xD ...

Anybody want to start the RP threads? xD
Well I've got an open one in Beauxbatons if you want to RP with Celeste :r

I can start ones for Elsa and Alessandro if you'd like, I'm just slow. :lol:
Haha!!That's fine with me.. ^_^

I can start something on Kil and Elsa then.. xD
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